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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love the how it's also accessible to visually impaired players. One thing I'm bothered with is that the narration will repeat if you accidentally hover over the previous text which is a bit annoying if the current text narration isn't done yet.

I don't know if I'm just bad at the game or if it was on purpose that during the boss fight, you can "die" to defeat the boss ("die" as in getting hit by the lasers, but the round just restarts so you can hit the boss with the fire). Good job with the game, I had fun :)

Also, I'll add that you need to reword the part "Whatever you're doing, stop immediately! You're going to break the game and it'll be on you if you do it!". I know it might cause a bug, but please reword it and don't blame the player.

I love the calibration function and how the player doesn't need to press but instead just hover over the buttons. The jump sound effects tend to distract the player from the instructions if the jump button is misclicked though - maybe you can turn off the sound effects if there's a new instruction.

The movement of the player is too fast which I think both players-with-hand-tremors and "normal" players alike will find difficult. 

I like the take on the theme (well, as said in the description at least; I am unsure if it got executed or not because the game isn't intuitive).

Ignoring all the bugs, I hate that part where if you tap outside the card area, it will say "Whatever you're doing, stop immediately! You're going to break the game and it'll be on you if you do it!". This is a game about accessibility. I know it might cause a bug, but please reword it and don't blame the player - especially since it's possible that the player may only be accidentally pressing outside the area due to the tremors.

Another minor issue I find is the length of how long you need to press a button/card. Though this is the paradoxical problem of accessibility for hand tremors. If the player has mild tremors, they might accidentally press incorrectly but can still press long enough - in which case, the game is doing fine. However, for players with severe tremors, they might accidentally press incorrectly and not be able to press long enough. Perhaps make the time to press the button/card shorter.

Note: yes, I do have (dystonic) hand tremors. When I get severe dystonic attacks, I get severe hand tremors and can barely press anything properly.

(1 edit)

What happens to the part when it warns you that "it" will come? I'm confused, it's not mentioned in the description.

Edit: I replayed the game. Aside from the tutorial not being a tutorial, when you finish the card game in the tutorial part it's just stuck in that "it" will come part.