Thank you for your comment. Yes you are right the tiles are very basic and generic. My goal was to set different environment with different physics (gravity, rebunds,...) but the time was running out (I uploaded my submission 5 minutes before deadline :))
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I have rebuilted and reuploaded the files. Now there is a windows exe and love exe. It should work ! Let me know.
I made the builds with the ovaltutu template. Is is very handy.
I tried a HTML build to play directly en browser but I there is a problem : "The Cross-Origin Policy is not configured properly". Wille try to figure it out.
Thank you guys for the help.
Yes I have seen this problem :(
It must be a problem in the building process...very weird
I have an other link to download the game, it should work by dropping one the love exe :
Thank you for your comment.