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A member registered Aug 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Congrats on the youtuber Manly Badass Hero covering your game! You deserve it! <3

I can definitely see the Twin Peaks inspiration now. I'll be waiting to see what you do!

Thank you so much and we absolutely will be fixing so much of the game after the jam voting!

I forgot to comment on this yesterday! I really love this game. It captures the nostalgia of the N64 and PS1 fps games really well. I loved the twist and I would absolutely love to see this made into a bigger game! As a lover of 2001: A Space Odyssey, I thought of so many amazing paths a full game could go down!

I like to imagine this game is what would happen if someone stepped on a butterfly and Astroneer was made instead of Pikmin.

No, YOU'RE great! :D

Crom shrinking and growing in the last fight is a hilarious glitch! XD

I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. There are clearly so many bugs with it as is, but I'm glad that didn't ruin your experience! I wish we could have added sound effects, and it sucks that while the animations carried the game play a lot, it didn't quite outweigh the lack of sounds.

A very very cute game. I adore the little eel fish creature and the animations are very satisfying.

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10/10 would steal stuff with my butt again.

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I love horror fishing games so much and this one was just so fun to play. The fishing mechanics felt really good and I adore the soundscape. If this game doesn't win the jam, I might actually be mad. lol

I was honestly blown away by how fun this game was to play, and the controls felt pretty accurate to an N64 game. I can see where you folks had to cut corners to make it in, but it doesn't really hurt the experience overall.

Oh thank goodness I wasn't the only person that noticed. I was debating saying something. I'm very fond of the Dinosaur Planet prototype and the straight up rip of Krystal's model hurt to see.

Hey, it's better to be a little lazy and have fun! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!

RainLeaf was one of the games I didn't have much time to play (there were nearly 400 games for this jam!), but I want to go back to it at some point. It was very clear that it was a team of younger devs, so I didn't want to be hyper critical, but even then, it was a very cute game! The art and animation kind of reminded me of Homestar Runner, so I could totally have seen a game like RainLeaf on a site like Newgrounds back in the 90s as a flash game! It definitely added to the cozy feeling for me personally. lol

The first time you calculated a game economy? No kidding! That's awesome! Cozy Harvest is definitely one that I'll go back and play again from time to time!

I used to really like unity but I kind of fell out of love with it for unreal. I know Daz has used it a lot so I may get back into it for a future project. It's always great to learn new things either way!

Also, thank you! I still haven't played Journey but I've seen a lot of people play it. I've always really loved those wordless exploration games and I'm glad I got to make one finally!

I think you did an amazing job as a solo dev and I'm glad you managed to get so much done without burning yourself out!

I don't watch a ton of twitch except to support friends and watch streams by some of my favorite youtubers, but I'll definitely come check on you from time to time! You were a pretty comfy streamer to listen to! Thank you so much for streaming the games and giving feedback live!

Awww. I love you too, you dweeb. <3

You did such a great job with the programming. You deserve all the complements!

This jam was a lot of first for me. It was my first jam I didn't drop out of, my first officially finished game (even if things weren't perfect), and the first game I finished with my partner, Dazalius. We wouldn't have gotten our score without you guys voting. It was a real autumn gift to be able to have the game viewed so highly, especially after all I've been through this rough year. I'm really flattered that my art was so well received- even though I had to cut some corners with assets, like the water and some tree variants. It really means a lot to me. Thank you thank you thank you. And thank you, Daz. I really loved working on this with you, and I hope we make many more games in the future. <3

Enough about me! What was your favorite part about working on your game? Did you make new friends? Are you going to polish your game now that the jam is over? I would love to share the positive post-mortem vibes so we don't get mopey!

Very cool stuff! Your Proto Terminal set gave me chills! Do you think you'd have fun working on some Dark Souls like music? Granted, our approach might change closer to the jam's theme announcement, but I think we're still pretty stuck into a Souls-esc style. If you're not interested or you don't think it'd be very fun to do, I won't at all be offended if you turn us down!

I played and rated this game but never got around to commenting. It's genuinely precious. I would absolutely love to see a fleshed out version of this game, or at least some post-jam updates. It has so much of the comfy, cozy atmosphere of Night in the Woods but in a bit more colorful of a world. I relate very hard to this rabbit. lol

Oh absolutely on the ivy. There is so much like that I wanted to add so bad but just didn't have the time. The butterflies almost didn't even make it in. I can't wait to further beautify the world for the post-jam release!

While it was difficult to play, what I did play of it was very autumn and very fun. Sometimes the jumps felt a bit unresponsive and I couldn't quite figure out why. The art style and sound design was pretty cute though and I felt like I was playing an even more retro version of Celeste. Very cute!

I really loved the art style and character design of this game and would love to see a polished version of it in the future. The animations of the characters were so very lovely and smooth. I could easily see you animating a side scrolling metroidvania the likes of Hollow Knight. I could even very easily see a 3d version of this game world similar to Journey. Bugs aside, I think this game matches the jam's theme very very well. <3

This game is so cute. I really love how you combined low poly 3d models with pixel art. I didn't think it could be done but it's actually really cute. I would love to see a fleshed out game in this style- maybe a cute little bullet hell game? Bravo!

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I'm not sure you know this, but your game download gives a uproject file and not a game file.

Another game that I'm really bad at but really enjoyed playing! Bravo!

What I think is most fascinating is how you managed to make a game that's both difficult and fun to play, even when you're losing. That's a feat in and of itself!

This game makes me mad, but I love every second of my suffering. 

In all seriousness though, I love the educational undertone to this game. I'm genuinely enjoying playing it even though I'm not very good. lol

Very cute. It's a very neat little project. The only criticisms I can really give are performance improvements, but that's how it goes with game jams! lol

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I would LOVE to share how I did my trees! This is an article for a very similar method to what I used. The major difference is that, instead of making a mesh of 3 intersecting quads, I actually projected the quads of the leaf mesh as billboards through texture coordinates in unreal engine similar to the method here. The branches and trunks are just cylinders without the ends capped. The ends of each branch point up and away from the player and rather small so you can't actually see that the ends aren't capped. Finally, while I didn't actually finish my global wind setup, (I wanted to set it up so that it changed direction from time to time), here's a method I love using for global wind as well as a very nice way of setting up a wind sway material for the trunk and branches in unreal engine.

I do want to say though that not all of the trees belong to me. We ended up using an asset pack to increase the tree variation (You'll have to ask Dazalius what the pack's name is because I can't remember). However, I did end up modifying the textures and materials of the trees to further match them to my own trees. The massive oak tree in the middle of the valley is the most noticeably different.  The moss texture on the base of the trees and the tops of the rocks is my own hand painted moss texture set as a world aligned texture that uses texture coordinates and world position offset to color only the bottoms of the trees and the tops of the rocks.

Thank you so much for noticing our work, and I hope you follow us for future games! <3

Oh wow. You have a newer graphics card than me, so it's likely down to your cpu. I'll look into this. I know we didn't really have time to set up LODs for most of the meshes so that's probably a big issue right there. I also have some other ideas for how to improve performance overall, but I think the LODs will probably fix the bulk of it. Thank you so much! You've been a big help!

Do you mind sharing your specs? This will be very helpful for future games we make!

Thank you so much! I don't think I've ever created so many assets from scratch for a jam before, and I'm still not 100% satisfied with all of them, but the ones that I am, I'm very proud of. <3

Wonderful game! I love the puzzles! <3

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Okay, so bear with me. I know this is probably a wild concept, but I kinda want to make a game about a cat.

A beautiful lad.

I have been informed that game jams don't usually have blacklists and the previous jams I've been in with groups that had blacklists are not the norm. >.>

"Can't" is a strong word, I know. I really love the theme of this game jam and want it to be my first official game jam. I believe I could easily create a game with all of the challenges except for No Design and Windows Window. I've only minimally worked with proc gen and I don't have enough time to learn before the jam starts, and while I probably could figure out how to make a game mechanic by moving the game window, I'm worried about potential stress of trying to get that to work.

I don't want to be blacklisted from my first jam if I can't make the cut. I just want to have fun and challenge myself without too much stress. <3

Something about the art style, sound effects, and music combined made me laugh instead of get angry every time I lost a fish. Brilliant! Great use of Godot!