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A member registered Apr 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I've been playing with Selene, trying out different things. I'll try to get it working for you.

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I understand getting upset about AAA game companies using AI so they can lay people off, but who cares what a nobody like me does.

It's fair comment that the AI doesn't have any information about goings on in the moonbase. Would it work better for you if the AI was presented as an entertainment, an escape from the moonbase routine, a sort of poor man's holodeck, like on Startrek? Then you have to figure out why the AI is "going rogue."

Spoiler alert: The moonbase blew up because you didn't solve the oxygen levels.

If you have any comments, let me know!

Play Emergence here

In this sci-fi/otome game you play as a brilliant, if emotionally challenged, young math whiz recruited by NASA to look into an AI that's been misbehaving. But NASA isn't being totally honest with you and you find yourself being launched into space and sent to NASA's new moon base, mankind's fledgling attempt at leaving the planet. You long for home, but your only way back is to solve the mystery.

I'm getting used to the idea of the player being able to create their own experience,  so much of a part of interactive fiction. It seems when telling a story there is a tendency to "go linear." Trying to break away from that.

Was it a month since I promised more content? Time goes by fast when you're having fun. It's coming!

More content coming!

The "Mystery of Emergence' has been released. The game blends interactive-fiction developed in Twine with an AI to provide a new type of gaming experience. You must convince the AI to reveal new levels to you.

The Mystery of Emergence

Who's That Knocking?

It's morning and you wake up late after staying out far too late. As a dream breaks into fragments you hear someone knocking at your door. They keep on with their incessant knocking. What the – ? They just won't stop. The knocking gets more insistent, then they pound on your door with their fist, and before you know it they're trying to kick in the door.

Plus Bonus Secret Preview!

A few weeks ago the cops showed up at your door. They said they were cops but behaved more like thugs, gangsters in uniform, until they handed you a slip of pink paper and said it was a summons to appear in court. They told you nothing more and you have no idea what it's about, but the court terrifies you. You get so little sleep, laying awake at night, imagining, planning - but for what? How can you defend yourself?



You really like your neighbor, a lot, you could even say you're obsessed, and you're lurking around the door of your apartment, waiting for them to come out. Eventually, they do, of course. But if you want to talk to them, if you don't want them to think you're some kind of CREEP,  you really need to stop staring at their BODY.

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Oh yeah. But what I want to do is identify a user and let them increase their score, like in a real game. I guess itch is not the platform for that.

Really? How can you use it?

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Too bad. But if they don't want to provide oauth, they should take down the documentation. It's misleading.

I tried that but I get the following error:

Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

Since the error happens when you have a secure connection with the website, it looks like a major bug with the platform.

The API documentation is wrong.

If you try to use oauth you get the following error:

Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

Does Itch.Io have an official API lient for web games? If not how do I authenticate players for my web game.

I'm using the following javascript below to get an access token for a browser game.

The problem is queryString and params are empty and the accessToken is null. Is there something I need to setup to get this to work?

var queryString = window.location.hash.slice(1); 
var params = new URLSearchParams(queryString); 
var accessToken = params.get("access_token");

I'm trying to use the following to get an access token for a browser game I'm working on:

var queryString = window.location.hash.slice(1); 
var params = new URLSearchParams(queryString); 
var accessToken = params.get("access_token");

The problem is the queryString and params are empty and the accessToken is null. Is there something I need to set up before I use this code?