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Recent community posts
I Made some space shooter sprites for Valentines day. Feel free to download. Also Sorry for the pink overload.
I have added four new weapons to my asset pack. These weapons are the RPG, Carl Castuv and two Granades. This asset will aslo be on sale in the upcoming Summer Sale.
I just released my cold war weapons pack and its currently on sale.
The pack contain the Following
- AK
- M16
- TT Pistol
- 1911 Pistol
- VZ-61 Sub gun
- UZI Sub gun
- SPAS 12
- KS-23 Shotgun
Please feel free to comment. It will help improve the asset pack I saw that the 7dfps 2022. So I decided to make some guns. Im interested in seeing if anyone uses these to make somthing
- One Assualt Rifle
- One handgun
- One Submachine gun
- three types of Bullets and three types of Blanks
Two New Trucks/ Cars. A Ford inspired truck and a Hilux inspired truck available in Lowpoly Stylized Vehicles.
I've updated my free low-poly truck asset. Model is now scale and rotated correctly for Unity and has an improved AO map.
A low-poly off-road 4×4 asset pack. Ideal for making cool micro vehicle games. It currently contains 9 Vehicles and 8 Accessories including 12 diffuse textures. if your interested go ahead and give it a look or add it to our your collection. And feel free to provide feedback as I am always looking to improve my game asset making skill.
And Here is some art work I made with them