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Interesting game! This really reminds me of Darkwood and Slenderman, due to the flashlight mechanic as well as the monster in the forest vibes. Super cool sounds really add to the scariness of the entire thing.

Minor gripe, I wish it was possible to skip the scrolling of the text in the intro since I could read it faster than it would scroll.

Aside from that, it’s a great game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback, it was definitely slenderman inspired, but 2D. That's a good callout on skippable text - additionally, I wish I'd made it so if you die you don't have to re-watch the intro text. There was a lot of polishing to do that I didn't have time to complete. 

A related tangent: This was my first game jam, and one component I found interesting/difficult is striking the right balance between time spent adding more content to the game and time spent polishing. At some point you get very little return on investment for polishing and risk not spending enough time building a cool game. On the other side, if the game is severely lacking polish it can be immersion breaking and can make an otherwise fun game unenjoyable.

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!