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Can someone tell me how to unlock the picture in the lower left corner 

Avoid the vines in the forest then lose the battle with the slime monster.

(1 edit)

Got it ty.

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Is there another specific choice? I tried those two choices but it didn't give me the scene. Does one have to do something else?


If you haven't found it yet, you need to pick shy options instead of confident ones. For example, choose "Ignore and keep running" during the prologue, then admire instead of hugging Alisa, etc.

Good luck!

Yeah that seems right (I made my post before stat changes became visible so I didn't know about the shy/confident stats)

(3 edits)

How you unlocked this pictures 

The upper right i am not sure. The middle right you get on the scientist route and the bottom right the bears route.

how do you get the one in the 2nd row middle?