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A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Gefällt mir!
Bitte mehr davon!

Gibts nen Changelog?

Thank you for making (and providing these for free)!
(and all the other assets)

Thats a very fun and original game!

Graphics are also pretty nice.

A bit to hard for me, but a nice game

(2 edits)

Dude, this was made in 2016!


i think you submitted the wrong game.
I think it should be this here?

Very good voice acting.
The trees itself are very pretty. are they procedually generated?
The game made me expect a jumpscare at any time...

You cannot skip the first dialog. You have to wait some seconds for it to disappear. Dont press ESC!

The Art ist pretty nice, but the physics could be better. Its nearly impossible to make any jump.
If you make the movement faster and snappier, espacially the tongue, then this should be a pretty fun game!

can't wait

looks like i messed something up with code signatures or something... unfortunatly i cannot test it on mac :(

thank you! i'm happy you enjoyed it <3

Its based on real life experiences.. ;)

Very nice game!

Very nice!

Unfortunatly i cannot try it on MacOS. But you can download the project folder and start in in the Godoteditor itself (please use beta 13)

Very nice game! But unfortunatly my princess in is another castle...

more content please :D

Thats a pretty nice game!
Took me some time to beat the 3rd round xD

Nice music and sound effects!

The 3D-models and animations are very nice! Good work!

(1 edit)

Komm doch zu uns auf den deutschen Godot Channel, da findest du bestimmt jemand :)

Is the included character-generator a standalone program?
If yes:
- Is there a linux-binary? (or does it run decent with wine?)
- Can i import additional assets?

A demo would be nice :)

Thank you!
this was not intentional, but now as you said it... you are right ^^"

I won! that was HARD!

Controls and Camera are a BIT unstable...

But its very beautiful! very good job!

The idea is pretty neat, but you really have to work on the physics of the player!

Overall, a nice game! good job!

Very nice for 3 days!

I had a really good laugh with the ragdoll. Good Job!

The camera sometimes clips through the buildings and you cannot see the bike anymore.

Score: +90

i did it!

Well, what should i say?
Nice Graphics
Nice Gameplay
Nice Minigames
Had a lot of fun! Good job!

Nice idea and visuals!

It would be nice if the level would be randomly generated.

Thank you for your comment and playing <3

I plan to make a after-jam-version with control-instructions in the hubworld, because both suck at the moment and i have some ideas to imporove the whole experience :)

I always make my games a bit too hard by accident. I really tried do keep it a bit simpler and short this time, so you dont loose too much progress (it was a bit too complicated to do checkpoints that remeber how broken the level already is... not enough time in a jam with such stuff).

Thank you for playing and your comment!

The perspective was more or less just a test in the very early steps, but it looked so nice that i stayed with it. I also tried to make the height a bit more visible with the colors, but i hardly help. (but it looks good xD)

Its also the first time i used the ledge-grab mechanic. definitly room for improvment, i know ^^"

Thank you for following, playing, liking and reccommending!

This really means a lot to me <3

Hope i can deliver more games you like in the future!

Thank you!

I tried to make the camera not orthogonal (isometric view), but i barely help, because the character is 2D. It looked a bit better in iso, so i stayed with it.

Thank you for playing. I'll try to improve the platte of future games, so they fit better together. ;)

Thank you for liking it :)

Thank you for playing and your comment.

In the beginning i wanted to add a doublejump, but i scrapped the idea when i realized that i had only a few days left and i had not a single level fininished ^^"

If the Theme is fitting in a future jam, i'll make runstable 2 without isometric view and some more mechanics :)

Thank you for playing <3

Thank you :)

try going to the top right. The next level is on the high platform.

I used your excellent art for a jam-game.

Thank you so much for providing these assets!