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A member registered May 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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There's a misspelling in the intro screen.  Game's also really, really short; I failed the first time  (only just barely), but beat it the second time, since I knew the layout of the level by then.  Not much point in playing again, I doubt it would've taken me long to find the shortest path, the only remaining challenge.  I think it's not a bad concept but it needs more content.  I also dislike that its difficulty is founded in fumbling around in the dark more than anything; even if there was more content, it would revolve around me either getting lucky the first time, or remembering the layout the second time.  Maybe more interesting obstacles could be added to give some thrill to the experience, more resistance to the evil baby-eating spectre, like angels trying to stop him perhaps.  Could make the darkness his advantage and give it some stealth elements.

I think you forgot to include the .pck for the Linux version.  Running it in terminal yields :

Error: Could not load game path '.'.

I tapped up mindlessly for 3 or 4 minutes and "survived" to the freight graveyard, where we then stared at a bubble, what I assume to be the last breath of the guy whose life was being lost, for around the same amount of time until I got bored and quit.

It makes you question the worth of trying to make it to the end, knowing you'll die anyway.  Likewise, I question why it took a team of five to pull this off.  I'd call it more of an experience than a game, due to the end result being the same no matter what you do as a player, and how simple it is to beat it (I mean, I could do it with my eyes closed, first try.)  More challenging than a walking simulator, but not by much, and about the same level of reward.

I think this is the Mac version.  Where are the Windows and Linux versions?

You marked your game as Linux and Mac compatible, yet there's only a Windows executable in your download.

This is a post in the 69th post thread

It's probably still in draft mode.  When I click the link it says 404.