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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Graphics and audio were very cool! I had some trouble figuring out how to make the arsonist's attacks work but had fun spontaneously combusting as the demolitionist :)

This is super polished and the vibes of the music + the art together are very well done! Lots of fun, but very luck-based to a degree that was sometimes frustrating. I got under 2K before I ran out of supplies and food :')

Very cool game, though; good job!

Wow, I love this entry! The theme is absolutely spot on and gameplay is educational as well as fun. I would love to see a longer version with multiple levels, but on its own it fits the scope of the jam perfectly. I also was very delighted to hear the sound effects when selecting the districts; I thought that was a very smart touch.

Really good job! One of my favorites from the jam.

Cute! I love the sound effect used for the dialogue.

I love the message of this game! The music and the art fit the vibe very well, and though the gameplay is a bit repetitive, it feels like a nice look into the mundane tasks in life that we care about, and how they affect us. Good work!

Thank you for playing!!

Thank you!! I actually played some of Long Live the Queen (prescribed by my co-developer Moka) in preparation for this, and it definitely influenced the design! So glad to hear your dragon made it through the trials!

You're absolutely right about the dialogue issue; we tried to break up all the dialogue before the submission but it sounds like we missed a few. Thank you for pointing that out!

Thank you so much! We've had a great time developing this game, and we're really glad you enjoyed it!

We came up with the idea pretty quickly when the theme was announced. We've worked together before so we played to our strengths; I'm very comfortable with drawing dragons, and Moka enjoys stat raisers, a genre that fits the theme well. It was a lot of fun to combine our art styles and to explore a genre of game we hadn't made before. We were inspired by games like Long Live the Queen and The Yawhg.

In terms of tools, we used Github for source control and Dialogic for supporting text; everything else was original code.

Animal wellfare wasn't something we intentionally included, but considering we both care about the topic, it makes sense that it shone through in our work! We're glad you enjoyed it!

As for continuing development: while there are definitely things we are itching to improve about the game, we both have other projects to return to, so we will likely be moving on. Overall we are satisfied with how it came out and how we scoped it for the jam!

Thank you for playing and for your interest!

Very cute idea! The plant is very pretty and I was definitely motivated to keep it healthy. I played through a few times to see if I could get a different ending but always wound up dying before the year was over :')

I think the biggest challenge is that by the time I get feedback on one of the stats being too low, it's too late to save it; no matter how many times I try to divert attention to the problem, it doesn't go away. Having a warning sign first that the player can recover from would help this!

That snake rapidly gaining on me in my rearview when I hit an obstacle was appropriately terrifying. Great job on keeping the style and vibes consistent across all of the genres! 

Very neat, clean, and well-thought out game! The puzzles ramped up nicely and were fun to complete, and the music and particle effects really add to the atmosphere nicely.

One thing to note is that I frequently had my key presses register as multiple, leading to the rings rotating multiple times when I meant to rotate once, and resulting in needing to start over each level multiple times. I am not sure if this is just an issue with my keyboard, but I thought I'd mention it in case it is a bug.

Great job!

Extremely fun concept! I really enjoyed seeing all the different characters and I thought the art style used for the characters and game items was excellent! I would have loved to see the rest of the UI in the same style, though I imagine time constraints may have been a factor.

Overall, big thumbs up and I had a lot of fun!

Love the concept, and you did a great job with the art + sounds bringing it to life! It's very polished and it works very well, well done! 

I agree with the previous commenter about the difficulty; I think that to remedy this, waves could be made shorter, so that they end before they become too easy.

All in all though, very fun and enjoyable to look at!

Oooh the vibes for this were spot on. Huge fan of the art style combined with the music and sound effects for the dialogue! I did have to turn mouse sensitivity wayy up so I appreciate that that was an option.

Thank you so much! We really appreciate the kind words and the feedback!

This project and your other procjam submissions are so so cool and a big inspiration! I was inspired by your lighthouse submission from last year to try out OpenFL for my submission this year.