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SuperNrd Gaming

A member registered Jul 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

ok, well sorry about that! I was not trying to spam and I also was not trying to get ratings just for people to SEE my game. thanks for hosting though, the jam was cool! But I suppose I'll pack my stuff and leave.

can you not post multiple times in the same comment section?

(1 edit)

Can you please tell me what I'm disqaullifyed for? I followed all the rules!

I woke up this morning and saw I was Disqaulified! then I saw your comment from 3 days ago! I looked through the games description and could not find a link. can you please tell me what you mean by that? and if I remove the thing that you were talking about, can I get reqaulifyed?

this game looks great!

very nice!

this game is very cool!

Very well done! it looks nice!


very nice!

I love terraria! this is very cool!

this game looks great!

I'm happy to hear that!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

I sent a detailed reply explaining all the controls and animals abilitys! I hope it helps! (Also, the lore is that your friend, Beef The Cow, Is stuck on a deserted island!)

(1 edit)

Thanks! the controls are: drag your mouse (the bee) over animals to make them your friends. A and D to go left and right respectively and right click to summon all your friends and they will appear above you! Space to jump. As for the animals different properties, the sloth and bunny have normal gravity and the sloth is very large. The chicken floats in the air! I hope this is help full and that you can now enjoy the game! (also, I plan to update it after the jam)

this is awsome! keep up the good work!

Thanks! I do plan to update it!

cool! I like platformers!

Yes! I like that idea! I'll probably do that in the patch I'm releasing after the jam! Thanks for the suggestion!




ok! thanks for the heads up. I was just attempting to get people to see my game, but i'll stop.


very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)

very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)