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A member registered Sep 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really Cool! This game stuck with me, I still remember playing it back in 2022!

Fantastic game, I really love how the art and gameplay work together to create a strong atmosphere. Congrats on the high placement!

(1 edit)

So well done! Fantastic visuals with a pretty colour scheme. Could have kept playing forever! If I am looking for a piece of constructive feedback the only thing I noticed throughout was that the spike hitbox felt to big imo. It felt like I died a few pixels above them. Absolutely fantastic game though, Love it!!

Excellent game with great style. I found it to get difficult very quick. During level 3 I didn't relaize I could move the grids horizontally for some reason,  so I was stuck on it for awhile. Love to see sokoban style puzzle games! Great game!

Love this game! Super polished! Spent like 5 minutes in the last room just jumping around because it felt so good to just play as the character!

Fun Game with really great and cohesive art style. The game play was fun, and had a nice chaotic feeling to it of trying to manage everything at one. I think with some QOL changes, such as making it more clear when something can grow, I would continue playing a lot longer. Great job!

Fun Game with really great and cohesive art style. The game play was fun, and had a nice chaotic feeling to it of trying to manage everything at one. I think with some QOL changes, such as making it more clear when something can grow, I would continue playing a lot longer. Great job!

This is sooo good. I've never played a zachtronics or similar game (but have had my eye on them) and you have sold me on the experience so well. I liked the slow introduction of elements to build with. It was pretty tough because I'm not used to this type of planning. Had a great time with it!

Very cool puzzles. they get tricky fast! Working through a few levels each day. Hoping I can conquer them all but that remains to be seen!

Fun game. The squares rotating was a nice touch, lead some close calls where I was lucky the square was rotating the right way. I got to around 90-100. Big QOL would be to have the score visible after you die. Great job

Fun game and well developed systems. It took me a little bit to figure out how everything worked together, but once I did it was a satisfying loop to see the plant grow.

Really great visual style and I was really enjoying the mechanics but I got stuck pretty quickly. I couldn't get past the spot pictured below. I seen that there is a dash in the description of the game but I can't figure out how to use it. Maybe I am missing something. What I did play felt very nice and polished though.

Actually it wont let me post the image. It was a part where there was yellow stuff on the wall and it looked like I needed to jump back and forth from wall to wall

Excellent design! I love the bright colours and the mechanics work well! On web on windows the hand sprite was a bit buggy. A lot of levels for a game jam, very impressive!

Woah this is super polished! Fantastic ideas that come together really well. I didn't finish it this playthrough but definitely going to come back to it! Only feedback right now is the text could be a little bit bigger, it was kind of hard to read. Great game :))

Fantastic visual style!!! I died with a full really heavy inventory :( I think I'll have to come back and se if I can beat it.  Fantastic job all around, every design choice feels really cohesive!

Really fun although based on the leaderboard I am not very good lol - and thats after like 5 trys. I might come back when I have my mouse and am not using a trackpad. 

Very cute vibe and atmosphere. It took me a bit to get the hang of the controls but once I did the puzzles were fun!

Glad you liked it :))

Thanks for playing!!

Thankyou thankyou!

thanks for playing!

Great level design and fun mechanic! Art and sound were very well done. The universe level end animation was great! One of my fav games so far!

Fun game, I liked that the bad guys could jump on your head. Made me giggle every time!

That was fun! I didn't read the instructions (and yet I get frustrated when players don't read mine lol) and didn't realize I could move without shooting. Once I realized that it became a lot easier and more fun!! Great polish.

Fun game with nice art. The idea is great, I feel that some QOL/polish work would improve the gameplay a lot. like maybe being able to pause during gameplay and place blocks while paused.

Thanks Cole!!

Fun game! Got to the end but wasn't able to A all the levels :)

Some day I will hit 100k

Cool game! Visuals are fantastic. Enjoy the gameplay a lot. Dragon in the background is super cool!

Really enjoyed it. Addicting in the same way that Vampire Survivors is. Only thing that bothered me was the jump. Attack was cool to play with and progression was great. Awesome game!

Great use of the restriction. I lost it all before I got on the leaderboard lol. Addicting loop!

Really fun! Box amount curve got me a bit, felt like it got exponential suddenly. Really had fun. Cute style with the 2D/3D assets!

Fun game! I liked how fast the dragon moved, immediately made the game feel fun! Great presentation and cool gameplay :)

Cool game! The sprites are awesome for the 3 characters. Enjoyed the gameplay, would like to see it expanded!

Cool game! Art and sound were cute, and gameplay was fun. I agree with the other commenter that the hitboxes could be a bit more forgiving. I would also like if the pace of each run got quicker a bit faster. Great game, especially like the people animation with the wavy arms :)

Great game! Balance felt very nice on my playthrough, was on the edge of my seat the hole time, just scraping by!

I'm not sure if there is a happy ending but I got the sad ending :( Great game though!! Writing was really charming and I felt very engaged the whole time! Poor Dragon!!

Awesome artwork! Gameplay Felt very  polished!

Thanks!!  I am glad you had fun!

Thanks for the kind words!