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Thank you! I absolutely will add sounds when I next update the game.

Thanks! You’re absolutely right

Thanks for the feedback! 1170 points is quite good I think. I'll keep those ideas in mind when I maybe update the game in the future.

Thank you for the feedback! I didn't actually do much playtesting so I'm surprised that it's good.

Thank you! I didn't actually call it a boss wave, but a hard wave, but that gives me an idea to add a boss. Maybe I'll add that when I update the game!

Really cool and unique game! It would maybe benefit from a tutorial but it's not that hard to understand. The assets look great! Also quite fun, I'll probably be coming back to this one.

I didn't really understand what to do during the attack waves, maybe a more detailed tutorial would be good. Graphics look great though!

Is it? I guess I have more playtesting to do. Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I agree that audio will be great. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you

Thank you for your feedback! You’re right, sound would make it much better. I sort of ran out of time. I might update the game in the future but for now this is it.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! Indeed, both things you mentioned were because I had a time limit. Maybe I'll give it another update in the future.

Gorgeous and fun game! Will definitely be coming back to play some more of this!

Thank you!

Hilarious! Great job

Not bad at all! The idea is pretty creative. The movement does feel a bit uneven, especially the way that the wind hardly affects you on the ground but pushes you like nobody's business in the air.

Very cool and fun game! Just one problem I had: In the beginning, because of the way the camera works, it's pretty difficult to understand how you move (because you don't appear to be moving, unless there are enemies.)

nah, thanks

you know what? I'm going to sneak in an albert easter egg if I have time