What is in the update?
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Somehow i was able to get it. What i did the first time is I skipped straight to the Halloween event. The second time i did some days in the planner before going to the Halloween event. Not sure if that made a difference. Also not sure how old the save was. The save point i used was when wolfstar is getting the calls from his friends. The save point could be months if not a year or more old.
I just found this VN and I like it but it seems all over the place to me with the storyline. I like the comedy and the character interactions but some of the stuff seems random. The dad seemed interested in the tiger but then he had a secret boyfriend apparently. Also the dragon was added but only for the one interaction. Was his character just for a random everyday life occurrence thing? Also the wolf can turn feral, is getting superpowers and is now on a basketball team? I did like how he used his powers for his own gain, although I would discourage cheating and stealing in real life 😏. The characters are unique and awesome and I can't wait to see where this goes. Also want to see more family bonding, both kinds ☺️. In all seriousness they are a cool and slightly dysfunctional family and have a different and original drama compared to other VNs and I am invested in this VN.
You don't understand . I am able to get some tablets from exploration but i do not get a new tablet every time sometimes i get an another artifact or memento instead of a tablet. I reach day 18 and i am always missing several tablets. Am i doing something wrong? I always have people with memento points in my exploration team. Do i need a certain character or something? Also what do you mean save scum?