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Kim Berkley

A member registered Mar 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the game just as much once the full version is released! :)

Hi there! I'm so sorry I missed this comment up until now; my apologies for not replying sooner! Thanks so much for your interest and your kind words. The game isn't coming out this year (2022) but I'm angling for release in 2023! (I've just posted an update about it in the devlog if you'd like to know more. :) )

Hi! Thanks so much for your interest. :) Nothing too major to report, unfortunately. All of the artists have been somewhat bogged down by other things but we have gotten a few things done and I'm hoping to share a proper progress update in the nearish future!

(1 edit)

This. This is cool. I had no idea what I was in for when I hit the download button, but I'm glad I did. It made me think. It made me feel. It made me... a little uncomfortable at times, but in a good way. This is such an interesting concept and execution. (And yes, that Nietzsche quote is a quote I use often, too. :) )

I went ahead and gave this one a shout-out in my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post this year—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

The art style (unique for VNs, especially on itch!) is what got me to stop and take a second look, but the writing kept me playing all the way to the end... even when I was supposed to only spend a few minutes previewing it. XD

Seriously, well done. As someone who has experienced brief instances of derealization before (but not for a long time now, thankfully), I wasn't triggered, but I was impressed with the nuances of this story—especially considering it was made in just a month.

I even gave it a shout-out in my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post this year—here's the link if you'd like to check it out! 

In any case, congrats on completing NaNo, and with such a cool entry at that. :)

Aw, this is such a beautiful little story. It made me think, it made me feel... it made me desperately want to go and spend some quality time in nature. (It's too late to say hello to winter, but spring at least is here—for now!)

I would love to see more of these characters and this world.  I think this concept is an excellent setup for a branching narrative—maybe even one where the player gets to pick their season, how they spend their time managing it, and finally, how they spend their final days.

But I loved this particular Spring and Winter, and their relationship, too. So even if this is all we get of this world, you should absolutely be proud of what you've made here. :)

(PS: I've actually featured this game in my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post this year—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!)

What a cool concept, and what a beautiful overall aesthetic! I love the color scheme and art style. Congrats on making such a lovely NaNo entry!

I even featured it in my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post this year—here's the link if you'd like to check it out.

This game has SUCH a look and personality to it. I've watched/read/played a LOT of Alice-related content (I'm a little bit obsessed), but I've never seen anything quite like this one. I haven't fully played through it all yet, but I love it so far!

I even featured it in my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post this year—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

This is such a lovely game so far. I haven't been able to fully play through all of it yet, but I fell in love with Diskarte and the overall look and feel of the world right away.

This game actually wound up being one of my top picks this year for my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

In any case, congrats—both for completing NaNo this year and for making such a beautiful VN (and so quickly!). :)

You had me at "extremely likable snarky female bard main character." Seriously, I love Abigail. (Lucius too, I think? I haven't fully played through all of the game yet.)

This game is SO ridiculously gorgeous in every way, from the art to the music to the writing. It's hard to believe it was made in just a month!

It's one of my top picks this year for my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

I knew I had to check this out as soon as I saw the space cat. I would fight the sun if Beans asked me to; he's purrfect. (I also adore all the puns. :3 )

This game wound up being one of the top picks for my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

Congrats on yet another successful NaNo entry. I look forward to future updates! :)

This game is SO incredibly adorable and polished. It gives me serious Animal Crossing vibes, in the best way possible. It made the very top of my annual NaNoRenO spotlight post—here's the link if you'd like to check it out!

Congrats on completing the game jam, and on making such a lovely game! :)

It looks great!! I'm so excited to play as FemShep, and to see the new content once it's finished. :D 

I haven't written an actual comedy before (unless you count my old fanfics, which are hilariously bad :P) but I do usually balance out my darker scenes with lighthearted ones and a touch of humor.

I heard about the game because I finished the trilogy (and Andromeda) and was basically in withdrawal, haha. I figured ME has such a following that surely SOMEONE had made a fan game... and a Google search brought this up pretty quick. :) The new LE art looks great!

I loved it. You had me at the menu song. XD I definitely understand about life getting in the way but I look forward to whenever you are able to complete the LE. And I'm sure I'm not the only one! Good luck! (And if you need any help with the writing side of things, I'd be happy to offer up some help anytime--depending on my schedule, of course. :) )

About to play the original version for the first time. I am SO looking forward to this. :) Any updates on the upcoming Legendary Edition?

Wonderful, thank you so much! The gray ending is definitely the easiest to get, haha. (It's also by far the shortest route, and shows you the least of the story, so I'd definitely suggest replaying sometime if you'd like to see more. :) )

*pops the champagne*

Thank you!! I'm so excited it's finally up, haha. Waiting to press that "publish" button was excruciating. XD

(2 edits)

chiaroscuro is a low-fantasy interactive fiction novella about art and inspiration, set in the heart of modern-day Rome.

Step into the shoes of Perce, a young artist in search of her muse who instead finds herself in the unusual company of two strange creatures, one dark and one light.

  • Immerse yourself in the art and culture of the Eternal City
  • Make friends with the creatures (or don't)
  • Seek your muse and fill your empty canvas
  • Discover up to five distinct endings

chiaroscuro is a short narrative experience meant to be played  in a single sitting, and is 100% free to play—and it's live as of RIGHT NOW! Click here to learn more or to download your copy today!

Thank you again for all your help. Your feedback was an excellent read. 😊

Glad to hear it! So am I 😁

Yep! This is "just" a visual novel, not a point-and-click adventure or anything like that. No minigames. Just lots of story and several branching paths to pursue. :)

A sweet, subtle idea. Love the art style!

Thanks! Don't worry, we aren't planning to replace any of Odd Lazdo's lovely original art from the demo. The plan is to stick as closely to the look and feel of the existing art as is humanly possible. :) 

Thank you so much for your offer! I've got a few potential artists lined up now, so maybe wait before reaching out to your friends, but if we need more help after all I will let you know!

Thank you so much! It means the world to me that people like you are willing to help out and support this game even now. Some things are happening behind the scenes; hopefully I will be able to share another update sometime soon!

Thank you so much! It's heartening to know people are still keeping an eye out for it and still care; it's been a long road, but eventually, the full version will be completed. :)

Thank you! If you'd like to try it a little early, beta testing signups are now open. :) See here for more info:

A happy surprise, I hope. :) And thanks!

PS: I featured this game in a recent post on my blog about Rome-inspired games. :)

Love the art style! I recently featured this game in a post on my blog about Rome-related games. :)

This seems pretty cool... so I featured it on my blog. :) Keep up the good work! 

This game looks so beautiful! I hope the full version eventually gets released. (Although speaking as someone who also made a 2019 NaNoRenO game that isn't finished yet, I totally understand why it's not out yet, lol. Good luck!)

Thanks!! :D 

Perfect, thanks for the recommendation! Enjoy the break; you definitely deserve it. :)

I'm always up for a good witchy narrative, especially one with nice visuals to boot. :) I very much appreciate the player character options in the beginning! We don't see enough of that in VNs, I think. I haven't played the full game yet, but I hope to soon!

(PS: I gave your game a shout-out on my NaNoRenO 2021 Spotlight, if you'd like to check it out!)

I've only played a little bit so far, but this seems like a lovely little fairy tale to get lost in for a while. The art and especially the sprites are so well done. Congrats on such a great start to your first game--and for completing it in time for NaNo, on top of that!

(PS: I gave your game a shout-out on my NaNoRenO 2021 Spotlight, if you'd like to check it out!)

I love a good original concept. Especially one as surreal and philosophical as this. It's so nice to see something so different amid all the classic anime-style VNs (not that I don't have a soft spot in my heart for those, too!). I haven't played all of this yet, but the beginning seemed very promising. :)

(PS: I featured this entry on my NaNoRenO 2021 Spotlight, if you'd like to check it out!)

No comments yet? Wha?

I am so intrigued by this game. I only played a bit of the beginning so far, but I already have so many questions. What was Audra talking to the professor about? What's Mallory's deal? Is she going to turn out to be the Homura Akemi of this story? And what is the something stalking Iris?

As a former (failed) art student, I don't mind the setting one bit, either. Looking forward to playing the rest, eventually!

(PS: I featured this entry on my NaNoRenO 2021 Spotlight, if you'd like to check it out!)