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A member registered Jun 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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jus got better shit to do lil bro

for ur slow ass to find out

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pressed a black button on the left side of the screen and it blasted the loudest sound I've ever heard into my headphones every frame then I immediately closed the tab to make the noise stop now my ears are ringing

Great concept and execution for this game had fun playing it.

I got 9254 points! Kind of reminds me of that runner browser game.

Couldn't get the mouse look or left and right click to work for me but the graphics look good and the audio is done well

The wall is all the same color and the fov is very low so its kinda hard to see anything but the gameplay is cool and the sound is well done.


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yeah no problem

Theirs a bug in the bounding box collision example where theirs no deceleration if you hold into a wall. Like if Im holding left and up into a wall then stop pressing the left input it keeps moving in the left direction.

the enemies and upgrade blocks all separate into smaller blocks when destroyed 

This is really cool, you should make it so when you jump it switches gravity so you are either on the floor or the ceiling. I wonder how you could get the ai to jump and follow the player as well.


It comes with the extension installed

yeah I traced it lol

Open the game.json folder in Gdevelop

Thanks it would be great if people used it as a base for their own games

Made a short FPS game with the extension you can play it and download the project file.

That's great for rotating the camera left and right but it doesn't work for following a sprite up and down.

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How do you make the camera always face a sprite in all directions?

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figured it out I used the mouse lock extension

I got the skybox to work by putting in the resource name of an image into the create 3D scene action

thats so sick but the image u uploaded isn't showing 

This extension has been a lot of fun to use. I can't figure out how to rotate the camera object up and down like you can do with the rotate 3d camera action though, or how to move the camera with the mouse like in fps games.

Thanks I hope it will be!

Thank you!

Yeah the 6 levels in the game don't have a consistent difficulty curve to ease new players in, something il definitely improve, thanks for the feedback.

Thank you!

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I improved the games performance is it still laggy or at least less

I increased the snakes speed lmk what u think

Greatest Of All Time

Thanks I used Gdevelop

Game looks very clean and controls feel solid.

Simple and polished game with clean art.

Fun puzzle game with very clean visuals.

Great maze game and the randomly generated maze is done well.

The game looks good and the controls are solid.

Controls felt solid and the game is polished.

Interesting concept for a game, the random generation is good.

Really cute and keeps the gameplay refreshing with the abilities.