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A member registered Jan 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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RTS is a hard genre to create in such a small amount of time like this but this was done very well.  I was not able to make it to the end myself but holy is that an awesome ending sequence!

This game has a very cute vibe!

This is very well crafted, the reverse poems as well as the reverse levels felt so satisfying once I found out what was going on.  This is a really nice and heartwarming game!

A cool twist on the classic space shooter!

Very simple platformer!

The minigames and slot machine alongside the auto runner is neat and keeps you on your toes.

The overall theming and the multi-tasking gameplay is really cool!

All other games took an approach of only building power so the regulating power during gameplay is a very cool take on the power theme.

This is a neat horde survival game!  One thing I didn't quite like was the fact that my main attack would eat at my power so it seemed you either wanted to only use main attacks in between some parries or you only used parry until you could wipe the screen, the ability to have both forms of attack be effective in their own right would bring this game out a lot.  I really enjoy the vibe and really appreciate the ability to see your character in action with the How-To screen up, very nice touch.

Fun little clicker game, it was fun to explore all the different things that I could do.

The whole idea of utilizing your position to create greater attacks is a really neat idea.  I think that there should've been an explanation or some kind of further utilization of that mechanic as it is super neat.

This is a neat puzzle game!  I was curious how it would start stumping me but I soon found out how!

I like the mechanic of choosing when to end the game.  You try and see how many points you could get without starting to go negative so the choice is left up to the player.

This is a really neat puzzle game.  I love the how it isn't just a slower paced puzzler platformer as the introduction of the no power mode where you have to focus up on your platforming in order to keep going.

Really cool way to bring looping mechanics into a platformer.  Really rewarding to try to speed run a level over and over, with the new powerups helping you get faster and find different routes.

I really enjoy the gameplay loop involved with this.  Merging the colors into different colors is a nice way to continually introduce challenge into it.

This is cool idea that I freak with a lot.  It is interesting to try and find the balance between the different types of upgrades.  The different balls are kinda tough to keep track of and remember what they do but it is a neat idea.

Really sick game that has a high skill ceiling!  I especially love all the audio; music, voice acting, and other sfx.

Really tough game but it is super fun to train the enemies up and get a ton of cogs.  If the melee had a bit more knockback I would be better at the game (maybe not necessarily the game be better).

This is a super intriguing game and I love that you have to build out your circuit to increase your vision and your zap range.  This is genuinely like nothing I've ever seen before and is a really neat idea.  I got to 6600 before the engineers starting flipping all my circuits and I couldn't keep a big enough area of effect.  Really good stuff.

Really interesting mechanics all around and I think it perfectly encapsulates the "power" theme.  It feels really good to quickly chain enemies and launchers, building up and retaining all of that power!  The game also looks and sounds beautiful!

I love the management of the different powers, finding the route to use the powers and pick up others.  Art and music are so cool and stylized and epic.

I freak with the card battler!  I really enjoyed how many different words that you could end up making with POWER so it worked out really nicely.  The music is a very cool vibe to have looping throughout!

RPG MAKER RAHHHHH.  This has so much character and charm.  This is genuinely so beautiful.

Interesting puzzle game!  I think it becomes a little tough when the pipes are slightly off and am interested the reasoning in not having a simple 4 way grid of sorts when creating these levels.  Love the atmosphere and the theming!

this is freaky cool and epic and if I was good sick cause this def has tech.  Really like the whole music and the art.  The textures are goofy when coming up close to them but I think that it gives off an interesting feel.

This is a really unique game!  It's really cool running around trying to kill as many guys to keep you going.  It's also pretty difficult!

I think this is on the verge of being really cool.  The vibe is there.  The environment and sound work are on point but the actions and gameplay are a little barebones.  Overall this is really neat and I love the idea.

I LOVE the vibe of this so much.  The music and visual backgrounds changes into the deep sleep are so good.

The intro with the different sized text is really cool and sets a sick vibe.

Really interesting concepts and ideas of constantly running around and ensuring you are managing all of your resources correctly.  I also found out that since the lasgun had no ammo count I could just shoot the door in the generator room forever.  I think either getting rid of the lasgun (or balancing it) along with balancing the other guns and timers would make this a genuinely cool resource management horde survival game.

The moon is a little... sus.  I always love me some wario-ware so this was awesome!  The dynamic game-window was really cool and added a lot of impact to this.

This game is tough!  I'm also playing on a trackpad and I think that is nerfing me quite a bit.  Fun overcooked type beat concept!


A very awesome, simple, polished puzzle game.  The whole vibe fit together super through all the gameplay, visuals, and audio.  The lighting is particularly neat, especially through the grates.  I really enjoyed this!

The game seems to have a lot of cool things going for it in terms of design.  Seems like this isn't quite a finished product but I'm intrigued to see what could come next of this!

Really neat idea, it was so hard to catch the messages as they shot up the screen especially near the end!  I love the cute art and the music kinda bops especially the main menu screen!

Really cool play on taking the donkey kong barrels and making a level based puzzle game out of them!  I will say there were some levels that I thought the spinning cycles were really weird and I'd have to wait many rotations before I was able to shoot into the automatic shooting barrels that seemed to be on a slightly faster/slower rotation (unless I'm seeing these things wrong).  Very fun game!

Also, the dynamic line drawing system is super neat!

Actually insanely interesting and polished resource management game.  This is really well put together and the simplistic art style and chill music and subtle sound effects are perfect.  Really impressive game.