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A member registered Apr 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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A really sweet game. The pixel-equivalent on a good hug right when you need it. I did wonder, what composition tools are you using for your music?


I think Reiley and Reich would approve! :D Perhaps send this over to Reich's twitter ( and see what he makes of it? 

My toast flew out when I least expected it. Giggles were had!

I think this could trend if you had the option to upload images to a users instagram/twitter, or to a twitter stream for the game so people can share their work. I think people are desperate for any kind of foamy coffee right now. Fun little game!

I saw this had issues from Whalebot's comment. The screenshot did reveal to me the new perception that I wanted pizza though so I gave you points for that.

Is this a recording or did you manage to get the 53 musical phrases of In C as seperate recordings and get some sort of controlled randomisation algorythem to pla/orchestrate them differently every time? Either way it's a really lovely experience to put time aside for.

Haha, this is a fun little physics game. Laughed aplenty, enjoyed the driving, and the jump was exciting to try. 😂 I came back and played it again  too - my roomie and I just sat and watched the car fall of the edge of the world and reach 1,000km/h. Was great.

(1 edit)

Haha, this is a fun little physics game. Laughed and enjoyed the driving, even though the car could do with being a little heavier. 😂 Edit: Came back and played it again. My roomie and I just sat and watched the car fall of the edge of the world and reach 1,000km/h. Was great.

Woof woof!