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Speak the Sky

A member registered Mar 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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For security reasons, almost all interactive elements (e.g. button) and javascript attributes (e.g. onclick) get sanitised when you save them to itch—depending on what they are, they either get deleted or converted to regular text. At the moment, the easy way to do this would be using details-summary widgets, like this (you'll need to style them yourself, though):

    <summary>Click me...</summary>
    <p>...and this text will appear.</p>

That's an interesting idea. I ended up leaving this on the backburner, but I might release an SVG pack.

Maybe 15+ because of the body horror, or 12+ for a certain kinda kid. However, it's a scenario for Trophy Dark rather than a standalone game, so you'd need the main rules.

Thank you!

Hell yeah, thank you! The cookie overlay's one of my favourite little details (in hindsight I should've made it cover half the page to be more realistic).

Try switching on kerning (which may be listed as "OpenType kerning" in Word). Dicier uses this to make the X_ON_DY parts overlap with each other.

Unfortunately, Microsoft's been slowly deprecating OpenType feature support in MS Office (now only a subset of features work, only in limited ways, only in Word). See this previous issue. This may not be fixable in current MS Word.

My plan for fixing this is still in the planning stages and basically involves letting people choose their own codes, which should remove the need for almost all the OT features used in Dicier, which should make it more robust in different apps. I don't have a solid timeline for when this'll be implemented, though.

Maybe. The "continuity camera" feature's for using an iphone as a webcam, but PNGTuber+ doesn't need a camera, only a mic.

I found a bug report for Godot (the language PNGTuber+ is written in) when googling the first error message. It looks like it hasn't been resolved yet. Unfortunately this app might just not work for you (at least with your current version of macOS).

Yeah, I added an alternative fix near the top.

I checked this again after updating to the latest version of PNGTuber+ and it's not working for me either, so there might be something different with the new version. Check the first post for another way to get mic audio working. It's a little clunkier (you have to open PNGTuber+ in a specific way each time you run it), but it still works.

(1 edit)

Have you tried the other commands at the bottom of the stack overflow answer? There's one that might help:

select * from access where service = 'kTCCServiceMicrophone' ;

If you enter this after starting sqlite it'll show you all the other records for mic permissions, so you can compare the new data you're inserting with the existing permissions and see if they don't match up. The answer says it works for Ventura 13.3 so there might've been changes to the permissions in Ventura 13.4 onwards.

EDIT: aside from that, double-check the mic input and make sure PNGTuber+ is using a valid mic (also I saw someone say in another thread that they needed to select their mic twice for it to work).

(5 edits)

EDIT: The method below no longer works following updates to the software. Sorry!


The problem is that PNGTuber+ doesn't request mic permissions and in MacOS you can't manually give an app mic permissions through System Preferences as far as I can tell.

The solution's pretty simple, but involves using the terminal. If you're not comfortable with doing basic terminal tasks then back up your data first if you can.


EDIT: The more-complicated steps below may not work past v1.1.4. Try the following instead:

  1. In Finder, find, right-click, "Show Package Contents", then inside the .app go into the Contents folder, then the MacOS folder to reach the actual PNGTuberPlus program.
  2. Open the MacOS Terminal app and drag the PNGTuberPlus program file into the Terminal window, then hit enter after the program's filepath appears.
  3. You should get prompted to give the Terminal mic permissions, which'll indirectly give them to PNGTuber+.

IMPORTANT: This only works if you reopen PNGTuber+ via the terminal every time, since you've given mic permissions to the terminal, not to PNGTuber+ itself. Also, you can just copy the filepath from step 2 and paste it back in later instead of redoing step 1 and the drag-and-drop every time (unless you move to a different location, then you'll wanna redo this from the start).


Step 1: Setup

  1. Go to System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy.
  2. Click the padlock and enter your main password.
  3. Select "Full Disk Access" on the left, then check the box beside "Terminal" on the right.

Step 2: Giving Permission

Open the terminal app, then read through this stack exchange answer from part 1 to part 4 (everything written after part 4's optional or just provides more info). This should work for Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura; the answer has more info at the bottom for other MacOS verisons.

In part 3, replace "<AppBundleURLname>" with "". Optionally, replace the 10-digit timestamp at the end of that line with the current Unix timestamp.

If you're using a version of PNGTuber+ other than v1.1.4, look up the app bundle URL name by right-clicking the app file, clicking "Open Package Contents", opening the info.plist file, and copying the data listed inside the <string> element after the "CFBundleIdentifier" <key>.

Step 3: Finish

Go back to step 1 and revoke the "Full Disk Access" permission from the Terminal by unchecking the box.

This worked for me on Monterey 12.6.7 with PNGTuber+ 1.1.4.

(1 edit)

Yes, when I updated the game I released it in EPUB and HTML only—on desktop you should be able to open the HTML file by double-clicking it just like a PDF.

Hell yeah, thank you for checking it out!

Done, thanks for the tip.

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! I actually have a similar mostly-multiplayer game in the works (in fact, Letter Bearer was a shorter game made based off of that one). The playtest version should come out this month, or early next.

Glad to hear it's been useful!

Holy shit, thank you so much! I've gotta go back and give it another listen, but I liked the discussion about the Translator's power, and the suggestion to use lightweight character playbooks was interesting and one I might implement in the next version of the game (probably as alternate character creation prompts).

The font design app I use recently updated to a cutting-edge version that may have a bug in how it handles the filters I use to transform the Flat font into the Round and Rough fonts. After I switched to an earlier version of the app, the fonts exported correctly.

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Mechanically, I'd make populated islands the same way, but the 3 features would also have a social dimension (e.g. a Focus could be a person, a Path could be someone showing you around (what do they show and not show you?), and an Impression could be an observation about the society/traditions/etc.). (e: though obviously sometimes people don't wanna be found, as happened on Anastrophe Island and Redemption Island)

I've been doing mostly uninhabited islands partly because I started out in the same mental space as in the playtest version (where you explore "monuments" in a post-apocalyptic wasteland) and partly because one of the inspirations for this is the Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands, which includes a lot of unsettled, barely-inhabited, or abandoned islands.

Good points about open-endedness and the passage of time. For open-endedness, the subjective PoV and almost-guaranteed incompleteness are meant to help leave untied threads! I'm interested in which ones you saw as more or less open-ended—some I can guess at, but with others I dunno how much a reader might see as settled vs open to interpretation.

Nice, thank you!

I'm glad you found it useful!

By the way, I can't see a download/purchase link for your game (dunno if that's intentional or not).

Thanks! Yeah, my hope is this'll be way more flexible for different people's needs than Dicier is now.

Thank you!

at long last, DOMINO CLUB is dead

This is an issue with Dicier Dark versions. Basically, Dicier does the X_ON_DY glyphs by overlapping two glyphs ("X_ON_" and "DY"). That works fine for the fonts where the dice shapes are outlines, but in the Dark fonts the dice shapes are solid/filled, so the font just layers a black number on a black shape.

If you're dead-set on using those exact codes then there's no easy fix (you could probably wrangle something with CSS given your situation), but if you just want the icons then use the polyhedral dice font features specified in the user guide.


Unfortunately, the way X_ON_D-Y icons are done doesn't allow for that (at least, in apps I've been using). The reason is, the "X" part and the "_ON_D-Y" part are technically different glyphs, one laid on top of the other, but they can only overlap if they have the same text style. Otherwise, they're treated as two separate bits of text that just happen to come one after the other.

(And because they overlap, but have to have the same colour, the X_ON_D-Y icons in Dark fonts look like they're just dice shapes.)

One possible future development for Dicier could help with this, but it has its own drawbacks. I'm gonna post an overdue devlog/blog post about this soon!

I'll have something about this in my upcoming (...very late...) blog/devlog post about the future of Dicier, but yeah, in future it should be possible to put pretty much any shape on any die type.

Dicier's currently on hiatus, but I might do that if/when I start working on it again.

Thanks, looks like I forgot to overwrite that table cell.

Thanks! I really wasn't sure about the machine translations. I've updated the test file now—including some more changes in the note after the table of dominoes.

It's finally here:  the German translation test file. I had to make a few changes, but the only significant one is that I shrank NEIN_ABER ("no, but" dice) to N_ABER to get it within the 8-character limit. I also added MÜNZEN for generic coins, and went with BEL_SEITE for "any coinflip". There's a few places where I had to add underscores before codes (e.g. _PIK, _KREUZ vs KREUZ).

Unfortunately the font design software I’m using doesn’t let me set version numbers deeper than 2 degrees or let me get rid of the leading zeroes (actually I don’t know whether that’s a problem with the software or font metadata generally). It’s annoying, but kinda unavoidable!

Thank you—feel free to let me know how it goes!

Thanks! I updated this and Write Skyscrapers a few days ago but must've accidentally pasted the WS text in both.

can, but depending on the app you write in, some icons might not work. When I tested Dicier in a few different apps early on, I found that Affinity Publisher + Designer wouldn't show any icon whose code was over 8 characters long. That's not a problem for most major arcana, but some (e.g. High Priestess) don't fit/can't easily be cut down and still make sense to TTS users, so the whole set could be missing a few icons depending on the apps people use.

If you don't use any Affinity apps then I could make you a major arcana icon font, though. Right now I'm just looking for commissions for the 3 sets above, but if you send me an email at contact @ speakthesky . com then I'll keep this in mind for after this experiment. If this is a feature request and not a commission request then I'll also keep it in mind, but main work on Dicier's (mostly) on hiatus right now.

Thanks for this—the only thing that looks like it could be an issue is "BELIEBIG" for "ANY". By itself that's fine for cases where the code just needs to be the word Any, but some cases need to add other letters, numbers or underscores, and for technical reasons the maximum number of characters per code is 8 (outside of combining codes, which are kind of a hack that I don't wanna use if I can possibly avoid it). Do you think BEL would work as a short form?

A powerful curse, that's for sure.