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A member registered Jul 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Fun game! I really like the idea that only one 'ball' can reach the end in a level, which matches the theme nicely. (There seems to be a wrong block in level 4, I see a hole block but it acts as a solid block)

This idea made me consider my shots more, because ammo is limited. I liked it

I liked the idea for this game! The shield could face the cursor. I liked that the shield could also be used to take out enemy ships

Nice that you added a tutorial!

I really liked the graphics of the game, but I could not find out what the controls were. In the menu, it says "press any key", but only the enter key worked. I liked the idea of creating a checkpoint at the cost of health.

It took me some time to understand the controls, but i like the idea that the placement of the cube controls the game, this way you can't do several things at once. The graphics are nice!

I really liked the graphics!