I want to add that absence of diagonal movement wasn't the only problem with movement difficulty, but also they way input is handled too - if you hold one movement button and then press another - it'll be ignored instead of taking priority, this makes movement very unintuitive and clunky. But it adds to game difficulty, so navigating around corners becomes a challenge.
Recent community posts
Hey, so I downloaded your game, unpacked it and decided to check it with VirusTotal online service just in case, and this is what I got:
Is it false positive? It's just one of many checks called it malicious, but still it makes me paranoid. I just did the same with my own game and got 0 warnings, I use Unity. What you used to make your game?

Yes I enjoyed it, even though I don't really play platformers/arcade games much. Penguins however were constantly getting stuck in little holes, making the game very easy sometimes, moreover if you went AFK for some time in the beginning of the level, almost all penguins would be stuck in these holes, since they're constantly wandering around. I also noticed that they're trying to move in the direction of the bear sometimes (although not all penguins, sometimes there're 1-2 penguins who don't join the crowd), so you can lure them in these holes or to the bottom. It means, that because the time isn't limited, you can potentially never lose a fish or punch a penguin, if you have patience. Timer will probably make this game worse, as currently this game is rather relaxed. May be slowly increasing sea level will work? Or may be your score will slowly decrease, to ensure that players can't abuse penguin AI too much. Or may be you can teach penguins to jump/climb up? :D
If framerate is too low when new floor is loaded - you fall through the floor and die. I don't know what engine that is, but it has physics, which means you can perform raycasting, so you can use this to avoid situations like this by checking if there was an obstacle between point A and point B between frames. Or may be this engine has build-in feature for this, if it damages the performance, then enable it right before loading and then disable after few seconds.
Uh, wall grabbing mechanic caused pain in my wrist. Also double jumping requires super perfect timing for max effect, if you press second jump few milliseconds too late - you'll jump much lower, because the character starts falling instantly, without pausing, this causes more tries - and even more pain :D
Turn speed is everything, as it allows both: dodging and alternating between the two thus increases your firerate, but I also found an AI exploit:

and this is even worse, we were just ramming the wall (standing still):
Edit: Oh, I see you're aware of it already and planning for fix it.
Then there's another observation - even when AI ship had better range, he still was to cowardly to shoot when I kept distance, as the result I was simply alternating between two cannons (I always chose turning speed upgrade when available) and I often won the enemy without him EVEN SHOOTING ONCE, even though he could. May be the targeting algorithm isn't certain at long distances?
I probably played this game wrong :D
Mass towers made me invincible, and because he kept sending units I was getting more scrap than I can spend, because I was spending all oil on trucks at first - I had better economy and because he sent more units (more scrap for me) - I also had better defenses, then I simply spammed both - tanks and soldiers equally and upgraded only their armor - again equally. As for research I was spending all points into cannon damage (obviously). By the end I had so low framerate that I couldn't build towers anymore (browsers probably couldn't catch my mouse presses due to low framerate).
Edit: tower cost must all rise with their number, otherwise they're very cost efficient.
Hi, am I allowed to add new features to my existing submission? My game is boring prototype, I can spend those hours to make it less prototype by adding looting and leveling mechanics, if not, I'll simply fix "credits bug" I have (I forgot to include some CC0 assets in my credit section, but I mentioned it in game's description page and provided missing links there).