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Neathervex     Uploaded some sample maps here.

I'm not on my pc at the moment but I can send them tomorrow to you here :)

Hi. Thank you very much :) Should work fine. There are only slight changes in the A1 as example light color change. 

Hi SirLovealot. Thank you :) What do you mean with error? Tested it and it worked fine on my pc. 

Hey bajibarg. Yes, I used them as event with a move route. But you can also use them without moving.

Hey :) will upload the animated chimney with the next update. 

Hi benakin :). Thanks for the support and feedback. Major updates for the first tilesets will not happen because they are done. My focus is on new sets. But I will also do some quality updates every few weeks with smaller updates. 

Hey clitvin. Sure, can add this for the next update.

fizzlymike Changed it :) 

But I also thinkyou are right. Give me 5 Minutes and I upload a version where it's on the left. 

Hey :) Sure, you can rename the old one and download the new. 

It's compatible with all except with the cyberpunk. I need to update the cyberpunk sets because it was my first drawings and I got a lot better in the last 3 years :) 

Thank you very much. It's still in development so more updates will come soon.  :)

hey, you used the texture folder for "other engines" You don't need these if you're using RPGMaker. 

Ah okay  :) Yes, that's true but most people don't need every set. And in terms of price, I'm on a par with the competition.  You also have to bear in mind that I've been working on it for 3 years. Saving 3 years of time for the money is definitely worth it. 


<3 <3

Gerne. Danke für die Unterstützung <3

Hey Limarius. You didn't like the swamp tileset?

Thank you <3 will add more furniture with the next update. 

(1 edit)

I will add some texture passable configs in the future with pics. 

But it's really easy in RPGMaker compared to other engines.  

However, you have to be careful with some A4 walls as they are not considered walls in RPGMAKER, the character can still walk on them from below despite the "X" as I simply wanted to offer as many textures as possible. You can easily prevent this by placing a window or any tile (can also be empty) with an X on the bottom so that the character cannot walk on the wall from below.

 If you have a Discord, you are also welcome.

There is a large Discord with 250 people for my tilesets where you can also exchange ideas with each other. :) 

I hope I could help you.

Hi alderpaw. Yes, you have to configure the tileset by yourself. I have small pic for the textures. Maybe it helps a little bit. :) 

i think you need to make a new project and copy the data files into it. 

ah there's the issue. You have to create a new tileset and set the images. It's still the standard tileset. Then you can switch the tileset on map settings. Hope this helps. 

then it can only be the tileset settings in RPGMaker. How are your tileset settings? 

Hey invisiblevampire. The files get into the tilesets and characters folder. Hope it helps :)

Hey Aerosys. Thanks for the info. Next update will come  tomorrow with a lot of new stuff. Will also fix that. :)

Yes, they are transparent. I also uploaded a empty one :) <3

Thank you very much. Will add more stuff soon. :) 

<3 huge update with new stuff will come tomorrow

Thank you very much. Wow, that looks awesome. I don't do custom work because there's just too much to do at the moment with all the tilesets planned. But I'm always open for suggestions  :)

Thank you very much :) Yes, the cows still need some work. 

I planning on a jungle tileset the next months but it will be more a fairy mushroom jungle. So more fantasy style and not a real jungle like on this planet. But I think I will so someday a normal jungle too. But I don't know it will be this year because a lot of sets will come this year first. 

thank you for the support and feedback :)

Hi RutgerS

Thanks for the support :)

Sure, I can do that in the common updates.  But there's anyway only 1 version of the tileset. 

So you can simply re-download and paste it into your game folder.



Hey MrWooArt. I will create more scifi sets this year. 

Will release a huge spacestation tileset this month.

Also planning on more cyberpunk stuff.

I want to do a scifi overworld set but I don't know when.

Also depends on how the scifi tilesets sell.

So it's too early to give more info about it because I don't wan't to promise something which isn't 100 % sure. 

But I will announce it on my discord or twitter as soon there's a schedule :) 

Greetings  Winlu

Hi npaulo.

My focus is currently only on tilesets.

Most user of my tilesets working with the 8D Character Generator which fits well to it.

I also have some sample characters from him in the fantasy exterior tileset. 

Oh I hope not :D Thanks for the feedback. 

Hey @krizmn. The anmiation should work like that. Keep in mind that is a 4 frame animation that work vertically. I also see that the file name is wrong because it has a $ in it. I upload a new version now and also added a new colour. 

Hello. I asked the person who converted the overworld set. That are tileset files and can be ignored(basically only there as a side effect of how i manually converted the tileset)