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Honestly a total S+ on the innovation scale. While the movement took a while to get used to it was really fun once I got the hang of it! Nice job!

This was a pretty cool game, the mechanics felt innovative and I was able to make it too the lighthouse and win (although I missed a few of those bonus stars). Honestly I think there is only one feedback I have and that is on the game design side. The area where you first introduce grabbing boxes you make it so that just the big box can't get you over the jump. You need to pull a small box on top of a big box. I think you should have an area where you only need to move one box to make the jump before you introduce that stacking mechanic. I also found it quite difficult to stack. Also there is a section where barrels roll around a suspension bridge and I was so bummed to get all the way to the end just to realize that I needed to take that box from the beginning with me (I assumed it was just for getting the bonus stars so I left it). I think having a player do backtracking like this can make some people loose interest so maybe having the box at the end already or having a sign saying "take this box" could help with that. My favorite part of the level design was the wind whipping the chains. It was very satisfying to fly off the chain using the wind to get to new areas. All around I would say a really solid game!

A lot of the feedback I have is already addressed by other people I see. But I want to note that I think the suggestions of random coin positions, the player bouncing off the top of the cloud so you don't take damage, and an indicator to tell when the cloud is about to storm are all good ones I think. I think you really nailed the theme though!   

haha thanks! And you earned the top spot fr, never thought someone could get a time like that! 

And on my birthday too 😭

I think Antic did such a killer job on art! I am also in love with the little froggy. Thanks so much for playing <3

I think this was a really creative twist on flappy bird with the added mechanics. Only think I think was hard was clicking on the pipe to clear it also makes the character jump which can be hard to multitask (although maybe that is intentional). I also think the shooting could have maybe a small indicator to help the player know where the projectile will go. I like the game design and the pace in which you add new elements to keep the player engaged. Well done! 

I had a weird bug where I could not get the board on the door but reset the game and it worked fine. Second time I ended up winning. I really liked the minigames and art/aesthetic. I think where the game was strongest was in fun and theme! I think only thing to improve it maybe is to add more minigames and to fix the door bug. But for the game jam I think it was a perfect length of game. Nice job! 

I think it is a nice take on the top down enemy wave style games. I have a few pieces of feedback since it looks like you might make a post jam build. Really my only "need to have" feedback is auto fire when I click and hold. Another thing is I don't think enemies should shoot projectiles off screen because then it is surprising and too hard to dodge. Other then those small things the game was fun and surprisingly full of content for such a short jam!

While this was a short game I feel it was executed really well. I liked the wind mechanic and also the blower mechanic. I actually only have one real feedback and that is I didn't realize I could blow the tornados until half way through. But yeah I really liked the game and I think it was strong on the fun and graphics scale for me! Great job!

So I think this game was awesome, I loved building the car and then getting to drive it. I played a couple of times and I think my only feedback is on the game design side of things. So when I would get game over I would see the animation of the jaws but never did I understand why I got the game over. Did I drive in the wrong spot? Did I run out of health? It looked like everything was going great right up until I died. I think it can be hard when players are surprised by a game over so maybe making the build up to the game over more clear could solve that. Other then that I cant think of any other feedback. The game was fun! 

This game had a very cute aesthetic, I liked the little breads on the ducks. I do like to try and come up with constructive feedback and the biggest thing I can think of is pacing. In endless runners it is hard to keep players going if they feel the game doesn't have enough difficulty, unless there are other incentives. Perhaps if you expanded this game after the jam little pickups or newer and more challenging obstacles could fix that for your game! Otherwise nice job, a fun and simple game. 

I think the innovation of only being able to harvest some resources, like crystal, during the storm was really cool. I have played a lot of resource games but had not seen something like that implemented. I also really liked the two phases of gather resources to build and battle tower defense. I played for a while but the storm never seemed to end so I could only play one cycle but it was fun! Maybe a timer for the storm or an indicator for remaining enemies could help. I am not sure what the end condition is but yeah, basically something to help the player get there. Again fun game and really well implemented UI!

Wow this is one of my favorite games I have played this jam, I really enjoyed the gameplay! I think the amount of UI you had was also insane, I totally knew how to play and what I was doing. Great job!  

Voice acting in any game jam game is an instant wow for me. I really liked the pacing as well with the time limit and resources. I think one thing I might change is making the dinosaurs scarier. At the start I was scared of them but then they never chased me. Sounds funny to say but I wish the dinos were more aggressive. Also for picking up wood the sound effect has a high peaking bit that played in the right ear of my headphone so maybe swap that one out if you do a post jam build. Really solid entry all around though and I think a great take on the theme!

I got to 55! Really this was an all around solid game. I really enjoyed playing and taking care of my Mitobits. I think the only feedback I have is sometimes they moved to the edge of the screen and the UI that showed their needs was not visible to me. But yeah I really loved this game! 

Me and my husband played each other. We had a lot of fun! I think graphics, fun and audio were your strongest features. I do have one constructive criticism for game design. With such tight real-estate on a keyboard and having two players, I think either you needed controller support/rebinding support. Still we had a blast playing and played till I won 53 to 12 haha! Really fun and I was glad to see a multiplayer game in the jam. 

I do enjoy a puzzle game and I think your game is really high on the innovation scale for me! I think audio was also another strong point. I will say that I wish the overlay effect of the page faded spots could be toggled off. I have difficulty reading certain fonts and it was really important to be able to read the pages to solve to puzzles. To play I ended up having to screen shot the game so that I could read it all and solve the puzzles. I am sure that is something you could easily fix in a post jam build though. I think the game design of the different puzzles was really well done. Nice job! 

Wooo I got a score of 541! I think the gameplay was well thought out, the timer was the right length of time (not too long) and I loved the mechanic of gathering with a carrying limit. Also I think the art and player controller felt really good. I have one game design feedback note and it is about the last minute of the game. Around the last minute the wheat near the barn was harvested and I had to travel further to get to new patches. I think if you added a vehicle or some way for the player to go faster (speed boost pickup) this would keep the game thrilling and exciting till the end of the timer, pushing the player to get just a few more wheat. Great job! 

Wow played through to the end, this was a really nice game! I think it is some of the best audio graphics I have seen this jam. I always like to give constructive feedback but this game was so good it was challenging, I did manage to find two small feedbacks for game design and usability. For game design the red laser enemies I think required just a bit too fine timing to dodge, making the laser turn off for a tad longer, maybe a second would help. And because the red laser enemies are the most unique, in that they require timing, maybe the first wave of them should just have one to prime the player on the mechanic. For usability click games can be hard on some peoples fingers so perhaps an alternate "fire" button on the keyboard so some players can play by moving the mouse and hitting space, for example, on the key board could help with that. Again I am digging in the weeds here, this game was one of my favorites so far in pacing, story, and interpretation of the theme.  

I think as others have said the gravity mechanic is cool, but what is even cooler is the concept that you are placing things for others to find. I really feel like there is more to explore there game design wise. While your game was short I think what you had worked and I can see this being the starting point for a really cool longer game experience. Well done!

Ok so I played the game twice, first time my ship sank second time I got softlocked real close to the edge. It seemed that all my options were greyed out so I could not click an option to continue. For reference this was a calm day when the softlock happened. I have not played a jam game that had this type of gameplay yet and I just want to say how well you executed the UI. I feel like I knew how to play and the gameplay was really engaging for me, enough to play twice! I have one small game design feedback for if you do a post jam build. I really think that in resource management games it is good to let the player know what the consequences of their actions are. For example if I choose to do 4 food instead of 5 I did not know what the consequences were. If you had a tooltip that said (4 food = 20% chance that 10 sailors die) for example that would take the game design from great to excellent for your game. Great job all around though this was a solid game! 

I really like these kinds of games and I think your team did well to put something like this together for such a short jam! I have a few game design feedback notes for if you do a post jam build. I think the player is rewarded by receiving artifacts and subsequently gold and upgrades. However I do not think the player rewards come soon enough in the game. I played three expeditions and did not have enough gold for one upgrade and I had only found three artifacts. This left me feeling like, as a player, I was not making any progress at all while playing and this was not satisfying or motivating. This could be solved, I believe, by making the first tier of upgrades cheaper! This will incentivize the player to play for longer. Also the fact you can only use one tool at a time made me feel like the gameplay was just me waiting for a certain amount of time while doing nothing. I think this could be solved by allowing the player to multitask (having multiple charges of tools that can all be used simultaneously) or my making the timers much shorter, like 600% faster (max wait time 5 seconds). I really am impressed by the UI and gameplay for such a short jam. I could totally see a game like this being expanded. Great Job!  

Was a simple game but had a lot of features. One thing I think you could improve is making it easier to get gold. I really wanted to buy lots of buildings but never seemed to have enough money. Great entry!  

The game was really fun and cute! Can totally see how it could be expanded too. 

I really like the art and atmosphere. I think I struggled a bit with the wave matching minigame. Maybe better presets or more fine control of the wave - knob  for instance - could help players like me. I am gonna download the build and play more!

Thanks for playing! Trajectory is only in the water because I thought players would have trouble getting out of the rising water without it. I really loved your game too and I appreciate the feedback.

Loved the art, like for real it was all implemented so good. It was spooky but cozy, felt super innovative. 

I really enjoyed the minigames, art and sound design were good too. I think my favorite minigame was the sword even though I was the worst at that one haha. 

What can I say, this is a masterpiece.  

Fun game! Great Powerups, so happy someone made this type of game!

I really see a lot of potential for this game! It was hard to get started but easier once I knew the mechanics. I wish there was a task where I could see if someone was not a spy. I think a little fine tuning on the UI for your resources post jam would be super fun. Would love to play again!

This game was fun, only thing is I felt the player controller was a big buggy sometimes. I also had a hard time finding some of the objectives. It really has a lot of potential though!

The game is fun, I think I struggled with the wrath mechanic. Perhaps a slower tutorial could help with that. Great job, I like bullet hell games.

Theme, art and music are ON POINT! I would just fix the timing of the nots to be on the down beat. And if you do use melody make them repeatable riffs. Great job!

I liked the interpretation of the theme. Only thing I would do is make the lose state easier to happen. Maybe a timer? The threat of loosing is what keeps people playing endless runners. Great job!

I feel like there is a great mobile game in here, I only mention that because you say you are planning to expand. In my opinion the game had too many powerups and I could not keep track of or remember what they where. I would start with only one power up and introduce them slowly that way the player gets a feel for each one. Really creative word game, never played anything like it!

OMG, so glad you enjoyed it. I really love those games but hate the rage. Me and the team aimed for a cozy frog hopping experience. Glad you enjoyed!