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A member registered May 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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very epic

this is such a cool concept! I love it!

very creative and enjoyable concept, I like the art too

nice job

Sussy Ammungus

Rated and commented, it's amazing!

(2 edits)

This seems to capture all of the stuff that a game in this jam needs:
- A cool twist to the theme
- Decent music
- Nice-looking graphics
- A concept that isn't too hard to grasp and fun to play
- Actual content
- Able to run on lower-end devices
And hey, you even added a story! Bravo!
My only issue with this is that if you go back to the main menu, you have to restart your progress and go back through all of the levels. Still amazing!

sure, give me a few minutes to finish what I'm doing

Here you go, take a look if you're interested!

here's this, play it if you're interested :)

Here's this, play if you're interested!

I think it's an interesting idea, it'd be interesting to see this expanded on, especially in terms of audio, maybe more mechanics (although the talking/joking is really cool) and art.

I love the concept, and I think the mechanics are great, where not only are the bars an obstacle, but you can also use them to get rid of fruits you don't need. I would say my only complaint is that the audio is really repetitive, but it doesn't impact my experience too much. Great job!

I loved the style and music of the game, I think you did a great job!

The music is phenomenal, great job! I loved playing it together with- oh wait, I played it solo. Still good though!

Looks like the chair ate your game too ;-;

Thanks for the feedback! We had some UI and stuff planned but it failed last second....
We're planning to fix some stuff and update the game once the voting is over!

I like the concept, switching your world to get through others. Very creative, enjoyable to play. My only complaint is the lack of sound and music. :/

You guys get a 15/15.

I love the game!
No kidding, this is the first game I played to completion, as the others were too buggy, laggy, or unplayable to continue with. In terms of bugs I found nothing, and the gameplay was unique and fun, it reminds me of Three Goblets. My only issue was that the final boss was too easy :) 

I love the concept, it's incredibly creative!

My main issue was that numbers on the dice weren't loading in a lot of the time, so I couldn't tell if I was going to win or lose against my enemy. Otherwise, great job!

Creative concept, however I didn't quite get a lot of it (also my dice got stuck a lot lol)

It was interesting seeing a 2-player game and I had a lot of fun, but my main issues were the enemy ai bugging out, controls between players switching around (mainly attack buttons), and when a player died the body didn't go away and stood there, so I used it as a barrier. Also, it doesn't look like difficulty goes up, so it was pretty easy. I still don't know what half of the abilities do...

you have to hit enter to get a new die, check the controls

Should be working, give it a try now!

I'll fix it

I like the controls and art style, however I do have a few conerns:

- Coins don't have a purpose besides the life/heart thingy before the bossfight
- Bossfight music plays at 2x speed

Other than that, it's a pretty good demo, and I hope it can turn into a full game one day!

Thank you!

AMAZING! I really like the art style, music, animation, and mechanic of guiding the moth and jumping onto it! Great work!

thanks for the music feedback lol (I can't get past level two, I'm bad at this game ;-;)

thanks for the music feedback!

thank you for feedback on music!

thank you!

Thanks for the feedback!

good game, but the music got annoying FAST.

dave is cool. I was thirsty and couldn't drink water tho ;-;

I enjoyed making the music, but this is the buggiest game I've played so far.

Bugs I've found:

- Spawn door is weird getting through

- A heal powerup is clipped through the ceiling

- Music does not replay

- You don't respawn after hitting the "reset" button

- AI is super weird and won't attack you most of the time

- I couldn't get through the swinging axe room because of the camera position and the fact that it instakills you.

happy working on the music for this!

pretty good too!