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A member registered Jun 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi guys! I’m remtaine, a programmer using Godot who wants to join this game jam. I want to make something simple but fun. I’m willing to join a team or team up with any of the following:

  1. graphics artist
  2. musician
  3. sfx artist
  4. writer

You can check out the games I’ve made here:

Good luck to all of us! Let’s have fun :)

Hi guys! I’m Remtaine and I’m a Godot gamedev who’s looking to form a team for this jam. I’m aiming to make a turn-based or tactics game with story and dialogue, but I’m open to discussion about what to make. You can check out my previous work here:

Looking for:

  1. graphics artist
  2. musician
  3. sfx artist
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Hello! Yes, you can find the source code at . I also have a link to my other games and my repository at

Does this pack include the planets in our solar system?

Hey, this looks cool! Do you have any plans to upload the game on Google Play? I’d prefer to download the game from there if possible

OMG, this works! I use macOS Catalina and I’ve been searching all over for a way to run it. This is the first one that worked! Thank you!

Can I submit the game I make here to another game jam as well? It’ll be made within the jam’s time period

Pretty interesting! Honestly, I expected the person to explode sooner or later, but I guess the eating is endless :D The gameplay is simple but addictive, and the aesthetics are pretty cool. Good job!

This looks cute! Is there an ETA for a demo?

This looks so cool! Any plans to release a Mac build in the future?

Thank you! I’m happy you found it creepy :)

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it! :)

Thank you for playing our game! Please take note that you don’t have to kill the monsters, you can run past them :D

Good game! I like how you used the darkwood mechanic of the 2D flashlight then added areas at the start which didn’t have it to show contrast. Feels really polished, I was constantly worried there would be monsters as soon as I moved the flashlight! Good job :D If there’s one thing I would suggest, it would be a menu so the player isn’t immediately in the game, but the gameplay itself is solid :)

Interesting game! This really reminds me of Darkwood and Slenderman, due to the flashlight mechanic as well as the monster in the forest vibes. Super cool sounds really add to the scariness of the entire thing.

Minor gripe, I wish it was possible to skip the scrolling of the text in the intro since I could read it faster than it would scroll.

Aside from that, it’s a great game!

Man, that was freaky! Like the Doom-style FPS aesthetic going on. Adding lots of dark areas, limiting vision, and some creepy music really helped create the horror atmosphere.

I’m not sure if it’s just my computer though, but the menu shows up like this to me?

For the game itself though, it’s pretty good!

Interesting take on karma and rebirth! I love the aesthetics and how doing good or bad things has an effect on gameplay (through kind of being reborn as!) Good job :D

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Pretty cool game! I love the multiple endings that come with repeating the story, and it seems to remember what I did before! Is time rewinding? Is the bad person some sort of time monster? Who knows? :o

Super cool story, can’t wait to see more from you :D

Simple but effective graphics, and an intriguing story! I like it :D

Wow, that was scary! I’m amazed how you managed to do so much with your assets! The generic nature of the people and the chairs added so much to the creepy atmosphere! And the angel! Man, that was creepy! Good job!

Pretty fun RPG game! I liked the story and how Akane was a pretty cool guy.

I don’t think the sprites of the heroes and the zombies match though? The zombies are huge compared to Akane and the other person. Also agree with the other commenter that there seemed to be too many random encounters that don’t really contribute to the story.

Overall, this is good, and with polish, I think this’ll be even better!

Btw, is there a place to heal in this game? When Akane ran out of MP, my playthrough went downhill from there :(

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Interesting game! It’s pretty fun, I managed to get around 6 kills before stopping. If you make more bosses, it’d be pretty cool! The art style reminds me of the final boss fight from a certain indie game ;)

I also loved the intro you did! Funny story with the graphics and the robot voice, really adds a nice touch :)

I want to try this game, but I think there are only exe files here for Windows? I’m on a Mac and I can’t see any file I could run here :(

Do you mean that you haven’t submitted the game’s itch page to the jam, or that you submitted the page but haven’t uploaded the game yet? If the latter, I think that’s still possible. If the former, I suggest you message the hosts of the game jam for that :D

Hello! Thanks for making a video on our game! We added some improvements to the game after your video. If you want to check it out, you’re more than free to :) We’d love to hear your feedback on what specific things need fixing!

What about a touch screen? Does it count as one button?

Thanks for the feedback! I mentioned in the main menu that your weakspot was the flower’s mole, but I guess it’s easy to miss. I’ll make sure to emphasize it in the game’s description as well :D

The plan is to use Unity for this jam. I’m mainly a Godot programmer, but I’ve been wanting to try out Unity for a while.

For the rest: Aseprite - 2D sprite editing Blender - 3D modeling Bfxr - sfx generation

I saw your video on Youtube and this game looks awesome! I was wondering  if you plan to release on other operating systems as well, like Mac or Linux?

Thanks for the feedback! A lot of people say there are problems regarding performance, so I'll have to fix that.

Thanks for the feedback! In the future, I'll change the controls so it always moves with the mouse, and the crosshair is at the center. Also, a lot of people say there are problems in the last room, so I'll have to fix that.

Thanks for the feedback! A lot of people say there are problems regarding lag, so I'll have to fix that.

Aww, that sucks :( A lot of people say there are problems regarding bugs, so I'll have to fix that

Thanks for the feedback! In future builds,  I'll change the controls so it always moves with the mouse, and the crosshair is at the center :)

Thank you! :)

Thanks for the feedback! In future builds, I'll change the controls so it always moves with the mouse, and the crosshair is at the center. Also, a lot of people say there are problems in the last room, so I'll have to fix that.

Thanks for the feedback! In future builds, I'll probably change the projectile colors for the player, and added different patterns to enemy projectiles (to keep them black-and-white). Also, a lot of people say there are problems in the last room, so I'll have to fix that.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! In future builds, I'll be adding more spells and attacks to change gameplay a bit. I'll be creating a variety of enemy attacks and behavior as well. Also, a lot of people say there are problems in the last room, so I'll have to fix that.

Thanks for the feedback, Kenney! Yeah, I was planning for the color to slowly come back the more enemies you kill, with it coming back completely once you kill the boss. Didn't get to implement that though due to time, so it just looks like a style choice now. Also didn't get to implement the other spells that I wanted to add. Also, a lot of people say there are problems in the last room, so I'll have to fix that in future iterations :)