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A member registered Nov 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Yup, just letting you know to not get in trouble ^^ Regards!

Btw long time ago I've ripped the sheets from Harvest Moon games for TSR, so I recognised those sprites. Take a look: You'll find the carrot and that plant (it's from eggplant).

Hello. Thanks for those, very useful. 

I also wanted to let you know that these are ripped from Harvest Moon games and I would not use them as my own, they are copyrighted.

I don't want it to sound like I'm accusing you of plagiarism, but I know these tiles and I'm sure they're from this game - if someone gave you these graphics, I assure it's not theirs.

Nostalgia, you don't get it? ;)

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This look absolutely stunning! I love the character so much.

This is so generous of you, thank you! You're the best!!

Thanks you so much Maxi for this, that was really helpful. I was that dumb that I didn't used plugin command to show the grid ^^'

This is perfect for me, exactly what I wanted! Can I buy this plugin? I would love to use it in my game. 

Yup, saved like this, it's in correct place and it's turned on - everything looks like on your screenshsots. Just don't see any change ingame / can't see the grid. 

Dear Undermax, tried to check the plugin, but it just does nothing for me. It's turned on and configured, but the grid isn't visible at all. Checked on new project in newest version of core (1.8.0).

Thank you for you help and effort. Gonna check this out later when I'll be home!

Yes, I'm using this, but I want the grid ingame, not in the editor :) So you can ingame turn on furniture mode and place events or buildings or furniture, while you can tell where it's gonna be with the help of the grid. 

As I mentioned, the grid would be very useful in any building system, no matter if implemented by another plugin or just events, as long as it could be turned on and off with a command. It would be useful both for strategic games and for all kinds of building, or for example a game in which you can dig a field (the grid illustration makes planning easier), also grid battle systems. Iit wouldn't interfere with anything, because this grid would only be displayed (like guides), it would not have the task of controlling anything (this is done by furniture systems or it would be the responsibility of the developer). I'll try to do some sketch, too.

Hey Undermax, hope everything is good to you. I have an idea for a new plugin! I hope you'll consider this. The idea is: MAP GRID! I mean an option to show grid on maps. Parameters that we could define would be grid size, grid colour, maybe grid thickness? Also a radius from the player or an event maybe would be nice? This would be very useful for any furniture/building systems in our games. There's some plugins for that, but none of them provides display of grid like that, actually. What do you think?

Absolute must-have for a HP fan-games! :D

I see ;)

Ever tried RPG Maker? 

It's simply amazing, also RM2000/2003 kid here and I'm truly amazzoed. You did so good, it's like better version of that old RTP, I love it! Thank you. 

WOAH!!! *_*

Do you have any plans for kitchen chef's pack? Like 16 different faces with chef's hat? 

Another handsome man to the collection. Nice!

This game will be so good! 

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I love it!!! This can be great for a mine system, or mushroom hunt, or looking for shells on the beach.... Endless possibilities!

I miss the gifs with "now" and "before" in updates.

I like it! It's like RPG maker 2000 had baby with Sim RPG Maker 95 :) 

This example room looks so cozy, omg...

Love it!

(6 edits)

Hello, thank you. And you're doing great then!


To get the antenna to work you just need to throw the spear on the icicles :)

Omg, the tall tree and the bushes, it' s so wonderful, thank you!! <3

Another building/furniture system?! This is so cool! And by Aerosys, so it's good for sure!

Wow, he's so sexy! :D

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So we can make GTA in RPG Maker with this B)

I wanted to ask: do we have axe/pickaxe with swinging anims? 

Game won't load for me. 

I just can't wait for this game for years...any info when the full version will be released?

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Yup, like being said on the discord, it works like a charm now! Thank you once again.

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Um, sorry but have no idea which one I use... I mean, I didn't changed anything with the decimal separators. Could you please point me where can I check that? Also, thank you for such a quick response and for the update. 

Dear Jagonz, already bought this plugin, but had problem with casts events. I've did everything like in description, but my events is not saved. I put $memory tag into notes field of that event, set category to none. Created common event that has EvenMemory.cs in C# management, and this did strange thing to me. It's like it stretches the graphics of those events and the events change positions, too... Not sure how to describe this ,but maybe I could send you a video somehow?

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Wait, what? Can you tell what it was like with Yanfly? I had no idea that was why he "disappeared". Was anyone really rude enough to have a problem with this? And the fact that Yanfly was so polite was his decision. If other paid plugins were good or better than his, people would buy them, so those who harmed Yanfly can only blame themeselves!

Yay! Thank you. I'm super excited. 

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This is so generous! Thank you Eli. I'm using only MZ now, but still I think it can be helpful for the others. 

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I think if you are worried about what the templates will be used for, it is enough to simply add in the terms of use that they cannot be used in games containing X, Y, Z. But I don't want to force you to do anything, of course :) My game doesn't intend to contain any "controversial content". The templates themselves would definitely be helpful, because I guess you wouldn't animate every character, even the side characters - that's understandable, it's a lot of work.