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A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that's the page I was referring to by "final page". I think there was like one page stuck on top, so that you couldn't see the pages changing behind it? Idk, it was a little odd, I'd open the book and it would be the same page every time and clicking the arrows to change pages wouldn't change the page that was visible.

Such a cute game! I love the Popochius and all their different voices! Unfortunately I encountered a bug near the end of the game where the book's pages weren't turning, so I didn't get to see what was on the final page.

Fantastic, beautiful, hilarious game!

Love the game, probably my favorite submission I've played so far! Great work!

Loved the atmosphere in this! Such a cool palette!

Yeah I'm in the same boat as Jagger, couldn't get the ship to fly. I could get it to move forward using W + spacebar, but once I got over the edge of the platform I just sank to the ground.

Great game! I loooooved the art style. I agree with Jagger - easy 5/5 atmosphere!

Thank you for the advice, we submitted last minute and did not realize all the customization you could add to the page. We have spruced it up, thanks again!

Thank you! We would definitely like to polish it up now that we have more time.

Thank you very much!

Thank you! We very well might!

Actually pretty addicting!