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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing! If you liked the music, check it out stress-free here! I had a blast making the music and sfx for the game so I appreciate the praise.

Great job. I loved it! Cute appearance and the puzzles were really intuitive and fun. I'm focused on music a lot of times with game jams, and it was a very laid back groove. I wish it would loop a little better to be less jarring on the groove you were setting up. Otherwise, great job getting something this good in time for the jam.

Well, I kept rotating right after initializing. Refreshed and tried again and unless I was flicking my mouse left, my view was spinning to the right. Tried to play regardless and it was impossible. Really looks impressive and the music is cool, especially in the short time available to make it, but yeah I couldn't truly experience it.

Maaann that's a long intro, and a bit annoying to go through it when learning what to do and messing up originally. That laugh is also a tad loud, and having to hear it over and over isn't great. I'll be honest, I stopped playing after the first screen because the above, it just wasn't fun. Sorry!

Very cool take on Mode. Math nerds unite! I got all I could out of it in the first couple runthroughs, but everything is neat and tidy! Cute music and presentation, you should be happy getting this in time for the jam!

Cute artstyle, a little hard to tell what was going on most of the time, but I was able to survive long with the 8 burst. Kinda cringe intro ngl but that's just me! Glad you had fun making it, it definitely has heart and shows you had fun making it.

Pretty cool! A little janky on my end with the hiding, it didn't always seem to work when crouching. I wish there was music, but still great job getting something in for the jam!

Absolutely awesome. Picking up the coins as part of the puzzle is so cool, you should be proud of this. Especially in a week? Well done.

Awesome. Simply awesome. Congrats on this, I'm glad to have played it. Loved the music so much, that's usually where my mind sticks when playing gamejams. You killed it.

I am the nakey baby. 

Fun idea! Subverting expectations is good cuz I didn't want to be looking at an actual nakey baby. You can totally cheese it hiding in between the table chairs, but I liked it! Good job getting this done in a week.

Very cool. Loved the mechanics and the somber music felt right alongside the story. Intro cutscene? Hell yeah. Ending cutscene? Hell yeah. Great job making this in a week! Absolutely cool entry.

What a cool game. Definitely a marvel this was done in a week.  The face you used claymation is commendable, I love that Hylics vibe. The music was cool too. Finding out you can directionally throw knives was cool too, though it should have been stated explicitly somewhere.

Legit, great job. I loved this.

Good job getting this up in a week! Unique directional sprites AND animations for em?! That's a lot in a week. Super hard not to take damage and attack, maybe some i-frames after getting hit would help, as it was hard for longevity in game completing the quests. Also the hearts didn't work? I wasn't able to heal.

Great job on the theme, really felt nice being altruistic. Seriously good job on the theme.

I think it's a bit buggy with the movement, and way difficult. Couldn't get past the first room. The music was alright, a little grating but still better than no music. I think with more time this could be great! It's just a little unintuitive the controls and gets real wacky mid-air.

I think others have pointed out that blue and red are a rough color choice, but good job getting a game done for the jam! It was very counterintuitive, unfortunately, and didn't provide much feedback to the player as to what you're supposed to do or if you're doing it right. Still, you should be happy that you got a game done, not many did!

Probably the best use of the theme in the jam. Good job! Super fun and intuitive puzzle structure and it kept building. Legit had a ton of fun.

As a music guy, panning the bass in the left ear only was not the best move and grated over time wearing headphones. Put the bass dead center and pan the other instruments left/right and you're set! 

The platforming was challenging and I couldn't get past a point no matter how much I tried. Despite this, making the puzzle boxes and platforms in a week is impressive as anything. Great job making something clean in a week. Especially checkpoints!

That said, despite the bass being in the left ear, the music was good! I like the color choices and everything was clear as to what it was in game. Great job.

Thank you so much! The music was very fun to make.

Very cool! Complex, but with time you'll get it. The music is great, though every time I alt-tabbed, the music changed. If that's intentional then no worries! Still, amazing job.

Can't play. Only got the below when attempting to play the project:


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:

Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Pretty cool story! Wish there was some sound, but game jams be game jams! Some moody music to match the story would make this so much better! Good job though and congrats on making the submission deadline.

This was great. Making a metroidvania in 11 days is no joke. This was awesome and funny. 

The color choice kinda was killer on the eyes. I doubt you would have had time, but a pallette option would have been great. The music was so good and the challenge was perfect for the length. Some sound options (sfx, music, overall etc.) would have been great too, but again I know time can be a killer for these kind of things.

All in all, great job. This was a lot of fun!

Absolutely incredible. Simple, but executed perfectly. Chilling story and absolutely perfect ambient music. I have no complaints. IU am so glad you made this and am thankful I got to experience the whole game. 5/5 stars all the way.

I don't even want more. It's perfectly succint! At most, polish on the animations and one glitch where Ellen's portrait stays present when declining to use the left-most dresser are the only two nitpicks I had. The portrait glitch is fixed by interacting with something that makes Olivia talk.

Seriously, good job. I hope you win. This was awesome. 

I completely missed the point first off and killed every guard coming in like a dumbass.

Once I realized, I got a rush of "holy shit this is a great twist!" Got through everything "ending 6?!" Awesome haha if it wasn't for all the other games, I'd stay put and get every ending. I'll most likely come back to this as it was a blast.

Sound effects! If you do update it, definitely add little sound effects to fit the tiny sprites, and you'll be set. This has quirk, charm, and was a neat puzzle game. Hope you play ours!

(3 edits)

I'll be realy, for a text based game you better make sure syntax and grammar are good! It's the only thing for the game!

Usually this type of thing wouldn't bother me, but since it's a text based adventure definitely make sure there aren't typos!

Reagrdless, thank you SO MUCH for putting a back button. That's so essential for text based stuff in case you accidentally double click or zone out and miss something. Maybe some background music could help? The sound effects are neat and a good addon, but some low-end synths or something to add to the space would make this killer.

Keep it up! Thanks for submitting this.

Definitely could have a faster moving character, it took ages to get progress. But other than that it's a neat concept (similar to our game!) that worked nicely. I feel like I've heard this song before, strangely enough on another jam. It got old quick, unfortunately! Some BGM would be great.

All in all, good job!

The beeping was a bit much, maybe a less harsh noise would work with the path particles. Very rough around the edges but could be improved a lot for a neat game.

Definitely a little sticky on the walls, and the fact that you could run upp the side of the TV left me aching for some wall jump ability and shenanigans with the player screen. This was really cool! Good idea about the game actively trying to save you instead of killing you.

Welp, I killed a TV in front of the first door and couldn't go past it. It was quite difficult aiming and doing almost everything with my left pinky, but I was able to progress pretty far once I got used to it. Definitely fun and goofy, good job!

Really awesome vibes from this. This is your first game?! Super awesome. The parallax was really cool to look at and the overall vibe was sweet, but uneasy. Kind of early-deltarune ep1 feeling. Then the game auto-kicking you out? Gave me a chill haha I loved this. Good job, I hope you lengthen it!

"You know, noone can stop you from climbing into pipes.

Follow your dreams."

Dear god this made me laugh. What a trippy experience. I can't imagine what the idea was in color. This has such personality and quirk to it. Personally, I wish the viewing was set to mouse, as something about looking with the arrow keys was awkward, but that is not a detraction from the game, that's my own personal preference.

The music is awesome. What a trip. Good shit with this, seriously.

Music was rad, definite Hades vibes. Movement was a little awkward but the use of the theme was DYNAMITE. I loved it and it is such a simple concept done almost perfect. Really unique take on the puzzle game. I'll be honest, the background was kind of murdering my eyes, and the jittering movement of the pheonix didn't help much, but other than that you made a solid game.

Hey, good job! Legit you learned from scratch and made a functioning game. Fix the camera up, add some more reactive sound effects (enemies getting hit, them dying, a landing noise etc.) and give yourself some i-frames after being hit and you got the foundation for a solid platformer.  Definitely felt my heart lurch when I tumbled down Getting-Over-It style.

All in all, you should be proud of this submission. Legit, you got a good game in!

This was cool! Tic-80 is no joke. As others have said it was a little difficult to find the player at the start, and I did get softlocked as a skull was behind an enemy I couldn't get past.

Good job though, seriously Tic-80 games always amaze me.

(3 edits)

Legit the winner of this jam hands down. Insanely varied, fun, and adorable. Progression was awesome, it was still challenging even with a squad of shroomies to help. Man, I'm humbled you made this in 11 days. Galaga meets Rogue Legacy meets adorable SHROOMIES.

Legit the music is great the animations are awesome, the only thing missing is a Pause button! and even that is negligable, you can just go another round. Thank you for making this. I hope you win, it's so good.

EDIT: Beat it! 11 generations. Man that was awesome.

Hey this was pretty cool! Super solid game made in the timeframe given.

I'm super focused on the music side of things, so having super cool music is always a bonus over the other silent games in the jam. Personally, I wished they looped better, or that the stages were shorter to compensate the length of the track. 

Second, the stages are long. The lives mechanic is neat and keeps you in, but I had 15 sould by stage 3 and was getting bored due tot he stage length. I'd cut them in half even, nothing too crazy, but challenge theough padding the length isn't good game design imo. 

However, this is a solid title with beautiful art and animations and a neat idea using the theme to drive the story. As others have said, some tactile sound effects (getting hit, objects getting closer so you know you're in danger etc.) would boost this up to a great game. You should be proud regardless, this was an awesome experience. 

Nothing that comes to mind now, it'd have to be in response to lengthening the game. The controls are snappy for platforming but the camera needs work (as mentioned prior). It all depends on where you're going with controls/story etc.

Good job for a first game.

Sound could be great, even stock sounds. I saw so many composers in the discord, I bet you could have found someone. 

Let me enter a door with space instead of auto-entering a room, as the darkness prevents me from really getting my bearings straight before I'm ass blasted by 30 ghosts.

Aside from this, making your first game in 10 days for a jam is commendable, and you should be happy you got something in that functions and plays well enough!