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A member registered Jan 03, 2017

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10 hours of work, bottom floor has a line of nets for items. middle floor is palm trees, potato farms, cooking and water purifying. Had to wait until the shark was on the far side before i went for a swim to get the photo ahaha

Adding an end game or another objective other than just surviving and avoiding the shark, like an eventual rescue perhaps.
Adding more solid walls, floors, roofing. "customisation" type stuff.
Add fish to spear possibly, as well as adding some other fish to come off the rod.
Adding more materials, to diversify the crafting as well as give the possibility of other items like rubber and plastic leading to things like a rubber boat: for the following suggestion.
Adding islands to swim to/paddle to, perhaps finding other materials to build things out of.
New breeds of shark/quantity of sharks.
More ruthless shark nature, notices you are not stabbing it to keep it away and attacks more frequently and vice versa.
Birds, add some birds, surely there are some seagulls or something wanting to steal your coconuts?
Temperature bar, all that cold water and no warm place to stay must be making you sick, right?
Clothing, even just a seaweed shirt and pants to protect from the sun, or a shark bite.
Night time/day time cycle.
Furniture, more specifically a bed for the night time cycle.
Pets, i want a pet seagull or a pet crab or a dolphin friend to help keep the shark away.... or even a shark to keep the sharks away?
Random items that could have washed out to sea, a floaty, a tennis ball, plastic bottles.

All just suggestions, but theres a large potential for this game and it takes one or two good ideas to make a good game better.

I had a problem with the axe not properly destroying items, or destroying items behind my intended target. just had to rebuild the unintentional brakes and had to find the pinpoint on the correct items.
Also had a few problems where i was trying to place flooring above pillars and it was as though there was no pillar, except that in most cases i was able to place next to the same spot, from the same pillar and it would work, quick fix was just to destroy the current pillar and make another.