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A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback! Yeah I never got a chance to update the ui beyond my first draft but I definitely would've liked to improve that aspect a lot haha

thanks for playing, glad you had fun!

glad you liked it! Yeah I decided against punishing for skipping notes to let people do exactly that haha


Thanks for trying it, glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for trying it out! Yeah I wanted to start it faster initially but the people who tested it for me didn't like that it started right away (because they always would miss the first note) and I didn't have time to implement a count-in for when you start a level which I think would have been an elegant solution. So I just made it slower at the start haha

This was fun! Nice work. I played it until I won!

Great game! Fun to play and a cool concept, definitely hit the theme too!

Great game! Fun to play and a cool concept, definitely hit the theme too!

(1 edit)

Nice work! I think this has a lot of pieces that make it feel like it is on it's way to being a full-release game rather than just a jam game, but some of the core mechanics/controls could use a little bit of tweaking.

Very impressive for the time we had considering how many different elements you were able to fit in!

Nice, simple, well-polished, and fun! Perfect arcade-style game for a jam!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it

Cool concept! Definitely could see this being more than a game jam game if you wanted to take it further!

Fun game! It has some great components and I think it would lend itself really well towards a longer game that has more platforming!

Nice work! I liked the concept a lot and had a good time with it!
If you're planning to keep making updates, I think it would be cool to have the option to spend some of your money to make your knights stronger or something like that.

This was fun! Great job with the music too! 

I'm looking forward to getting to a point where I can make music for my games but not quite there yet

This was cool! Took a minute to figure out what I was supposed to be doing though. I think even adding controls/a description to the game page would help a ton but I definitely enjoyed it once I knew what to do!

Awesome animations and style! Super cool game and I had fun playing it!

Nice job! I played it until I finished it which is always a good sign!

Nice and simple! I enjoyed it! What engine did you use/how did you implement the guitar hero style gameplay?
I was going to do something more similar to this for the rhythm-based element of my game but ended up just doing something more simplistic because I was worried I wouldn't get it working in time to make the rest of the game work lol

Awesome game! The only suggestion I have is making the text faster on the KFC guy lol but overall super impressive!

Fun! I should have read the description before I started playing the first time but that's on me lol, nice work!

(1 edit)

Nice work! Fun stealth game, definitely grabbed my attention right off the bat and made me want to play a while. Unsure if I just couldn't get the sounds on or if there weren't any - I saw you mention in another comment that this is the first game y'all have made together and I also didn't have any sound in my first one lol! But I think if you were to keep working on this, some footstep sounds or something coming from the guards would be an awesome touch!

Seriously though, waaaaay better than my first game and I had a great time with it!

Thanks so much for trying it!

This was fun! Zooming around with my waterskiing packages was a good time

Really good! Probably my favorite of the jam so far!

Awesome job with this! I like the concept and it was a great use of the cartography asset pack

Thanks for trying it out!

Yeah I overscoped and it's buggy af, definitely will fix once we can upload new versions.

Thanks for trying it out!

hey thanks for trying it out! Yeah the mutiny bug drives me crazy, it was such a quick fix but I caught it a minute too late :/

Excited to fix it (and some of the other bugs...) though once we can upload new versions

thanks for trying it! Yeah I overscoped big time and missed a few bugs until it was too late, excited to release a fixed version next weekend!

Thanks for giving it a try! Lots of bugs to fix and polish to add once I can put up an updated version

thanks for trying it out! Definitely have some bugfixes and updates to put up once the reviewing lockout is over

hey thanks for trying it out! Yeah one MAJOR bug (the mutinies) that I fixed just a minute too late and several others I'm definitely going to fix once I'm allowed to update it, glad you liked the concept tho!

I'm definitely planning to update a few things after the review lockout! Mostly bugfixes haha

hey thanks for trying it out! Yeah there were a few bugs I couldn't fix in time (especially the mutinies... Missed that one by a minute) but I'm glad you liked the concept at least!

thanks! Appreciate you trying it out! Hope you didn't get too many mutinies!

Hey thanks for trying it out! yeah I didn't catch the bug with all the mutinies until juuuuust after the deadline haha so that's frustrating. Will be updating after review time is over!

(1 edit)

hey thanks for playing! Yeah I caught the mutiny bug about 2 minutes too late to resubmit :/

It was only supposed to happen if your morale went super negative but I was missing a minus in a condition check, pretty frustrating