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A member registered Oct 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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I tried it for the third time. It does work using the lookahead method. Which is why the Mark feature should be a standard in every nonogram game! If you put the 6 to one side, you can't put the single dot above it on that side, so it doesn't work. That actually solves the 6 but all you need is one dot more. Thanks again!

Oh, another thing. The books have tiny pixel marks which are difficult - but not hard - to distingush when looking for books. However, some patterns are mirrored and are a real strain on the eyes to check - especially in a hurry.

I will try to see if it's any better in fullscreen.

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(EDIT) I think this game would be great with some tweaks, mainly in making things clearer with instuctions and labelling.

Also, I think you should be rewarded for filling orders quickly so you don't just lose all that extra time. Either by giving us that extra time to sort books or with points.

I like the bell signifying the start of a new phase but it would help showing that visually too. A spark effect and the word "Phase 2" or "Lending phase" for example.

A mute button and volume control would be handy but that's nitpicking. Same with why you need to fly into the ceiling.

I appreciate the cute character and simple gameplay. I understand it's a jam game.

Excellent game with vibes equally creepy and cozy.
I'm going to come back to the locks but I played the Rush Hour and it was all fun.

Is there a Reset Level button? Can I zoom out more or is it just a toggle?

Form of.......a Cappucino! XD

Cute. Short. Promised a grand adventure but ended up more like a proof of concept (jam game).

Awkward platformer. Short game. Cute artwork.

I got divorced. Yay?

Is that thing on the bottom-left of the screen to the left anything?

(2 edits)

1) The fruits should be replaced with a pickaxe, magnet and clock to better represent what they do. I appreciate the timer though.

2) There are lots of cracked rocks and they all behave differently. Some are brittle, some fall in groups and some don't budge at all.

Is there a benefit to attracting slimes or is the magnet a double-edge sword?

Can I get some instructions? A lot of things don't work. No idea how much an upgrade is. Etc etc.

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Now I'm in a room with a large spike pit and a bat. No idea how to proceed.

EDIT: I tried just taking the hit and moving on. In fact, I just blustered through the next few rooms. The platforming is terrible but also boring. I'm giving up.

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Can you please post the controls? I can move left/right with the arrow keys or A/D, jump with Space/Enter. Q makes the colour glitch out and E uses the door.

How do I attack? How much gold do I have? Is there a pause button?

I tried it again - just in case. Can't remember if it's the same spot as before but I don't see a way to finish without guessing.
Fortunately, it's a predicatable guess and easy to finish if you pick either side on the bottom line.

It's a bubble game without knowing what the next colour is. The way the game plays in a circular fashion is odd and if you shoot to the left, it's a instant game over. Then you have to start from the beginning. =(

It's hard to articulate but using a cursor as a crosshair is always difficult. However, here it's the speed of the enemies.

Like I said, I don't know how to balance it as if you make them too slow, it'd be too easy.

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Yay, I finished it! 7/9 skulls on my first playthrough.

I did get a bug in the third area. I teleported down a long stretch at the beginning and died. From then on, my character disappeared. Only my lantern was visible XD.

I'm at a bit in the second stage where there's a key behind a mechanical gate it's very hard to target only the bottom crate. I thought I could use the summoned ghost to hold the button down but it goes past it. Some times the crates don't reappear. Am I just supposed to be lucky or am I missing something? There was a small gap where I could get by without falling into a pit.

I'm digging the groovy spooky vibes so far.

Okay, I managed to pass it once I realised I had to do all the Zeroes myself.

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So far, so bad. Multiple immediate deaths, no spaces opening up and I've yet to flag a single bomb. This is on Easy too.

I regularly beat Hard on the Microsoft version.

this feels like a game where, if the controls were better, it'd be too easy but it has an Interesting concept and i like the artwork. Plus, the roguelike elements could prove valuable on a second playthru.

It's a decent attempt. My browser shows the game squashed into the lower half of the frame. Please post the controls.

I defeated the archer in the second area and can't figure out what to do next.

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It's more of a puzzle game than a troll game (which I prefer) but the movement is a bit inhibitive.

It's a game of patience, trial and error and meta gaming. I'm not fond of the one way traps though.

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I would highlight the docket first as the Manager tells you his order, so I got the next order wrong and finally noticed it due to the vague description of the third. Preferably, I'd like the docket to be on display rather than have to open/close it.

I could add more but it's a jam game, so it's okay.

I think you might need upgrades for the seal(?)'s speed and a fish finder but I know it's unfinished.

I wasn't sure there was an end-point or not but I started running out of fish and I was $200 short of the Ultra Greatrod, so I had to get the Super Rod. Then I reached the dead end again and went to bed.

I did find a switch early on and I think it raised a gate further right/down but I'm not sure.

How do you quit the game (using in-game menus)? There seems to be every option but that and all can do in fullscreen (apart from turning it off) is Alt+F4.

BTW, the game doesn't save my options: it starts of windowed and with Type A controls.

I'm worried any further questions I have will lead me to Discord, which my client is getting filled with Servers I join just for that purpose and never use again...

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I'm a bit worried that the non-linear nature of the levels means I'll be missing something.

Not only that but I'm only up to Acropolis Act 2 and there's one boss right after another but it might be a "secret" boss because it's under the Goal post. Also, I'm not even sure if I can beat it because unlike every other enemy, it can't be jumped on. I think it hurts itself with its own weapon but with no health bar, I can't be certain. EDIT: You can jump on him but only when he stands still and isn't firing. However, now I'm stuck down here. I guess I'll just have to skip this boss.

No one answered my last question, so I don't hold much hope getting this query addressed but the game is alright. Maybe I'll try the DX version.

I played thru the online version and finished it.

The boss' visual feedback was very broken. It would get hit and stay flashing (though I think that was intentional) but would also sometimes take damage (or at least play a damage sfx). Because of all that it took longer than necessary to learn the boss' movements and act accordingly. Initially, I would get stuck in a corner and die instantly from contact damage.

One the plus side, I liked the use of the extended dash.

Overall, a nice game. I look forward to more.

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I'm encountering a couple of bugs and some minor annoyances in the PJB download version that mean I couldn't beat the first level.

1) One of the ground bots got stuck in the rock

2) One of the permanent laser flying bots is stuck in the air and I can't progress any further.

3) In the section with a few permanent laser flying bots, the platform after the spikes is too small to land on while also avoiding the lasers.

Also, I wish there was better visual feedback for hitting flying enemies. It's fine for the ground types.

The artwork is superb though.

I like the concept but the application doesn't work. You can't take small steps, your existing method is inaccurate and villagers seem to take precedent over enemies for stomping.

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I don't like the platforming in this game. It's too easy to fall into a pit and the knockback effect really makes it hard.

The mechanics kind of fit the theme of a small boy trapped in a horrible worlds but the combat feels week and the movement stitled.

It's mostly enjoyable and the graphics are nice. There's no lives system and you can continue as many times as you like so it's a decent game.

I am getting a weird bug where if a bull gets close to my defence, he will die but turn into a ghost (only appearing as a shadow). He will be invincible to normal units but fortunately is killed by the crossbow. This has happened several times.

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I would appreciate some health bars. Also, I'm 7 levels in and I hope there's a break soon and a save system... (EDIT: I finished the demo after 8(?) levels so probably not). I personally would like the Cowgirls to cooldown faster considering they're one-use tokens but that may be a balance issue. Also, is there a way to bring up the Unit's info? I thought a tooltip, or even a separate reference would suffice.

A decent Sluts vs Monsters game.

Aw, I was caught hiding behind a crate. I know these things are hard to program but I should have been safe =(

Superb. Excellent graphics. Wonderful characterization and thematic.

My one gripe is that the attacks for both player and enemies reach way too far (and yet only just far enough for the final boss.

Also, I assume "bare" refers to solitary and not nude.

Post-update: chef's kiss!

I was worried that the added attacks would make it more difficult but everything balanced out. Such seemingly minute differences making all the difference like health pickups getting pulled into the player. The double jump was helpful but not needed all the time.

Well done.

This needs a lot of work. The AI voiceover is cringe. The character's walk animation stutters. The jump is heavy and awkward. The log platforms are ugly resized pixelart.

I like the movement physics but it's too basic to be able to easily avoid attacks. I can destroy the first boss quite easily except it's hard to tell the difference between the hurt colour and the pre-attack colour.

I'm gonna keep trying. It's a decent challenge and I understand it's a jam game. I really like the graphics.

Can you attack or wall jump?

I don't know if this is supposed to be a puzzle game or what.

I managed to move the cursor with the arrow and found a way to enter a new stage. All I can do is talk to 4 characters and the 5th one is a game over. So, I don't know what else there is.

I really would like to know how to save.