Was not forced to play test this, but enjoyed it. 10/10
It was very satisfying finding each [spoiler] wall, and the final bosses' attack patterns were fun to dodge (or rather, fun to get hit by. I could not dodge the sword or dots lol).
(totally not half a year late in this reply) BUT THANK YOU! Shout out to freepd.com for the music. I'm honestly impressed you made it through on a trackpad even with infinite lives, glad to hear it was a nice feature.
And of course, the ending. A masterpiece if I do say so myself :p
I'm always a fan of people making rhythm games during jams, and this one did not disappoint. I really liked the overall artstyle and little animation when you watered each different plant.
Would love to see this expanded a bit more, perhaps with things you have to avoid with your watering can to add another layer of gameplay. Great game! :)
Same honestly lol, I made the game and I still space out and forget ingredients.
And thank you! Threw a bunch of particle effects in there like this fire (tutorial link, highly recommend), and tried out some fluid sims in blender so I appreciate the comment :)
For the WebGL build it may be an issue with the compression format. A fix that works for me is going to:
Build Settings -> (switch platform to WebGL) -> Player Settings... -> Publishing Settings -> Compression Format -> Disabled.
Hopefully that works for you!
The Windows build does work though, so I played it there. The movement was tricky to get down, but very satisfying whenever I got the dice to launch by flicking the platforms up. Overall, a cool take on platforming with a rolling dice, moving the platforms instead of the player.