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A member registered Nov 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for taking the time to play my game & leave some feedback about your experience, I appreciate it. :)

Glad you got some Ben Hur vibes!

Pretty sure ancient charioteers probably had the same complaint about steering being a little hard, so, you know, just going for realism… :D (Well, that’s my excuse anyway. :) )

Thanks again, hope you had a good jam yourself!

Hey! I just realised your game is named Abe’something (the ’something is silent, I guess) too! :)

I wasn’t daring enough for a three letter game name! :D

Thanks for playing my game & taking the time to leave your positive feedback! :)

Yeah, I quite like 2.5D as way to slowly upskill on the 3D side of things–actually modelled some stuff in Blender this time, instead of just doing it all in Godot!

I’m still hanging out to start work on 3.5D games… if only I could find the time… :D

Adding a timer to add replay value to my short games is a jam hack I picked up somewhere along the line, so I’m glad it actually worked! :D

Thanks again for playing the game & leaving your feedback on this page & on the game page.

Imagine how much replay value my games could have with two timers! :o

Maybe next jam I should go all in on game-play timers and no lore? :D

Thanks for playing my game & leaving feedback, umm, 27 days ago! :D

Very pleased you found the lore funny, thanks for letting me know!

Maybe next jam I should go 100% lore, 0% game-play?!

That might also be a neat perspective. :)

Thanks again for your bug report–as a result of following up about your report, itch has apparently rolled out a workaround so Godot games should work with Firefox again pending a more permanent solution.

So, your report helped a bunch of game devs have people play their games again & not have to figure out why it suddenly wasn’t working! :)

Thanks for using Firefox too! :)

Turns out there’s also a pre-existing issue too:

This appears to be a related bug on the Godot issue tracker:

  • “SharedArrayBuffer does not work with Firefox on Android anymore #86988”:

    “A few days ago [issue created 9 Jan 2024] my Godot game stopped working on Itch.IO when opened from a Firefox Android app. […]”

From other comments on the issue it seems like it might be Release and Beta versions default to an error on expiry.


Thanks for your interest in my game & taking the time to let me know about the Godot error you encountered.

Can you please confirm what browser and version (was it Firefox?) you tried to use to play the game and/or if it’s a “release” rather than “development”/“nightly”/etc version?

If you’re interested in more details about the issue (which is at this time, not yet fixed), please see my reply here:

Thanks again for your time! :)

Update on my earlier reply:

Can you please confirm what version of Firefox you tried to use to play the game and/or if it’s a “release” rather than “development”/“nightly”/etc version?

After some investigation I think the error may be related to the “Origin Trial” token having expired but due to an Firefox implementation detail this may only stop release versions from working (thus why I hadn’t encountered the issue as I was using a Firefox development build).

Thanks again for your feedback.

[I’ve alerted to the possible issue here:]

(1 edit)

TL;DR: The token in the (“COEP: Credentialless”/CoepCredentialless feature) origin-trial header of appears to have expired at the end of 2023 and (presumably) needs to be regenerated.

Supposition: An expired origin-trial token appears to only impact release Firefox versions not development Firefox versions (presumably due to a different default/fall-back value).

Hi Leaf,

I recently had reports of my Godot 4 game web/html export (which uses SharedArrayBuffer–and has the experimental SharedArrayBuffer option enabled) failing to run in Firefox–which was somewhat surprising because Firefox was the only browser I’d tested it with. :)

While investigating possible causes, I happened to base64 decode the transmitted token & realised the expiry field had a value of 1704063600 which equates to 2023-12-31T23+00:00 (UTC).

Based on my current (limited) understanding of the related preference & checking code I think an expired token only impacts release Firefox versions (and I only developed/tested with an (older) development version).

The original bug report on my game:

More details from my investigation than you or almost anyone else is likely to ever want can be found in my follow-up comment: :D

Apologies for not being able to 100% confirm the exact mechanism by which the failure occurs at this time but I wanted to alert you to the potential issue before I lost my “flow” momentum or disappeared down a different rabbit hole. :/ (Especially, as I’m aware that configuration of the whole SharedArrayBuffer feature in browsers these days is quite opaque & there’s many intersecting pieces that need to fit together for it to work correctly.)

Also, apologies in advance if I fail to get back to you on this topic, I will try to do so though, so let me know if any further details are helpful.

Thanks for all your work on, I really appreciate it. :)

Edit: Added specific mention that this relates to the Origin Trial for the CoepCredentialless feature for clarity and search juice.

(17 edits)

TL;DR: I think the token in the origin-trial header from expired at the end of last year. But I think this only affects release Firefox versions not development Firefox versions (due to a different default/fallback value).

[Current comment status: Work in Progress–currently being updated (unless 2+ hours has elapsed in which case I’m probably lost down a rabbit hole, never to return. :D )]

Additional Debugging Info request

In addition to the version/configuration debug info already mentioned in my previous comment, any or all of the following may also be useful, if anyone feels inclined to provide it:

  • What is the exact error message in visible in the area where the game is meant to be visible?
  • What is the most recent error message in the browser console?
  • What is the content of any “traceback”/“backtrace” associated with the most recent error message?
  • Are there any other errors visible in the console?

If you’re comfortable with entering text into the browser console:

  • What is the output of window.crossOriginIsolated when entered into the browser console?

If you’re comfortable with viewing the about:config information, what are the values of:

  • dom.origin-trials.coep-credentialless.state
  • dom.origin-trials.enabled
  • Are there any other dom.origin-trials config items other than test-key/test-trial?
  • browser.tabs.remote.coep.credentialless [Edit: Added.]

If you’re comfortable viewing HTTP request/response headers:

  • What are the values of the following response headers for this page (i.e.
    • Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
    • Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
    • Content-Security-Policy
    • Is there a origin-trial header?
    • Are there any cookies sent/received? (Please don’t provide the value of any cookies.)

Thanks for any of this additional information anyone provides. :)

Related links/issues/information

[NOTE: Any questions in this section are rhetorical/aimed at me, not expecting anyone else to answer them. :) ]

[TODO: Add other notes here?]

(7 edits)

Update: Please see my more recent reply, here:

Thanks for trying out the game & letting me know about the launching issue you encountered.

I actually used Firefox for game development/testing, so I’m guessing there’s a version related issue at play somewhere.

Possible Workaround

Previously it was possible to “workaround” the issue by right-clicking the embedding frame that is displaying the error message and choosing “Open this frame in new tab/window…” or similarly named option. This may still work.

Debugging Help Request

If you’re feeling inclined to assist further :) with debugging/diagnosing this issue further it would be helpful to know the following information about your configuration:

  • Firefox version used.
  • Operating System & version used.

And, for bonus points:

  • If a “Private Window” is being used.
  • If any extensions are being used.

More details

[On the side I do have the experimental SharedArrayBuffer support enabled but I’m aware there’s some other nuances around the credentialless header which seems to depend on at least some combo of FF browser version + a 3rd party library version + Godot 4 export version. :/ ]

I’ll reply to this reply with some additional details/links (primarily so I can remind myself what I discovered while researching this again :) ) and some additional bonus bonus point configuration information items if your debugging largess knows no bounds. :D

Thanks again for your time & feedback. :)

Edits: Changed order of paragraphs to hopefully have the more useful info “above the fold”. Added some “headings”. Other minor edits. Added “Update” note.

A couple of things, in addition to the suggestion by weekend:

  • The English translation of the error message “Error al analizar el archivo” appears to be “Error while parsing file” (via). A search for the error message in English may be helpful.

  • Note that Godot 4.3 is currently an “unreleased”/non-“stable”/“development” version that doesn’t guarantee compatibility between releases & may contain more errors than a stable Godot release.

  • I’d suggest looking to see if any of the “release notes” for recent 4.3dev releases mention changes in audio functionality.

  • Additionally, see if someone has created an issue for the error here:

For the future:

  • Making regular project backups and/or using version control is even more important than usual when using non-release versions of Godot.

Hope you manage to recover from this okay!


>>> print "Hello, world!"
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    print "Hello, world!"
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("Hello, world!")?
(1 edit)

Note that with jams on you can both submit early (i.e. multiple days before the deadline) and update your submission up until the jam deadline.

My recommendation (particularly for browser-based games) is to:

  1. Submit (or at least upload) a really early “test build” as soon as possible, so you can troubleshoot/debug with as little time pressure as possible;
  2. Submit one or more “safety build(s)” once you have something minimally playable (and, then again with, say, each major game play “feature” added)–this is so you have something “recent” submitted in a “worst case scenario” (e.g. cat eats your mouse, cat eats your computer, cat eats your house, cat eats servers at deadline etc).
  3. Try to avoid the temptation to add “just one more thing” before making a final submission and aim to make your final submission 2-3 hours before deadline (you probably won’t but that’s why it’s important to at least aim for it :) ).

The two week jam time frame makes the dynamics a bit different to a 48 hour jam but, you know, last 48 hours of two weeks is still only 48 hours… :D

(Note that it seems that for this jam, games submitted before the deadline are visible to everyone once submitted, so, you can just put a “Work In Progress” disclaimer on the game page if that’s of concern to you.)

Also, (an admittedly niche :D ) Pro-Tip: if you’re saving to a data cassette make sure you’ve advanced past the non-recordable plastic leader before starting the save… :O

Also, keep in mind that the game “Thomas Was Alone” has sold over 1 million copies and has characters that are simple rectangular shapes. (Apparently inspired in part by well known “fan of the rectangular” Piet Mondrian.)

Nice! Proprietary hamster heart surgery is a blight on humanity. 😂

(3 edits)

If you state the name/URL of the engine you are using, someone may be able to suggest how you can do so, if it’s possible.

Also, note that–as I understand it–the intention for this jam is that you will need to upload:

  • (A) your project’s source files (e.g. source code, raw assets, etc) to a GitHub repository,
  • in addition to also uploading to your project page (B) the game’s Windows binary executable and/or web “export”.

In the interests of clarity, note also that:

  1. The meaning of the term “export” may vary from engine to engine; and,
  2. The term “GitHub repository” does not mean the same thing as a “GitHub Page”.

Edit: The replies in this thread might also be informative:

I’m not sure what you’re on about

FWIW, TL;DR: The jam countdown was longer than 48 hours (went from “2023-07-21 10:00:00 UTC” to “2023-07-23 15:00:00 UTC”), i.e. 53 hours.

I assumed the duration being longer than 48 hours was intentional and thus confused the jam with a different jam which does have a longer duration intentionally for the reasons originally described.

Thanks for running the jam, the assets & your other contributions to the community. :)

Thanks for playing the game & sharing your experience. :)

Indeed the original plan was to include more stuff to do but time ran out before it could be added.

Thanks & hope you had a good jam!

Ah, yes, it’s a simulation of my life in that way. :D

Thanks for trying it out anyway.

Thanks for trying out the game and taking the time to write some constructive feedback. :)

You are very correct that I needed to incorporate more instructions. I kinda ran out of steam post jam to have the energy to add instructions/context to the game page–especially since (as tends to happen) the game didn’t quite get to the state I’d have liked before submission.

A couple of days ago I added some more instructions & back-story to the page in the (unlikely :D ) event that anyone visits the page post-jam.

The overall goal was an ongoing idle/clicker/simulation scenario with ability to gain buffs etc & purchase items with different stats etc but TVs were the only thing that got wired up. :)

Thanks again for trying it out!

Mis disculpas. :)

(5 edits)

It should but I am curious about the specifics because I’m in NZ & and when I first viewed the countdown about 30 minutes after the theme announcement the value was something like “2 days 4 hours”.

And I have encountered/observed time-zone/countdown-related oddities on other occasions.

Oh, actually, looking again, I see “Submissions open from July 21st 2023 at 10:00 PM to July 24th 2023 at 3:00 AM” which is clearly more than 48 hours.

Re-reading the Rules/FAQ, in answer to “1 ‧ How long does the jam take?” it states “48-hours, you’ll have to develop and submit within the date and time listed above.”

But I seem to recall in other years the rules more explicitly stated/clarified that the countdown period is longer than 48 hours but “your own” countdown is 48 hours from when you start–but regardless of when you start, your submission has to be made by the global site countdown deadline (which is shown as your local time on the page or in UTC when shown within the hover tooltip).

I also seem to recall this was done to make the potential “Jam Start Time” (& related end time) more convenient for some time-zones (e.g. in terms of what day of the week & what time of day it falls on).

While I kinda understand the motivation for doing things this way, I do find it gets kinda confusing–especially when most jams have a single global 48-hour long, 48-hour countdown and it’s easy to not notice the Kenney Jam countdown doesn’t work the same way (AIUI).

Main thing is, I guess: Don’t accidentally submit a project that you’ve actually worked more than 48 hours on! (Due to mistakenly thinking the Jam Countdown is Your Countdown but you started immediately when the Jam Countdown started.)

(1 edit)

Thanks for trying out Dr. McCaw’s Side Show!

We’re hoping that the corn-based snacks demographic will be a growth player segment for us, so we look forward to you being the first of many such players. :D (No pressure!)

And, you can be assured, you did the thing! Existential ambiguity is big in games right now, so being “Not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do” is the new “Cosy” vibe. (Also, turns out physics in the browser may have different results than on desktop–admittedly not that different but, still, who knew?)

Oh, and, those b-i-e windows which you might quite logically assume aren’t supposed to be there, are, in reality, actually part of an intentional aesthetic I’ve apparently been cultivating, perhaps. :)

Thanks again for playing & leaving your feedback–I appreciate you taking the time to do so!

Can confirm it’s not displaying for me either. :/

Top of page says “The developer has not uploaded a Hungry Bunny yet…”.

As FYI the browser version didn’t work for me either.

No specific error message.

This was with a “recent” Firefox version on Linux.

FWIW other Unity-based browser games from this jam have played okay.

(1 edit)

“10% of the original vision”?! “overscoped”?!

Now you’re speaking my language! How could I not try this based on the cover image alone? Very effective marketing. :)

I’m pretty unacquainted with the microgame “genre” but these games certainly seemed micro. Got bit confused with a couple but that seems to go with territory. :)

Carrot stabbing was probably my favourite. This choice probably speaks volumes about me.

If I’m honest I’d probably rather not have had the (I assume Rickroll or similar) pop-up that my browser caught at the end but, you know, artistic vision and all that, I guess.

I am now an expert on microgames, thanks! :)

Edited to add: “on a chromebook”?! I admire your dedication to the craft. :)

I did not anticipate this would be the way I “returned to the cinema”! :D

Yours is the first game I’ve played in this jam & it was a nice little production. :)

The concept was appealing with a strong connection to the theme & the intro cut scene with actual credits was a nice touch.

My first impression when starting to play was that it was a little difficult to see my character on screen due to a lack of contrast against the floor.

I then proceeded to wander around the theatre wondering why the “E” button didn’t seem to do anything when standing next to trash…

…after wandering back to the starting area I finally noticed that I wasn’t the only thing difficult to see against the accurately represented corporate theatre carpet–designed to hide everything: I had completely missed seeing there was a trash bin & mop to pick up! :D

(You might want to add a note in the instructions in case other people miss the items too.)

Now properly equipped, I was able to complete my tasks after some persistence with some stubborn popcorn under the seat arms. :)

I enjoyed the little details such as the light shining through the theatre doors & shadows it created.

A well scoped & cozy entry, I enjoyed playing. :)

Update: Turns out I did get the “revised” concept partially implemented before the deadline after all. :) Is it “more compelling”? Good question! :)

Thanks for your interest in playing Solar Plexus! :)

[Update: Oh, actually, directly opening this URL might be quickest way to make it work: ]

A workaround may be to right-click on the section of the page showing the error message and choose to open the frame in a new tab. (Exact menu option will depend on your browser.)

Alternatively, it may be necessary to use a more recent browser version. (I’ve encountered this error previously when using an older version of Firefox.)

As I understand it, the error message is related to a change in how browsers/servers support embedding games in a web page. This is why either “un-embedding” the game or upgrading the browser should hopefully workaround/solve the issue.

Sorry for the delay in reply. Brains. :/

Cool concept. :)

I’m far[0] too young to be able to comment on the historical accuracy of the creations though. :D

[0] Okay, fine, “slightly”.

FWIW for jams I generally try to create a project page & upload a “safety” upload at least a day ahead of the deadline. (It’s a good way to ensure you can export+upload+submit+play/download & is a lot less stressful time frame to troubleshoot if you can’t. :) )

And, yes, when you upload an updated version the new version should be available for download or (after you enable it the new upload) for in-browser play. You’ll probably want to hide your older uploads via the game page in your dashboard.

I normally add a note to the project page that current version is a “Work In Progress” version or similar.

I generally hide the project page from “Search & Browse” until I upload the final version though, so non-Jam people don’t find the WIP version.

> both of them have to have a player logged in to work with their servers,

Just FYI: Epic Online Services doesn't require a player to have an account nor be logged in, in order to use multiplayer features in a game.

I've used EOS online/multiplayer features in a number of my game jam Godot games including &

This makes use of the "Device ID" feature of EOS:

The lack of a player login requirement was one of a number of factors that attracted me to EOS in the first place.

Also, FWIW, I noticed that a recent SDK release apparently supports cross-play with Steam account holders which is interesting:

That said, I'd still warn you that (especially for Game Jams) in comparison with a browser based game it's very difficult to get people to go through the effort of downloading an executable in order to try a game & then wait around in the hope that someone else will join.

While I wasn't able to fit in working on an entry for the jam, I just wanted to express my appreciation to you for putting in the effort of running a pacifist themed jam.

It may be a small gesture but I do think that encouraging people to think of creating games that avoid glorifying violence & combat is a positive & meaningful gesture in today's world.

Thanks. <3

FYI: In the jam submission list, your entry doesn't have an image--this is because itch doesn't automatically use the 1st screen shot as a thumbnail.

If you add the screen shot again as a "cover image" it should appear in the submission list.

(1 edit)

As a community service, I volunteer to start the thread about asking for a late submission URL. :)

I assume the penance is providing a topical joke, which I provide forthwith:

Why is WASM always late?
Because it don't got no `std::time::Instant`.

Wasmatter, not funny?

Okay, so, I do actually have Linux & Windows downloads available but as jammers know only in-browser get the views. :) 

Edit: P.S. Either way, thanks for organizing the jam, it's great to have a Rust-specific event for multiple reasons--and, despite the last minute hitches & hours spent on frame jitter debugging, I did manage to achieve some of my "new things" goals for this jam: Blender/GLTF-based level creation; theoretically user-creatable playable levels; more sophisticated lighting; CI binary builds; and, prototyped others, such as procedural level geometry via Blender Geometry Nodes. <3

(1 edit)

I didn't have the 36 seconds required to copy/paste the source URL, so here it is:

It's dual Apache/MIT licensed.

Oh, and I "used" the "pet" modifier, I guess? The player character has a pet dog, I swear... :D

The debrief for this will be a *doozy*...

Edit: A working WASM build does now exist but unfortunately I can't upload it until after the voting now.

Oh, yeah, the game as it exists in my mind is amazing... :D

The game as it exists in reality is... a little less featureful. :)

Thanks for taking the time to play the game & being sympathetic to the challenges of scoping for 48 hour game jams. Had to make some tough decisions on what was going to make it in as the deadline fast approached!

It's good to know the description was suitably compelling but perhaps I need to add some footnotes about the actual state of things. :)

So, yeah, as it exists currently, there's no actual progression possible, so, if you managed to figure out how to change from one video source to another with a transition of your choice, consider yourself a winner! :)

Thanks again for playing & leaving your comment!