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R3 Games

A member registered Apr 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great game and story, I did find the space controls a bit sluggish and clunky, but since that wasn't the task I didn't let it affect the rating. My only complaint would be the fact that sometimes the text goes outside of the screen. Overall It's a great entire and I hope that you get to round 2!

One of my favourite entries so far, I LOVED the atmosphere that you managed to make, but I did find the controls a bit awkward.

Low poly done right! Still lags on my PC....

Great job spoon, you never stop amazing me!

Feels like an acid trip in the best way posible

I can't run it for some reason

I like the concept, in fact my team did almost the same thing, but the enemy are just way too tanky

Got a score of 3190! 10/10 game

I like the game, It's just that It doesn't mesh with the jam theme very well

I have no idea on what to do, and which buttons to press

Kind of annoying that it's not a browser game, but otherwise the game looked very nice, altho I wish that there was more gameplay variety

Same here

Super laggy for me

Felt like an acid trip with a satisfactory conclusion

Worked now!

Loved it all the way...

Yea same

The platform didn't have holes in them after I got 2 letters, is that a bug?

Crome as well, the key to start is enter right?

In fullscreen the GUI takes up half the screen lol

A bit repetitive, but the penguins are cute

One of the better submissions that I've played so far!

Love the direction you went in!

Lags on my PC, so I couldn't get the full expierience

The effect might be a bit overdone, but the actual game was very well made

Just felt a but too short, would have liked to have more gameplay

I can't start the game ;(

For 8 minuets, It's pretty good


It made me too uncomfortable to play

(1 edit)

new best

Too hard for me

Post your high scores here! Mine is 65

Also, you missed something 

Can you please add WASD support?


kind of broke the game with this one

Had lots of fun breaking your game, my level is L3YW9

How could he see the purple t-shirt if he's blind?

For some reason the itch page isn't showing up on this page.

The right-hand technique destroyed this game, also the text wasn't fading out, so it made the story unreadable.