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A member registered 48 days ago · View creator page →

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Original and engrossing.  Very well done!

This is a well put together story, I always enjoy scenes in government offices when the rebellion/war/conflict reaches their door.  One thing I would suggest is to avoid similes that hinge around real life (hit like a semi truck) as it pulls me out of the world a little.

Fantastically clever use of the one page format!

Great little one shot scene, I want more now!

Nice one, I really like seeing the ogres presented in a more thoughtful, introspective light, not just lumbering brutes.

Cute story.   Having it told as a narration provided some good opportunities for humour, but I'm left wanting to know who it is narrating it!

Really glad to see this formatted more clearly.  It reads much more coherently.  Nice work.

Well done.