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Justin Arnold

A member registered Jan 23, 2016 Β· View creator page β†’

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Thanks so much! :)

Thanks so much, I appreciate it! It's been a breath of fresh air and a lot of fun so far. πŸ™‚ Sarah's been enjoying making the assets overall, but it's definitely a big commitment. Coming up with that many new ideas has been a challenge!

Thanks so much, glad you're liking the development updates! It's going really well so far. It's been a lot of fun learning about various new stuff in Godot 4 and getting the opportunity to rework the tool from the ground up to be even better than before! I'm looking forward to seeing your new creations! πŸ˜„

Welcome back, glad to hear you had a nice break! Hope you have a lovely day as well! 😊


I love this idea! Honored that you're using RPG in a Box for it. :) I'll definitely be giving the first dungeon a go once I have my next release out!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Glad to hear that! Were you able to resolve your issue by running the software as Administrator?

Sounds great, thanks for the support! I look forward to seeing what you make with it. :)

Sure, no problem! It's enabled on a per map basis from the Map Properties tab. There's some more detail about free movement here in the docs if you're interested (it's not 100% up to date, but does explain a bit about it):

Thanks! :) Let me know if you have any questions about setting it up!

This looks great so far! :) Also wanted to mention that the download needs to include both the .exe and .pck file (e.g. zipped together) in order to be playable (both named the same, e.g. Invasion.exe and Invasion.pck).

Apologies for the issue! The error indicates that the game files couldn't be created on the file system for some reason. Normally nothing special needs to be done for this process to work, but another option to try is to run the application as Administrator. Do you have issues with both the "Quick Play" and "Export Game" feature?

No problem! :D

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! The path currently isn't set up to be kept between creating new games, but it's an option I may add in the future.

Regarding the trackpad issues: the software is designed to be used with a mouse, so using one is recommended if possible.

I'm not sure about deleting not working in the Map Editor, I haven't had any reports of that before. Do you have an entity selected in Edit mode when pressing the delete key? As an alternative, you can right-click the selection and choose "Delete" from the popup menu.

Hopefully that helps!

Thanks, I'm glad you like the series! :)

Were you able to get this working?

No problem, glad to hear it will be helpful! πŸ˜€

Glad it inspired you! The "Box in an RPG" idea was really clever! πŸ˜„

This is wonderful, I loved it! πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°

I'd recommend jumping on the Discord server, someone there should be able to help you out with this!

No worries at all, just happy to know it's fixed! :)

I searched for this issue on the Discord to double check that I had the information right, and it seems you were actually the person I was referring to (based on the user name). πŸ˜† Can you confirm that it's definitely working okay now?

Apologies for the issue! I believe I saw someone on the Discord server run into a similar problem recently and it ended up being due to their antivirus software. They were able to resolve it by adding RPG in a Box as a trusted application. Hopefully that helps!

I enjoyed playing through this! Looking forward to seeing more of it. :)

If a tile is inadvertently added to the selection, you can use Shift + Alt + Left Click to remove it from the current selection.

Could you provide some more details on what you mean by Ctrl and Alt modifiers in Edit mode?

Thanks so much! Yeah, the black void they had before needed some improvement, haha. Glad you're looking forward to more!

Thanks! :)

Thanks so much, Alde! I appreciate it. :)

Thanks Marco! :)

Apologies for the issues! I will probably need to see the exact script in order to further troubleshoot it. Based on the scenario, though, it sounds like you may be able to just use a dialogue since you're wanting it to branch out. Dialogues also allow you to insert scripts into them, so if there's any special logic needed you can use a script node. It mostly depends on how much scripting vs. dialogue is involved, in regards to which method is best.

Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that! 😊


No problem, I'm glad that worked! :) It's strange, though, since it seems to work okay when I have projects on my D: drive, so it must be a combination of things. I'll see what I can figure out! It's at least good to know that it works from your C: drive in the meantime.

That's very strange! I'm not sure off the top of my head what would cause that. What version of Windows are you running? I'm wondering if I maybe have a bug somewhere related to file names/paths. Also, is your project folder on a secondary or external drive? If so, can you try it with the project folder on your main drive?

Great, no problem! I'm glad to hear it's working now! :)

Apologies for the issues! Unfortunately I haven't seen that error before, but based on the message it sounds like Quick Play can't find the executable it needs to run the game. If you look in your RPG in a Box installation folder, is there an "export_templates" subfolder with files inside it? 

Regarding the file deletion issue, are the error messages displayed within RPG in a Box or in your file explorer? It sounds like that may be an OS issue. If you haven't already, you may want to try restarting to see if that allows you to delete the folder completely. Hopefully that helps!

(3 edits)

Hi, I'm Justin! I'm a solo developer pursuing my dream of creating a fun, easy-to-learn tool for making games and other interactive experiences. My hope is that RPG in a Box will allow anyone to bring a story or idea to life regardless of skill level or age!

As its name suggests, it contains everything necessary for doing so, all packaged together "in a box". The software is designed with a fun, beginner-friendly approach in mind as to not require any programming or modelling knowledge, while still providing a wide range of customization and openness. You can export your game to a standalone format for Windows, Linux, and MacOS, allowing others to play it without needing to own RPG in a Box! A free demo version is available on both Steam and

Even though RPG in a Box reached v1.0 and left Early Access on May 10th, I still have many more ideas in store for it. However, I'm now at a point where additional funding and visibility is needed in order to continue full-time development of RPG in a Box. The funding raised from this campaign will allow me to continue developing RPG in a Box beyond 1.0, specifically to expand and improve upon existing features and to pursue the long-term goals that I have for the tool.

As a token of appreciation and to give something back to those supporting this campaign, each perk comes with one or more digital rewards, including your name being listed in the software's credits, a copy of RPG in a Box, or even a custom tile, object, or character of your choosing. I'm very happy to say that my wonderful wife, Sarah, has graciously offered to create and customize these models, which are offered as part of the perks at the $50 level and above and as add-ons! Perks at the $30 level and above include a Steam key for RPG in a Box. All perks include having your name listed in the software's credits (if desired), with higher tiers being listed higher in the credits.

Your support means so much! Every little bit helps and will go a long way towards allowing me to continue pursuing my dream and fulfilling the vision I have for RPG in a Box. If you'd like to know more about RPG in a Box or this campaign, feel free to do so via the comments, direct message, or social media (links below). I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Click the graphic below to check out the Indiegogo campaign. There's only 1 day remaining!

Even if you're unable to contribute to this campaign monetarily, please consider telling your friends, family, and colleagues and sharing about it on social media. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped support RPG in a Box in any way up to this point and to everyone who will do so going forward! I truly appreciate your help in bringing RPG in a Box to the world. I believe that RPG in a Box can be a means of creative expression for everyone!

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Trello Board:


While the below list of features lies outside the scope of this campaign, reaching the funding goal would be a huge step forward and bring these closer into sight. I thought it would be beneficial to provide a high-level look at what I plan to implement into RPG in a Box in the longer term if I am able to continue developing it full-time.

Thank you for the feedback! I considered this, but in the end it didn't make sense to tie any specific features or functionality to the campaign as goals. Everything on my Trello board will be added eventually regardless of the outcome of the campaign, and it could be misleading to list certain software features directly on the campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to allow me to continue developing RPG in a Box by providing the necessary short-term support needed for myself and my family, and to hopefully achieve further visibility and recognition.