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A member registered Sep 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sounds good, look forward to next build :)

Ah I must have missed that, maybe not allowing the player to enter the dungeon without the forge can be required( eg The mage has the key and will only give it when you make the forge) I didn't realize it was completely random, which is cool and if you want extreme power to be possible on both ends then that is what it seems to be so good job on that. That being the case there is an ability in your pool that allows a creature to bounce creatures to the opponents hand, and to me it seems that if you activate an ability you cannot attack(tapped) but if you attack you can still activate an ability mid combat then remove yourself from combat in a weird interaction, imo if you attack you should relinquish your ability to activate abilities that exhaust your card.  If you like the all haste then you can keep it as it sets you apart in a way, but maybe increase the life a little to offset this. NP on the things that need work, just wanted to tell you what I saw as a player on first glance. I literally downloaded and reviewed in the same hour so that's the version I played. 

I killed two enemies and explored the bunker, I think that was all there was. I liked the look and the characters stand out in a good way. The locking on and shooting worked well. The control scheme is a bit strange, and yes I did read it. I personally would use wasd where a and d turn left and right and use q and e to strafe left and right with space to jump. It's just the most intuitive way to control a character using a keyboard, and you can have all the other keys be anything else. I'm curious to see where this goes!

I solved the mystery after using only 1 hint! The text solving system is great and when you input the wrong answer it actually tells you why instead of just saying wrong. I liked that you could zoom and inspect the scene entirely. It wasn't intuitive that right click zoomed out, maybe adding escape to do it as well would help. Overall I liked the difficulty and solving it felt good. Look forward to more mysteries!

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So I killed some knights, farmed some crystals and died to a boss I think (the card that lets you bounce a creature as an ability is kind of bullshit, the card can attack, and if blocked bounce a creature). I have played magic the gathering for years so I am always interested in card games. The gameplay itself was in the style of magic with similar phases and attacking and blocking which is perfectly fine. I could not find the forge in the VERY large island area but I got my deck and was able to set out to adventure. Side note the deck editing tutorial screen cuts off and doesn't show the entirety of the text. The mouse not only does not stay in the application if you have two screens but in the dungeon it was always on the screen. In combat I found sometimes I could not click to target creatures but usually opening the graveyard and closing it allowed me to do so. It's hard to tell when creatures are exhausted because some cards are already grayscale looking, I would use a symbol over the card to indicate this. Balance wise it is insanely powerful that all cards can attack when summoned, given that players life start sub 20, I would increase life totals or remove the "haste". I enjoyed that you could reorder cards in hand, a nice touch. It's fun to fight using a card game and I like that aspect. The dungeon look great and was large and had multiple pathways which is great. I will try to figure out this crafting because I'm sure that makes the game even better! 

Misc bugs:

Enemy pathing

It is possible to clip through ceilings

I killed a ton of enemies through a few runs but got stuck in my last run as there were 4 locked doors and only 3 keys but I had a ton of fun. The game has grown quite a bit from previous demos and it is cool to see it shape up. The different abilities are cool to experiment with and upgrade in their own unique ways. The different enemies were each a good challenge and were a fair litmus test for good and bad builds which is vital to roguelikes. I do wish the fighting arena was a bit different, maybe random obstacles or walls to give it a little variety and strategy could work. Keep up the great work!

Back at it again with Seal City! This time it's a bit different from last time with the transition from dice to coin pusher, both which I enjoy however I highly preferred the slowdown in population expansion that the pusher achieved. Typically in coin pusher games there are only positive outcomes with pushing coins so it was interesting to see an alternative. The building update is better as food makes more sense than happiness and the unique properties with fishing huts gives the game a layer of strategy along with the pathing system which is another great addition. Great progress!

Another playthrough of Cubenomics, this time doing the desert levels. The feel of the game has most certainly improved since last DD. All the negatives from last time have disappeared and I think we're left with a really nice entry! Your doing great work with the new levels and I look forward to the next zones you add in. What themes are coming next?

lmao I got higher after this screenshot but it is a little difficult

Thank you for trying it, I'm glad you liked it! I do want to make a cool world to photograph so I'll be working on it for sure. I've never tried that game but I'll look it up, only camera games I've played are Deadrising and Life is Strange.

I tried to beat level 1 and 2 but I suck so I can't. The game has a ton of new content and levels this time around! You can visit the old levels by going left of the cage which is funny. I like the new moves and the minigame levels are quite interesting, the second level being my favorite of the two. The game files call this 7 but your itch page didn't, why not? Look forward to more :)

I failed miserably at the third level and couldn't get up the vertical climb. The character is cute and the movement and momentum is done well. There's quite a bit of difficulty but I'm sure that was what you were going for. I think the main thing it is missing is a mini tutorial or even controls. I hope you find a title for your game :)

I made a slime girl with big booba and big ass! I love slime girls so you automatically get a good review from me. The concept is cool and the model looks really good. The feeding mechanic works nicely but is a bit janky because I mostly bent her backwards trying to feed her a bottle. Also moving her with your hand made her warp weirdly. A simple recolor of potions would help incase you spawned all different types like I did. I'd love to see more of this and have the utmost faith in you.

oh your right I never noticed. I'm just enabling the camera pickup with a trigger. I'll have to figure out how to fix it!

I built a pretty large zoo with a bunch of animals and shops.  The variety of animals was amazing and I loved how they moved around. I met all the needs of the animals but it was unclear what would happen if I didn't. I'm pretty sure the people got happier the more stuff I put in so thats what I did, but is there a deeper layer to this? Do visitors want to see certain animals? I thought the feature to change the color was good and worked for me well. Are you gonna add more to the game? Good job with this one, your collection of games grows to an impressive amount!

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Thanks for playing! Yes the world is just a placeholder I slapped together to have something to go with the camera I was coding. I am for sure gonna improve how the camera and photos work. I want the game to be one where you need to take pictures of certain objects for a quest/to move the story forward. I was thinking of maybe a post apocalyptic world where you take pictures of things from before the war/nukes. I want maybe a museum to display these photos or something, I also need a photo journal. Orthello didn't die! I just have taken a small break and wanted to work on something new for a bit, Orthello will return. And yeah I know lol I left it in there so you could take pictures from above. Also what is a hitch?

Awesome, great to hear this come to a good close

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Wow this demo has really shaped up into an awesome game. I escaped the cave then died to the skeleton at the pyramid, did the tutorial again because I didn't save and went along killing things, gaining levels, talking to pirates then I died to a giant monster next to some raptors. The fx and music are great and give the game some nice flow since it changes when you change areas. I thought the doors moved too fast, and would expect old iron doors to not open like some scifi space doors but it is magic so I guess. I took the pomaos and other stuff inside the hut and when I tried to take one next to the dude he got pissed, so I think I was stealing but it's not clear that I was in the first place. I loved that there were items everywhere to pick up, it made exploring the areas fun and exciting, and as a bonus I could sell them if I so wished. The only other thing to note is I got a quest to find trawiz but no inkling of a hint of where he might be, The map is small enough to probably figure it out eventually but then I was aimlessly wandering around so maybe a vague location could go a long way without making it too easy i.e. the castle or the port etc.  What was the most difficult part of making this game thusfar? Are you gonna put it on steam? Great work as always :)

Sounds great! I'll play your new build soon :)

NP, thank you for trying it! Yeah it is bigger than I thought but oh well. Baby steps indeed but I think we'll make it :)

Thank you for trying my game! I think with all the feedback about the camera I'm gonna change it a bit with a toggle like you said.  I love the animation too lol. 

IMO if that is what your favorite game/ inspiration does and you like then keep it. I merely have a slight preference. Sounds awesome! I do know what you mean haha, but even big projects can serve as learning tools in multiple aspects. GMI :)

Definitely a lot of moving pieces but it all sounds like a solid plan! See you next time :)

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As far as difficulty goes in my experience most games are easy at first to have a low barrier of entry to the game itself because nothing is worse than a new player putting the game down after dying in the first few minutes. Roguelikes like slay the spire, ring of pain and even non-roguelikes like dark souls all start off easy allowing new players to clear massive amounts of content in the first run and encouraging them to do another run to do better. For experienced players these games are easy in the beginning but allows them to perfect strategy and focus on starting a build, although it is still possible to die even for them. I only bring these examples up because they have massive replayability while also having easy beginnings.

 All the plans sounds great and new floors are a must! Best of luck getting it done :)

An audio cue sounds perfect for the shop. The changes to the ai sound good. Good luck in the steam fest!

I played a game, summoned units and killed the enemy warlord. I had fun building an army and strategically buffing them to try to gain an edge. That being said I found for the most part my enemy warlord had a constant army and I could not summon enough to maintain my army, leading me to summon a few units and my only chance was to snipe the enemy warlord. The biggest advantage I have is that the enemy warlord does not care if he takes damage from my units so will often be on the frontline. I probably was more conservative with my warlord and that led to my army not being strong in numbers. I noticed every upgrade phase the enemy warlord bought all 4 upgrades and summoned around 40 units outpacing me most of the time because I was more selective with upgrades, however it was possible that I could buy 8+ upgrades where he buys 4 I often didn't because I needed all the units I could get. Maybe have him buy 2-3 upgrades rather than all 4. I would like some notification that the shop refreshed because I spent most of the time looking at the bar fill up rather than the battle. That being said I actually like this game and only have a lot to say because I was heavily invested in the experience which is a great thing your game could do! What are your plans going ahead?

Back again with Clessidra! I played a few runs and actually beat a few monsters this time, although the bear killed me more than anything. I think I am getting the hang of it and the tutorial was a really good addition. That being said it still feels rather difficult starting out, is there a way to make the first few fights easier? I liked that the timer didn't start until you moved and the question rooms add a good layer to the game. What are you planning on adding next?

Thank you for trying my demo! There is no next area unfortunately and it is for sure early and my first project so I'm learning a lot. The art is just stuff from the unity store as I am no artist, so I merely use them instead of having nothing in their place. I do need to focus on the core gameplay loop but I personally am more interested in the talent/class part so that's what I'm motivated to work on. I actually am a huge fan of path of exile and FFX's large tree but I wanted to go for a more separate style like borderlands and world of warcraft, it might be more work but it's what I wanted to do. I've heard similar feedback about the camera, and I am looking into changing it but it's pretty much a copy of world of warcrafts camera system. I will try to replicate the bug and fix it, thank you for finding it.

Sounds awesome. Best of luck and see you next DD!

Back again with Goblin Resort! A lot of clarity was added and I like that, I think I finally figured out the mirror mechanic and tried to repeat my success of getting out after guessing the right guest. The tooltips are really nice, but they do appear on top of the mouse instead of above/below it, and I would rather them pop up when I scroll over/stay scrolled on it for a few seconds rather than having to hold right click. The tooltip for -50 gold says it takes away 100 gold from the cap. The player stat page and the seal room are really cool and add a lot to the game! I unlocked a few guests and I like the idea of lewd monster girls so I look forward for more progress. What is your next step in this game?

I drew some rails and shot some circle robots. Unique concept restricting the player to a drawn line and it works pretty well. The redrawing mechanic is good and lets the player come up with strategy. I would like a way to increase drawing time, although I did reach one ship upgrade; are there more? I listened to a suggested track, but it would be cool if you added a track ingame. There's good enemy variety and it looks cool for a small game. What are you planning on doing with this game next?

I got to the giant eyeball after completing all the levels. The game is very interesting and I like the idea of walking on every surface to travel around. Most puzzles were fun to solve and didn't take too long. I did get hard locked on the first level with the pink cubes, because I was able to travel across them and then retrieve my arrow, leaving me stuck on an island. I found it a bit restricting that I could only turn my head 90 degrees, which led to some areas being hard to visual based on memory and limited vision. The game looks great and is cool. What do you plan on adding next?

I got to the purple door and back to reality. This game is fucking hard, but I suppose that was the point so great job! I like the gnome character and how he looks annoyed. The spikes have a hit box that is bigger than the spikes appear which is slightly annoying. If a box hits a spike or falls in a pit then you die. Your character also sticks to walls which you can use to skip a few levels. Sometimes your character doesn't want to jump when on some of the floating platforms which is weird. There were a bunch of levels though, which is cool. What are your plans for this game? Are you going to add more levels?

I built a supergun that bounced and made a thousand mini bullets which made me to level 17 and killed a million space ships. I love the idea of building your spaceships laser gun with random upgrades dropped every round. The system you have works very nicely apart from some upgrades being a bit hard to understand / vague and the upgrade system was also a bit vague and it seemed like it didn't do anything for some upgrades. I would love to have more stats shown for the spaceship as some upgrades referenced stats that weren't shown. The ships moves at a good speed that is very appropriate for  bullet hell and the trail helps locating him so good job on that. The game looks awesome and didn't have a stale moment. What are your plans going forward for this game?