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Thanks for the feedback! I realized towards the end that it's a bit tedious to switch versions. So for me it was a question of player comfort vs. game theme. In my case, I really wanted to retain the feeling of an operating system (which is unfortunately sometimes very click-heavy :D). I hoped to create a good mixture of comfort and theme by giving the player a shortcut to the store page. And yes, I also noticed later that the install button has no feedback. But unfortunately there was no more time.
Just to explain my thoughts on this.
Thanks again for the valuable feedback and for your message <3
Mashing the asteroids felt pretty good and I like your presentation over all very much. The only con for me are the controls. Sometimes you are really fast wich makes it hard to click on. Also the grappling hook seems pretty buggy in generel. Sometimes you glitch back/get pulled back. Can' really describe it. But overall solid entry :)