That's probably because you haven't unlocked those wheel slots yet. You gotta level up some first, you can see when you get them on her rank page. The game will also auto -assigns emotes to it when you rank up.
Recent community posts
The lever is only for 1 of the mannequins (or whatever the are). The other one that keeps roaming on you requires a different approach. It's a bit more of a pain in the ass depending on where you are but when the timer and skull on the top corner shows up, you actually have to go back to your office (where you start the night) and grab a hard drive, they're on the right of your computer, then run back to the room with the lever and across from it is a console the hard drive goes in. The slots are on the bottom right I think.
The game has a bunch of potential and I anticipate it's future, but it definitely need some more clarity in your tasks, and a way to view the hints at will instead of a random one after each night.
Thank you Nunu, that seems to have fixed it. I haven't run into anymore of those pesky errors.
However, I did notice a few tiny things that aren't of significance but just so you know, Sami's 5th corruption when deactivated still shows the "Under Construction" symbol but does turn to the usual lit star when activated, and maybe these are temporarily gone for editing purposes or such but Lisa and Sami's Bio's in the "In-between" as I call it (the menu for all the corruption toggles and whatnot) are missing.
Keep up the good work and don't burn yourself out.
I'm not exactly sure how you would do a "clean installation" of these types of games where you just extract the files unless it's as simple as deleting the old folder before extracting the new one (which I always do) instead of overwriting the files, or I have a misunderstanding of how it all works.
Here's the error, I hope this screenshot has enough of it to help.

Hey Nunu, I haven't been able to enjoy your recent update as I keep getting hit with errors on various parts of a run, such as trying to view the "Event Tree" (the button above the ?, I don't know what to call it) across multiple times throughout the days unless I am already in an event, viewing the patch notes in-game, trying to view some paths in events (Like Lin's advice I think it was) and the killer which sends me back to the menu with no way to roll back to try and avoid it. The reason being is because it's the start of Sunday.
I figured others had come across the issue(s) and reported it resulting in the lack of a devlog here as you fix them along with you working to finish Lina Halloween aswell, but then I thought I might aswell risk a repeat reporting to make sure you're aware of them. Thanks for all your work.
Wow.....that's quite the story. Now I don't know what to feel, thank you Nunu for the answer, grade A writing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to give Lina plenty of headpats and proper lovings.
Before that, Moving to a lighter question while it's on my mind, is Lina's 5th corruption not fully in the game yet? I did the requirements for it and did the event, but it doesn't seem to be there?
I gotta ask this cause it's buggin' me, but what exactly did those boys do to Lina? I know I may sound dumb for asking cause "IT's ObViOus BrO" considering how she reacts originally with you physically interacting with her and her "muteness" maybe implying so, but I keep thinking I may be jumping to that conclusion by default because that's usually the go to. Since Lina responded "no" to you asking "if she dislikes the boys in the photo" AND to "if they did something to her" and since she also still has the photo of them all, I started wondering if maybe I misunderstood what exactly happened between them.
Also wondering if we could maybe get a memory in Lina's section of us hunting down those boys and stringing them up by their ankles in the name of justice for Lina as I care deeply for the honor of all these lovlely ladies you've given us Master Nunu. (Or maybe I need to go outside and touch some grass, talk to real women instead of virtual 3D waifus. Probably)
Does that mean you would consider removing some of Ryo's body hair (armpits specifically) for those of us who aren't about that? Or even better, add an option toggle to remove body hair from all the girls (pubes and such) so there's the choice for those of us who like or don't like. If that wouldn't add too much work of course.
What is it with Fatal Fire and making absolute BANGERS for this game?
The title song accompanied by excellent vocals just hits hard.
The new arcade menu music has me bobbing with it every time I finish a shift.
Then there's the new chase music. Really? Did it need to go that hard. Probably not, but fuck it, I am here for it.
There might be 1 or 2 from the story mode I'm forgetting , but either way, KEEP THEM COMING!
I've experienced this obnoxious bug with the pie slices where if I want to have 1, I need to buy 2 but still only end up with 1.
In more detail, if I buy 1 pie slice it doesn't show up in my inventory, but if I buy 2 they both show up except if I use 1 of them, they are both "used" as if I only had the one. If I got 2 energy from it, it wouldn't be much of an issue but I don't, so it is.
I played his little game of cat and mouse and cut him off but now he's just straight up gone. Edit: I found the secret path so that's solved.
Honestly I hate to say it, but I need a walkthrough or something with the amount of dead ends I've hit otherwise I'm just bumbling around. Maybe a bit more hints at the very least.
I don't like to "have my hand held" but geez am I always lost.
Ari is the security (and maid I think, unless she's just kinky like that) and doesn't like when the other security (You) is losing their nerve. In other words, make sure your sanity isn't too low when she shows and she'll leave after a bit (If you can hear yourself breathing heavy it's too low. Just be careful of Misty).
Acquire a companion and let Bonfie leave the arcade, then leave your companion at the back of the arcade and spam distract so the girls stay in the arcade. It's far enough away from MOST of the objectives so they have to walk a bit still before they can see you and keeps them out of your hair. Then all that's really left is learning a pattern for each objective group for efficiency sake.
Really sorry if you have been asked this like 100 times, but I was wondering if you ever have any plan to release LSH or HTA and future games on Steam (even if not until there 1.0). I remember seeing you say something along those lines for LSH buried somewhere in these threads and hoped you would as it would be nice to have them on there for multiple convenient reasons, plus you would reach a wider audience thus receive more support (I believe so anyway). I you're not, that's alright. I just wanted to know if I should wait for them there or buy them here. Keep up the beautiful work and don't burn yourself out.