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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice game. i was hoping to see more mechanics or powerups or something. also it would be much better with some music added :)

This was so hard! but good game. nice aesthetic. scaling mech is interesting but i wasn't able to progress long enough to use it well :(

i think i need an "old person" mode

anyways great jam submittion

I end up dying right as the door opens. probably a timing thing. but the gameplay is fun! good job!

polished, cute, stylish, scope is great for a jam.

i wish there was extra content but i guess thats for post jam. great job!

this is too good

A very impressive implementation for a very creative idea for the jam. loved it!

controls can be a little tighter but really, super impressed with the idea and execution :)

very creative! it took me some time to figure out how to press the button. both because there isn't a cursor and because the button is a little flat. but once i did i got it!

I really do miss some chill music for the meditative experience , but i can see how this could be a thing. maybe add a speed multiplier button to 10x it? :)

this is very cute and chill, i just wish there was a little more to do. although exploring in a game world is kinda fun.

i finished the game :)

Dude i'm jealous! amazing game. looks very polished and definitely on theme

beautiful idle game. could be a little faster to start but overall love it. great pixelart

very creatıve! the music is great. however it was so hard! i couldn't use the keybord so had to click on the screen buttons.

This seems to be built for a phone/tablet. i think it's good! maybe i'll try it on my phone later

still a very hard game. this climber climbs fast :)

overall great game for a jame

cute game. love the upgrade system. at some point it started lagging hard so it needs optimizing, however that's understanable for a game jam. would be nice to see extra attacks (like ranged) in next versions

beautiful chill game! the isometric art reminds me of Transport Tycoon.

Took me a minute to realize it's drag&drop :)

great game! loved that you have day night cycle for aesthetics only :)

Good game. but i guess i'm not very good at it. love the high score and post processing

wow you really went all out on the graphics and cutscene. love the premise and the story! i wish the game was a little longer. but good job overall visuals are 5/5

Your music and audio slaps! great job. was bobbing my head to it while playing.

i think you need some sort of a visual clue to when you can click on a card (there's like a delay between clicks). also i wish some cards could heal you.

but overall a fun submission. loved it!

btw i love the menu!

Beautiful visuals and great game for the theme. great job!

Cute game! i wish there was a minimap or something to help you predict where to throw. or maybe some hint path for the throw.

but over all a great interpretation of the single ability theme. good job!

cute but kinda hard. i couldnt last past a few. maybe i'm just bad :)

i like that you added sound fx, that really adds a lot.

overall a cool little game.  i'm sure you'll make something even better next time

This game is cute and the beep sound made me giggle.

This is simple yet the core gameplay is really fun!
just add more things to it like other cars and level goals and this could be a full game. 

overall i enjoyed it! i beeped a lot :))

Wow. I have a few notes but overall really impressive and polished for a jam.

Camera movement is a little finnicky but man.. Cut scenes?? color me impressed. with some more work could be a full game. 

I wanted to play on web but unfortunately it's not working for me :( 

Cool game, it's been awhile since i've seen a 2 player local game. 

i like the overall theme. wish i had someone to play with. good job for a weekend!

cute game. i like the boss fight :) 

Great art style, great concept.

Sometimes my fish would get stuck in the tank for like half the time. but otherwise no complaints. very unique and cooll game!

Great game! might need some balancing in terms of upgrades but very fun and addicting. easy to grasp. lots of nuance.

And the little wobble animation on the flowers is so cute!  i'm sure this will get placed high

I like the general idea but i only saw angels and no "misbehaving" souls. maybe i'm missing something. the animation for sending to hell is cool. i wish there was a bit more tho

Thanks! There's actually more to the game but I will only be able to update the game after voting ends 😅

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for playing 

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it 😅

Thanks! I'm glad you played it 

Inspired by the mini game however it's used as a mechanic in the queue managing sim.

Amongus didn't have that :)

(1 edit)

Yeah there were other features but time crunch 😅

Thanks for playing . See if you can beat level 3 🤣

Thanks! i'm glad you enjoyed it :)

i like the movement but i suck at aiming. the upgrade mechanic is very good! great game <3 

(1 edit)

Is it a shooter? is it a memory card game? who knows. all we know is that it's cute and fun. seems like it has a lot of potential. especially if you make several rooms and each room gets another ability. i enjoyed it :)

The game looks really good. i don't have much 3D experience but still. love the walking bobble and the blur when moving. the mouse move is a bit too tricky imo. 

The idea is good and the execution is great for 2 days of work. well done! 

Interesting game. did not expect 3D from those menus (which were cute!) 

i love the choice of music and soundFX

I liked the retro feel of visuals (beautiful bloom) and the sound design. very cute. i wish the gambeling aspect was a little more clear and a main menu.

but it was fun to play. played like 10 times before moving on :)