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A member registered Jun 11, 2018

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All good! I await whenever the game is playable, super excited for the project.

Cool to see that your still doing this project! Is the discord still active? (Or do you post any updates there whatsoever?) A link to it would be nice. I've been interested in this project for a while and still wanna follow along.

Ah ok, that'd be nice, thank you!

Also! Since I uh, technically don't own the game on Itch, what should I do when it gets updates lol? I can't check them out

Thanks for the confirmation! I'll def use them as a guideline for how the progression is paced, but prolly smth that better fits whatever setting I'm using. Excited to get to work on this again.

Sweet, thanks for the sheet and the update! I'll check it out a bit more in depth soon. I def got a better handle on how the progression works now. Are you supposed to come up with your own legend milestones that count for progression? For the ones under Qi Condensation and such. Cause it's pretty vague so far.
Like is it up to the gms to decide when you complete The Road Is Merciless and such?

Keeping a changelog might be nice, so its easier to know what was changed. Sorry to ask, but do you think you could make a character sheet for cultivation characters? I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding the rules for them, and seeing how a sheet is laid out would help. And it'll probably end up being my next campaign.

Anyways, after reading it. I think the system is def cool! But it desperately needs a read over, theres a lot of typos and i think just misused (or maybe older?) terms used in the pdf that make it confusing to read. Like how it says superficial damage sometimes when it said fatigue another time.
I also don't know how finished you intended to make it? Because the Nerve Fighting Style path is missing a lot of stuff compared to the other two (Probably best to just not put it in the pdf at all until its finished maybe?)  Super solid ideas all around though! I'll probably play it once the system is cleaned up a bit, also maybe some examples on techniques would be helpful, and how u would use them in tactical combat so players and gms have smth to go off of ideas wise.

Yeah I got it! Thanks!

Ah, i'm happy about that honestly. I feel like a lot of these games go for grid based combat and i feel like it doesn't really fit the vibe as well compared to zones.
Also, a different topic, I AM trying to purchase the game (Literally attempted, paypal ate my money lol) but I guess Itch is having some issues? Or maybe something on your side, my friend couldn't buy the game either. Just letting you know incase something is causing issues.

Really wanna read your system but reality seems to be against me lol

Yeah that helps a bunch! I'll probably get it at some point, the system seems super neat. Is tactical combat specifically grid based? I

Hey! Interested in this game, but I don't really have $10 to spare on it right now to see if i like it or not, im curious what sort of power levels you imagine it's good for? Cause you say low level supers in the description. I'm mainly interested in something that could handle JJK or One piece, since you say its shonen inspired.

I didn't know you had a cultivation option in here! I thought it was only Exalted, which I do like (or think I like anyways, the setting seems neat but gming a game for it seemed difficult for me) but don't really feel confident in running. Might use this for a xianxia game and maybe tweak some things, it's been my white whale for a while.

Does it handle long form games well? That's been my one issue with cortex, as someone who rlly likes zero to hero type stories.

Seems sick as hell so far! Almost wish u had more written so I could take it for a playtest myself lol , probably won't be able to make any of the actual ones cuz of anxiety. Really excited to keep up with it though! This the 2nd thing ive seen along the character action genre for a ttrpg and it almost makes me wanna write a system myself

No its fine! Again was just curious lol, i was gonna run it as is anyways. Just excited to see the system progress is all. Good luck on everything!

You still working on this? Realized this is probably the best system i have sitting around to run my campaign about killing demons. Was just curious on seeing if u still had interest in it.

Ya funciona. Gracias. No sabía hacia qué correo electrónico iba.

Creo que aun lo teneis en prepedido en itch? No tengo los enlaces al juego en ninguna parte. No se puede descargar de ninguna manera en el momento. Tampoco hay correo electrónico, aparte de que me dice que aún no puedo descargarlo.

¿Cuándo sale a la venta en formato digital? Estoy interesado y ya lo compré, pero no sé cuánto tiempo tengo que esperar. Usando traductor así que lo siento si es difícil de leer.

I wanna playtest the game but I believe your twitter dms aren't open?

Alright, I'll probably wait for that to drop before I run my monster hunter thing with this. Excited to see it!

Oh shit Wilderfeasts seems sick, I'll def keep an eye on it! But yeah all that makes sense, I might run it soon, seems like a nice framework to just do whatever with. Would u still recommend using Ranks personally?

(2 edits)

This is pretty cool! The pdf is pretty hard to read with the constant dmc font but the docx seems to be more updated anyways?  So not rlly an issue for me.

I might end up actually using this soon honestly, I was hooked when I saw there was something for DMC and you included a little monster hunter tthing also. I've been looking for something that can fill my extremely specific niche of "Monster Hunter but you also get the powers of the monsters as mutations" which this seems able to handle!  I also have been interested in running some shonen stuff, specifically One Piece recently, this seems like it could handle it fine too.

I'm interested to see it get refined and smoothed out soon! Cause there is a handful of errors in the actual doc and such, or just things like Rank never being described in the main chapters until the mechanical overview at the very end lol (despite it being mentioned a ton. I could of just missed it admittedly though.) Do you have any more words on enemy 'balancing'? More so their hp and stuff, cause just looking at the example ones included I feel like the amount of hp u gave them might be too high? I haven't played yet though, maybe players can chew through 70 health pretty fast.

What kind of games would you say this is best for? I've been peeping around for systems to run some shonen stuff (specifically One Piece) and I haven't really dug deep into this one yet lol.

Hey! I'm sorry to ask, but would it be possible to add a community copy? I really want to buy this to add some longevity to  Monster Guts (it seems cool for shorter games but not longer ones out of the start) but funds aren't very kind currently

Ah alright. I'll have to check it out again when that comes out haha. Don't have much confidence in cooking up my own mobs when I dont have a point of reference, excited to see it though.

A bestiary will come with the worldbook right? I want to run this cause it looks neat but thats the only thing holding me back

Did you mean to make it a pdf? I don't think I have anything that can open .indd files.

Does it say how much Health pc's have anywhere? I might just be missing it but I didn't see anything about it.

Sick, sent a friend request

I've read most of it right now to make sure I understand everything. I'll probbaly just read the GM section of some other FitD stuff, unless you have some specific advice for running it you want to slap in. The main thing that trips me up is Panoply stuff and I think I just need some examples on Items, Techniques, and cultivation methods to understand it better. Do you have a discord by chance? I most likely will run it and I can tell you how it goes there.

Oh, sick! I was just wondering because I was planning on running a xianxia game very soon and have been having some issues finding a system for it. I was gonna use this one but no GM section kind of warded me away since I've never messed with FitD before. Do you think its playable in its current state or should I just wait?

Are you still planning on working on this?

Yeah I get it. I just thought some actual examples wouldn't hurt. Another thing, I know the bestiary is wip right now but do you have an npc or two to show? Just so i can get an idea of how they are setup and all. It's cool if you don't! Was just curious.

Maybe have some examples for the effects of some spells? I'm interested in running this and I know its rules lite but the lack of examples for things such as Inventions and Spells mechanically is a little odd. I do play a lot of crunchy games though so it might just be a me problem.