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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Apologies for the selfish request just because my pc is weak 😭

Is there a chance that you would be able to release a pc-version of the game? Maybe my pc could handle it if ever. But if not, I'll try to continue the game on web. I really want to see how the story unfolds.

I wasn't able to finish the game (my pc can't handle the game sadly. not sure if it's just because chrome is eating too much RAM), but I love the representation of OCD where the Leonard initially acts "normal" but has these sudden thoughts of "did i turn off the stove?" and has to repeatedly check the stove. Even though I was only able to play the first few parts, it was able to show how debilitating OCD is.

I like the representation and how you did not try to glorify it nor belittle it. You just presented it as it is. Exceptional work!

I understand your thought process on the game design - playing with the distractions will lower the distraction bar because they're no longer there. Your game deals with the distraction not by avoiding them/putting them out of sight, but actually playing with them (Press or drag the mouse click to play the piano; Draw on the paper until it disappears by holding down the mouse click; etc).

Do note that the game design should show the intent of the game - which is how to deal with ADHD. Unless your point was to show how people with ADHD feels like everyday. Though seeing your design about how you have a distraction bar, that does not seem to be the case - because the distraction bar indicates that you want to deal with ADHD and lower the distractions (yes, I'm repeating words).

Now, about your words "it's just a game". Sure, maybe it is. But do remember that you joined a Mental Health Game Jam, and the point is to make a game and talk about mental health (raising awareness, showing how to deal with it, etc). So you have to be careful about it.

But no, I am not offended. I am merely pointing out flaws in your game design that you might be able to improve on for your next games.

I meant it in general. Because it has been a trend online to declare themselves with "undiagnosed ADHD" simply because they see discussions online about the symptoms and they "fit the bill".

Wait, what? The players are supposed to play with the distractions? Isn't that kind of backwards thinking? Since you're actually getting distracted by playing with the distractions.

ADHD is a nice topic to cover since it currently has a huge discussion amongst people online (about the symptoms, possible non-diagnosis (but honestly, please go see the doctor instead of self-diagnosing)).

The game has an interesting gameplay - straightforwardly showing how ADHD works. However, it's very easy to ignore the distractions since they are outside of the paper (or even behind) you're trying to solve - that is to say, they're not distractive enough. That said, this is coming from someone without ADHD, so I am not sure about the experience of people with ADHD playing this.

I like the unique gameplay. I love how it shows the feeling of someone with anxiety (and maybe depression or other illnesses - speaking of which, I hope you're getting yourself checked out, provided that this game is inspired by your experiences). Honestly, I'm not sure if all the white ones are supposed to be checked, but I'm closing them out because they don't sound fine, to be honest.

Not sure how to win. But a little side comment is that 10 minutes feel a bit too long for a repetitive gameplay. Plus, I'm not sure if it's because of my RAM (I have problems loading godot games), but I'm 100% sure that I'm clicking the checks/close buttons but they don't respond (it's definitely because of the RAM/chrome eating too much RAM).

I'll try the pc version later.

It's an interesting take on the topic/themes of the game jam. It's not particularly about any of the themes (maybe a bit on hope and recovery), but it does tackle mental health. Good job!

I've only gotten one ending so far. I might replay next time when I have more time and mental space to absorb everything. The topic is a bit heavy, so I have to take some break. I'm excited to see how all the endings tie up together though.

Like the other comment, more visuals and sounds may be better. But it has a nice narrative, so it compensates for the lack of visuals and sounds.

A little side comment. I don't think "overcome your ADHD" is the best wording. Maybe "manage" or "cope" would be better. Because you can't overcome disabilities.

Here's how it looks like to me (I closed my other apps, so my RAM is pretty free right now). Not sure if it's a problem with my browser (I'm using Chrome (updated))

Hi! I have the same concerns as the other commenter. I'll be waiting in December to see the downloadable version. This time I hope with save functions since it's kind of a long game.

Also, I encountered a bug where Saif is only a black rectangle when idle. Not sure if it's because I'm nearly out of RAM (I have other apps open).

For me, this perfectly encapsulates the theme of the game jam of "Loss". It's not "loss" in terms of losing someone through death, but a loss in terms of losing connection with someone. It does not only show the pain of losing someone, but also the anxiety that comes with it, thinking about the worst ("Did something happen?" (non-verbatim)), or thinking that you're useless ("Is it better there? [better than being with me]" (non-verbatim)).

The game showed the importance of online games/apps/websites and connecting with online friends - as to how they can be "real friends" unlike what other people think (some think that online friends are fake friends compared to "real life" friends). 

Good job.

The story is really relatable. I'm not sure if it's just me, but there's no music playing in the background. For better or for worse, maybe. Because there's a music playing in my head while playing - namely the bgm of the game I used to play during the pandemic. During that time, I isolated myself from my real life friends. But in the game, I made new ones. I knew them for almost a year or even more. But then slowly, as the pandemic ended, my friends quit. At first, I could still contact them on discord, but then they also went offline (probably uninstalled the app). While playing this game, I was crying in the middle because it reminded me of my online friends, how we're no longer in contact, how there are things I want to share with them, how I want to talk with them about anything and everything just like the old times.

Thank you for this game.

Thank you! The bats definitely enjoyed Halloween thanks to the Witch's candy~

I can't see the vid on the post, so I'll upload it here:

I like the puzzles ^_^ The art sprites are also very cute

Cute game. I love the candy background and the ghost obstacles :) Feels bad when I died though, haha.

Thank you for playing the final version of my game! I'm glad you remembered ^^ And thank you for reading the devlog :)

Acceptance community · Created a new topic Bugs

If you find any bug, kindly upload it as a video for me to see the bug. I'll try to debug it as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Thank you for the kind comment! I'm glad the point of the story got through.

I listened to the song and it is beautiful.

Noted, thank you!

Or is it freestyle?

I love the how it's also accessible to visually impaired players. One thing I'm bothered with is that the narration will repeat if you accidentally hover over the previous text which is a bit annoying if the current text narration isn't done yet.

I don't know if I'm just bad at the game or if it was on purpose that during the boss fight, you can "die" to defeat the boss ("die" as in getting hit by the lasers, but the round just restarts so you can hit the boss with the fire). Good job with the game, I had fun :)

Also, I'll add that you need to reword the part "Whatever you're doing, stop immediately! You're going to break the game and it'll be on you if you do it!". I know it might cause a bug, but please reword it and don't blame the player.

I love the calibration function and how the player doesn't need to press but instead just hover over the buttons. The jump sound effects tend to distract the player from the instructions if the jump button is misclicked though - maybe you can turn off the sound effects if there's a new instruction.

The movement of the player is too fast which I think both players-with-hand-tremors and "normal" players alike will find difficult. 

I like the take on the theme (well, as said in the description at least; I am unsure if it got executed or not because the game isn't intuitive).

Ignoring all the bugs, I hate that part where if you tap outside the card area, it will say "Whatever you're doing, stop immediately! You're going to break the game and it'll be on you if you do it!". This is a game about accessibility. I know it might cause a bug, but please reword it and don't blame the player - especially since it's possible that the player may only be accidentally pressing outside the area due to the tremors.

Another minor issue I find is the length of how long you need to press a button/card. Though this is the paradoxical problem of accessibility for hand tremors. If the player has mild tremors, they might accidentally press incorrectly but can still press long enough - in which case, the game is doing fine. However, for players with severe tremors, they might accidentally press incorrectly and not be able to press long enough. Perhaps make the time to press the button/card shorter.

Note: yes, I do have (dystonic) hand tremors. When I get severe dystonic attacks, I get severe hand tremors and can barely press anything properly.

(1 edit)

What happens to the part when it warns you that "it" will come? I'm confused, it's not mentioned in the description.

Edit: I replayed the game. Aside from the tutorial not being a tutorial, when you finish the card game in the tutorial part it's just stuck in that "it" will come part.