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Reece Bar

A member registered Aug 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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wdym it is free

(1 edit)

What do you mean, you've only responded once the first time, and another time earlier today, I see no other replies or emails from your support team. I haven't touched any settings, do you think google is deleting these emails and or replies your team has sent? And in the email that was sent today, which I received, I have to look through all 2000+ games, of which theirs 59 pages of these games, and click download on all of them which I cannot do on the actual games page, but only through the bundle page, ok now I get it. Is there an easier way to add the ones I want to my account? Maybe an exclude free games filter or something like that?

So I've been emailing Itch about this issue, it's been over a month with no support from them whatsoever, so, I'm making this post here to see if they actually respond now. I've provided screenshot proof me not being able to obtain the game from the bundle I've purchased. It shouldn't take over a month for this issue, which to me is a big one, to be able to access the game I've purchased. The first email I've sent they only resent a link to the bundle, then ignored all other emails after that it seems. Can I get help on this issue now? Again, it's been over a month. and with little to no support on my issue I've decided that emails are probably not gonna work, so that's why I'm posting my issue here as it seems like their support email has been abandoned. In my last email I've sent the screenshot proof, if their support email isn't actually abandoned, they should be able to see that my issue persist, and that resending the link to the bundle did nothing to fix my issue.

 I've bought the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality and yet I cannot download any of these games from the desktop app of, I can really only download the games from the website, and only in the bundle link or else I'll have to do that resend download via email thing. I really feel like this needs to be fixed, I should be able to play these games in the desktop app, and download them without needing to enter my email every time.  Otherwise, why should I keep the desktop app installed on my pc? *I now cannot get the other games from the bundle* It just sends me the download for Overlands and Night In The Woods, it won't send me the right downloads for the other games please fix this as soon as you can thanks.

Heya, big fallout fan, my brother's a 'brony', I got this game from your devianart, it's surprisingly well made dude, gr8 job. Just wondering, why did you move it here?

Why are they round sphere meme burds?

Gr8! Now everyone can play without trouble.

Ayo just wanna check up if this mod is still a thing, can you post updates on your progress so we can know if this mod is being continued?

That sucks, it looked like a good game, will you do the same with your upcomming games? Like, abandon them to do another game, and so on?

Heya, any news on the keyboard and mouse controls? Or is this dead?

Well, when the keyboard and mouse update will be release, I would love to play it. Since its controller only, is this on consoles?

I don't have one, this is a pc game, it should have pc controls, a controller should be an option, not a requirement.

When I launched it, the mouse disappeared and I tried everything like the arrow keys, wasd, enter, ect. Nothing. it seems theirs a bug in the current version that makes it unplayable, I can't get past the menu.

Heya, Im a (somewhat) developer and would like to know what did you use to create your models, if its blender than can you tell me any good tutorials for it?

So, why not exactly have it here & on gamejolt? I feel like you still have control over your files, such as updating and or removing them like you, and also why not have in big text near the beginning that it is not going to be available for itchio or gamejolt? Would solve some confusing, and why not spread out your games to here, gamejolt and steam? I don't get why your having it for your site only, instead of spreading it to popular sites like this and gamejolt. Sure, it may be easier for you to control your files, but your spreading yourself thin, no offense. Just some of my thoughts on your reply.

Thanks, Ive gotten the game finally, but it would be great if you fixed the problem here rather than having it only available via your website

Just tried the website version, similar issue occured I think you forgot to upload the game here is what is says on the website version "Nothing is available for download yet."

Here is EXACTLY what the error says 

"No compatible downloads were found for 'Bladequest - The First Chapter', so it wasn't installed.

Maybe it's not compatible with your platform or with the itch app yet!" btw the app is for pc.

Well I am using the Itchio app and when I click install it says that their is no compatible downloads, is this available to windows or does it just not work with the itchio app?

Can't download, add itchio app compatibility please. Its just much easier to use and auto updates the games aswell. Would be much convenient if you add that.

Heya, is this the same as the gamejolt version?

Sure, and you say you won't charge aslong as it meets out expectations, but if it dips below will it cost money then? Jk, can't wait for chapter 2! Any release date or an assumtion of one?

Will 2nd chapter cost money?

Alright, but how long will it be until you'd be happy releasing this? This month, next month, ect.

So, when will this mod be released and why upload here and not MTS?

Well, what steam replaced greenlighting with seems a lot better, allowing all kinds of games to be added, if anything it will be added sooner, right?

Its not a white window, the screen pops up. I dunno what my computer's specs are, but its a decent gaming computer. I also dunno where the log thing is. 

When I launched the game, its just at the LUAEK Studios screen and nothing at all happens, game is current bugged/broken it seems/ Please help/fix/

Heya, when will this game be fully realeased? Are you still their? Comments below are from over 200 days, why?

Omg it got greenlit? Thats awesome, when is the steam release date? I can't wait!

Great it was tooken down then, so you only upload on

Why was it tooken down from Gamejolt?

Ok, will this game be on steam? Also will it be out this year? Just wondering :P

I was just wondering :P