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A member registered 26 days ago · View creator page →

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I enjoy the top-down movement, but the collision mechanics are a bit off as they prevent me from picking up items. Despite that, the overall experience is quite good.

I really enjoy this game; it's very engaging to play. Moving the box and the interaction is a lot of fun. However, I noticed that you can cheat by keeping one box with you the whole time and keep moving with it in mid-air. Also, resetting the game makes all the coins reappear, allowing you to double your score within the level.

I like the player model; it looks like a funny little creature. However, I feel the game volume is a bit too high for my liking. Regarding player movement, it feels a bit strange because when moving left and right, it seems like there's a circular movement with it. On a positive note, I really enjoy the mysterious song you've included in the game.

Here's a revised version of your critique:

"It's a funny little mini-game. I like the art style for the first level.


Level 1 - I was a bit confused because there was no direction on what to do. Knowing the objective of grabbing the gun would be helpful.

Levels 2 & 3 - I noticed that when enemies get near the player, it's challenging to shoot them; you have to create some distance to hit them. Regarding the gun, knowing where the bullets shoot would be very helpful, and increasing the bullet speed would be great. It's really difficult when the bullets are very slow, and the crosshair disappears."

This game is amazing; it's really fun to play, even with the classic map for the CoD vibe.


Game - When interacting with the mystery box by pressing F twice, it crashes the game and soft locks it. Regarding death, I'm unsure if the game should freeze or if a 'try again' prompt should appear, but that's what happened