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A member registered Aug 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback!

I went ahead and added the controls to the very top of the game description.

Pushing the gold statues?

There's a hint for that in the mess hall!

You are so close my friend!  Look closely at both of those number sets and see if one can tell you something about the other..

Tons of fun to be had here, except for my aching hands from punching so. many. worms.

Visuals, great.

Audio, great.

Nice work!


We used this for the font:

Really fun.

Simple concept, nice progression of abilities; I was wondering about the semi-transparent "walls" from the first time I saw them.

Great job!

I really enjoyed this.  We also had a combination lock puzzle in our game and we are getting a fair few comments about not being able to figure out the combination.  I have to say I like your clues.  You had allusions to the answer and red herrings which made it fun and quite satisfying when I finally figured it out.

I also must agree with the comments regarding the axe.  I think the use of the axe is clear enough the moment you get it.  I think the lack of feedback when you actually use it is a little confusing, but since the path forward is linear enough, your trial and error will bring you to the solution.

Great work!

Are we about to have an old-off?

Back in my day..

The 80's was the best decade ever!

Get off my lawn!


I actually enjoyed the sound and music.  It has a great retro 8-bit feel to it and it felt nostalgic for me </old>.  Also makes me wish we had more time for me to try a retro theme for the music in our game rather than just scrambling to play/record guitar and bass tracks.

I think the cooldown gives you a sense of urgency and resource management which is nice, but maybe the people require too much damage to be.. juiced?

Alternatively, maybe the logic behind the number of people that meet the criteria and the probability that two people matching that criteria will have a "golden moment" where they will be in the same position at the same time?

Again, great work, I definitely enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for trying our game and leaving a comment!

WebGL was categorized as a nice to have and put all of our focus into the Windows native version.  Never thought about Ctrl-W!  

Maybe I should just go ahead and update just the WebGL V2 version to use Shift instead of Ctrl, lol.

Definitely challenging; was down one heart sliver left on my fourth attempt on the boss when I got him.  Not sure I understood the direction with the music, but the sound effects were nice.

Clicked because Enterprise 1701, did not disappoint.  Fun little experience!

Sweet Gauntlet vibes; love it!