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Valiant Game Studio

A member registered Mar 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Happy gaming 🥳

Hello LucaTheBunnyWarrior, 

Looking at the error message, it looks like you are missing a file. Have you tried downloading the game again?

Hello Dewduck, you have an response to your email! Will continue the conversation there :)

Thank you so much for your kind words! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the game, and thank you for taking the time to share your experience 😊❤️

Hello all, hope you like Pendula Swing!

If you're having issues while playing, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Please make sure to send us your log and save file, to make it easier for us to help you.

Save and log files located at: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Valiant Game Studio\PendulaSwing\

Please send us both the file called Save.txt and the one called Player.log, in addition to any information about the issue you can think of. 
Please include which version you're playing. The version number can be found in the main menu, to the lower left.
Email to hello [at]

You can also join our Support channel on Discord:

Happy gaming! ❤

Hello damasdamas,

Sorry to hear about the issue! I tried loading your save file, but the game runs as intended. Did you try restarting the game? Otherwise, a log file from when you experience the issue would be helpful. It's found in the same folder as the Save file.

To make it easier for us to keep chatting, feel free to email hello[at] or hop in the Support channel on!

Hello GenosKidob, 

This is really strange! Do you have the quest appearing in your book? When you say "anymore", do you mean you have seen the option at some point before? 

Hi Spiketdr, would you mind sending an email to hello[at] about this? Thanks!

Hey ashurredly, 

So sorry to hear you're having problems! Could you please send us your log and save file, so we can have a closer look at what's happening? 

On PC, save and log files located at: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Valiant Game Studio\PendulaSwing\

Please send us both the file called Save.txt and the one called Player.log, in addition to any information about the issue you can think of. 

Email to hello [at]

Thank you in advance! 

That's so weird - you must have run into some really nasty bug :(
We'll try and fix it whenever we can!

Happy to hear restarting wasn't a big issue for you though. Hope the rest of the game treats you better :)

Hi Csiret, 

Thank you so much for reporting this! The kissing + inventory issue is something we haven't heard about before, and we'll do out best to patch it in the future. It should be possible to keep playing after restarting the game however?

Anyway, thank you for your patience - we're a super tiny team, and we're doing our best to resolve any issues when we are able. If you have any further issues, feel free to join us on Discord and we'll try to sort things out for you:

Btw your English is great, don't worry about it! :)

Hello Paperknave,

Really sorry to hear this is happening to you :( I sounds like the game applied some sort of setting right before crashing, and now it can't load again. If you could please send us your log and save file, we could have a look at it. If we're lucky, we might be able to hotfix so you can keep playing, or at least find what we need to patch for it to stop happening.

Save and log files located at: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Valiant Game Studio\PendulaSwing\
Please send us both the file called Save.txt and the one called Player.log, in addition to any information about the issue you can think of.
Please include which version you're playing. The version number can be found in the main menu, to the lower left.
Email to hello [at]
Thank you!

Hi dndumbass (hehe, nice name) - happy to hear you like the game, and sad that you're encountering a bug at such a critical moment in the story. Currently not sure why this happens - we'll have to investigate and hopefully fix it as soon as we find the cause. Thank you so much for reporting - keep your eyes out for any updates about patches! :)

Hey! Just a heads up that we currently still do not have access to our Mac but we hope we will soon! 

Omg thank you so so so so much! 

Hello Dizzardy, 

What a strange bug! The log and save file would indeed be appreciated :) 

They are located at: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Valiant Game Studio\PendulaSwing

Please send us both the file called Save.txt and the one called Player.log, in addition to any information about the issue you can think of. 
Please include which version you're playing. The version number can be found in the main menu, to the lower left.
Email to hello [at]

Thank you! 

Hey everyone!

We just launched a demo* for our new game, Kaleidocraft, a sandbox art creation game set in a futuristic utopian universe where exposure is valuable for an artist:

Craft kaleidoscopes, mandalas and more in a utopian universe that truly welcomes your creativity. Share your art on a wholesome social media and be rewarded instantly with love, followers, new shapes, color palettes and decorations for your holographic room. Enjoy your exposure, for realz!

We will be streaming throughout the week during Steam Games Festival and make the stream available on our YouTube channel as well!  Here are a few screenshots:

Thank you so very kindly for having us here, you amazing community of people!

Laura & Anna

 * by Demo we mean, it has Everything! Just a cap on the art you can store in gallery, which is 10.  We will most likely update this project to full In Dev!

Hello Palastrix, this is so weird... We've looked into it, and can't see what could be the issue. Have you tried downloading the file again? Which program are you using to extract the files?

Hey! Uh oh that Kit is so troublesome. Looking into it - thank you!

No worries at all! We're always interested in learning more about people's experiences with the game. Let us know if there's anything else on your mind, and happy gaming! :) 

Alright, at least you're not missing any content with them, and you can complete the main storyline. That's a relief! 

If you tell them that they should not build the mine, they are supposed to move away. Maybe that's not clear though, or they're not behaving the way we intended. We'll add it to our bug tracking system. 

Thanks again! :) 

Hello there, thank you so much for reporting this! Follow-up question - does this happen before you manage to get gas from them, or after? 

Happy to hear that it seems to be working now 😊 Hope you enjoy the game! 

Pendula Swing on Steam is also available for Mac. I would love to check now for here as well, but our Mac is at the office which we have not been visiting since March. We will look into it as soon as we get our Mac. Its so nice hearing you loved our demo! Stay Safe! :)

We looked into this and there is nothing we can fix. If you continue to have problems with the downloads, please kindly contact the support for Itch. I hope it won't be the case though as I am sure the have a lot to do rn! 

Hello Maple, thanks for reporting this. We have a patch lined up for tomorrow (Monday), which should fix the issue with Jeff Wings. Keep an eye out for that, and let us know if you still experience issues! 

As for the romantic issue, we haven't seen that before. It would be great if you could help us with some more info - so if you have the time and energy, could you please email us at Thanks in advance! 

So sorry! That is strange! Looking into it - thank you so much for your patience!

(1 edit)

You people rule! Thank you so very much for this amazing initiative.  You have our sword, as instructed!

Hey! This is interesting - you absolutely should be able to see a buy button, like so:

Let us know if you still experience troubles!