Hard to read the text backwards in AMERICAN mode. Need to remove the text object from the camera when setting it up in REVERSE.
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Depends if you can get UNITY to run on those consoles.
I am not joking on that either, the game was made in Unity, if you can get Unity to run on any of those, then yeah; it'll run.
I think you can get it running on the PS3 or Xbox360 since Unity was developed around this time, though I'm unaware if there are packages to make the executable's for those.
PS2/GC/OGXBOX Era needs something else beyond Unity much older.
Will there be any updates made to the build on Itch.io?
I invested into it waiting for a multiplayer that didn't require Steam's services. Then MP update comes out on Steam. So I'm curious if one will release on ITCH?
If it's not possible over the network via TCP/IP from the USA to someplace like Japan or Russia, that's fine; but I am wondering about Peer-To-Peer in a local area network where packet's don't have to travel as far and the player's manage their own server, host and save files.
Because we see boobs daily, no matter where we look. Your mother? Boobs, The girl up the street, girl at the Mc Donalds Counter, Woman in the office, it's impossible not to notice and more impossible to remove boobs to tell a gender between male and female.
Folks in my country don't wear Speedos with the exception of folks who do visit to wear them as their whole custom.
Lastly, just mod them in man if you are going on a Tyrade.
They aren't as noticeable irl and even then, Kiseff isn't planning to add any H-Content or anything sexual because they don't want too. This is still an Artistic choice and it's in the FAQ; 6th bullet making note on Jiggle Physic's and asking about sexualized content.
There is a possible modding scene; you might go to modify to add this feature later. Trying to push this when the developer is just trying to get it finished isn't going to make them add it or consider it if they are trying to just get this done.
I believe the creator was not willing to go this far. Yes, the clothing is revealing no matter which sex for character creation; but it's more of an artistic choice for character creation.
If you want to go that far, you are better off modding the game. Beyond that; I'd rather see this game get done and reach completion first. Then worry about other details like this after or not at all.
I can understand if the rest is just content creation from here on out while trying to sort out ONLINE ability; which I'm hoping there might be some for of Standalone in the future without needing Steam, though I'm sorry if that's not possible: But is there any plan to allow user's to make quest's or write up a few to add to the world?
I believe there is a Bug with Agatha's Figurine.
If you accept the Candied Pair Quest; then the figurine doesn't show up and if you accept Agatha's request first, then it does.
I've also had to play Metal Gear Solid trying to evade Julis looking to force the player to follow them while trying to look for that figurine to figure out where it exactly is, checking the corners of the entire house/place.
Well, ya should anyway mate. I'm a dev myself, though my stuff won't get published due to my inadequacy in understanding 3D. XD
And if you do a proper Sonic game, Sega would take you under their wing; I've seen Nintendo go after dev.'s even remotely touching an I.P. of theirs from years upon years ago: If there is another gaming crash, they would not last.
To correct myself; they would survive like last time, but if there's no competition with the exception of the indies, then folks may go to the indie dev's as a cheaper source of entertainment for games that give more for their small budget's like the editor you should try to publish beside your project, should being my keyword but it's your game, not mine, so do what you will.
Well, good luck to ya! I'll keep tabs on your project!
I get of it kinda is. But if I look at the homepage, it's the basics like tools, resources packs, games; and going into tools, I can poke at a few search parameters to reached what the community gathers and posted.
But why isn't this list in ease of access is what I'm asking is all. Is it to keep folks on the site?
I agree with this.
Problem with me though is I don't know how to setup code to interpret bumpmaps, bitmaps, jpeg's, packets and ports or how to get it to call home to send data to keep up with 4 players positions and inputs while reducing latency to keep it fair, keep that jerk 'Greg' from cheating and incorporate an easy method for folks to mod what I put together.
Most of these environments have this pre-built. If there's a mid way that can be approached and understood, I'll abandon an engine and start using Raylib; otherwise, I may just need assistance in understanding how to build my own tools.
To tell the truth folks, I never trusted Unity as a whole. I know there are folks for the changes and the mob who are against it with torches, pitchforks and the type of weapons that would help the user commit a war crime if the trigger was pulled once.
This topic is to offer other alternative's to folks looking to step off Unity. I guess you can think of this as a google search slightly more simplified. Willing to update this list with any other post's to offer alternatives too if available.
Stride(Free) - 2D, 3D: uses .Net 6, Cross Platform Deployment, has it's own scripting language that can be integrated in code - https://www.stride3d.net/
Unreal - 2D, 3D: An engine almost everyone jumped too, I don't need to explain it. - https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/learn
GoDot(Free) - 2D, 3D: Supports multiple languages, Popular alternative to Unity aside from Unreal. - https://godotengine.org/
Flax - 2D, 3D: Supports C++ and C#, Download is free though unsure about anything attached to it legally. - https://flaxengine.com/
Blitz Basic - 2D, 3D: Popular dialect of Basic, ancient but is still used in a few projects today, can be found in the ITCH.IO Tools
Got this game on Steam; loads of fun for the short play time. :D
Would have loved to got this on GOG as steam is becoming less favorable with everyone chanting the mantra 'YOU OWN NOTHING' and Steam enforcing that sh*t.
If a sequel is made, can't wait. :D
If this is made for a Co-Op for fun, really can't wait. 8D
I saw and played that one; though I somewhat disagree to an extent. Once you beat the game, it becomes the player's playground and they put in some extras such as a cut level or 2; though it doesn't accomplish the idea of an open world game like Morrowind or Skyrim as the game funnels you to a single goal like Banjo Kazooie as your given levels where you need to overcome with your skills in platforming and problem solving.
Still; it's a good call out. :D
It's a weird thought, though I wanted to see how everyone sort of FELT about it in a sense.
Everyone remembers the Nintendo 64 and games like Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask or Ocarina of Time or Banjo Kazooie/Tooie.
Though playing games like Skyrim, Morrowind and Breath of the wild; I'm wondering if anyone is working on a project of such where it's an open-ish world where you can tackle anything you want from fighting to interacting with the world doing other things, but in the same 64-bit-like style of low-poly models.
I've passed this thought to friends and they mentioned the titles above along with games Spyro 1 -3 on the Playstation or Dues Ex.
While I agreed to a certain extent, I couldn't count the Zelda titles, Spyro or Banjo Kazooie as those we're more focused on completing the main goal or quests while making side-trips to improve the character or it was required in order to progress. The former being more akin to Legend of Zelda and the latter being akin to Banjo Kazooie with the required Moveset or Spyro needing to free a number of Dragons or gathering certain treasures. Even then, I can't put Spyro on the list of a vast place to explore as the levels, while non-linear, are still blocked by the need to progress in the story or level before you can reach it.
So, I've kinda come full circle to ask if this IS done, being made now or has been done. I've been pointed to Lil' Gator Game and it's been fun to play and explore while gathering materials to basically have fun and play around in the game world where it's basically the playground you could never play in as a kid; the rest isn't there what I'm asking about.
Sorry for the long post, this is more curiosity than asking if someone will make one or asking for help.... Which if it was the other two, I'd post elsewhere though I don't think any modeler or programmer or even musician would take part in a project of the like.
I have a card game where in which I need help testing one of the newer expansions to collect and roughly adjust for data.
If you have Tabletop Simulator, then that will make setting up test's a lot easier. Willing to teach how to play the game just to get what I need to further develop my project. If you prefer a free method unto which to play the game on for testing and can gather 3 others willing to test on certain date's, I need to know the software/service which to put the game on and time to set it up for play-tester's to participate.
It's not a paid gig, though if you enjoy the game after testing, players may add a card of their own design and I'll add it to the current library.
This is more of an open question to all game developers to think about for a moment. I could be right, I could be wrong and open to criticism about this topic, but doesn't it feel like games, newer ones specifically and even by AAA studios have abandoned the ability to let the gamer's or users think for themselves when it comes to interacting with the game the developers designed? As in just spoon feed the player in a sense? (Except anything 'From Software' creates as they're known to up the difficulty WAAAAAAAAAAAY up there.)
An example or examples, take a game like Horizons Zero Dawn or the new God of War with Kratos, his Son and the hilarious Simpsons mod replacing Kratos with Homer and his son with Bart; Horizon's dungeons have locks that are color coded based on a bunch of the stuff players pick up from earlier rooms that was easy to attain so we just plug it in so the door opens. God of War, a bramble bush that can be set on fire and the game tells you a weapon that has fire can clear the way and so on... Though that's easy to ask, as I pulled these examples from a youtube video;
But my argument still goes beyond these examples.
Such as the Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask; which if there are any retro purists, just hear me out as I'm wanting to draw a comparison between it and the 3DS remaster with an example of what I'm arguing. At the start of the game when you arrive in clocktown, you need the Deku's bush in South Clocktown; it gets blocked by a business scrub and starts a chain of unmarked quests which begin with the Bombers and needing to get into their secret base as the guards don't let you leave town for anything as a Deku Scrub. To get into their base, you play hide'n'seek, find them and learn their secret code to get in but won't let you join their club as they don't want Deku Scrubs in their outfit. (It's a kid thing, it's happened and still happening to everyone.) After you return to human form, you can now officially join their club though this is where the differences start between the 3DS version and the N64 version.
In the 3DS version, the happy mask salesman just gives you the Bomber's Notebook, which keeps track of certain side quests along with handy alarms where you need to be before the day resets. Having it means you are now a bomber though the game just gives you the book.
In the N64 version, you have to re-earn your bomber membership by playing hide'n'seek or taking it a step further and just telling the kid at the base the password to get in. Once you do, go in and step out, the leader of the bombers becomes both irritated and impressed stating that only Bombers know the code thus you must be one of them. Being one of them, you are given the Bomber's Notebook without having to play Hide'n'Seek.
The difference between the two is one just gives us everything and the other, while it makes us work for it, let's us interact with the game world in a different way thus still earning it through other means that doesn't feel like a chore, it feels more like something where we think about the objective to get what we want and took a different path not placed on the table to reach that objective. Rather, we didn't think about it until we tried it ourselves and discovered that this would happen by pure accident or by wondering 'what if' as the game didn't show us, pester us or mentioned it from a NPC, we found that path on our own.
Another example to roughly argue this, going back further than Majoras Mask would be Megaman X for the SNES; the very first level being designed to teach the player how to play the game without using prompt's such as 'Go Right to progress in the Game. You have a cannon and this button shoots bullets. You fell in a hole, you try jumping on the walls to get out and discover you slide down them, you push jump again and discover you can wall kick out of the hole.' So on and so forth as the game itself teaches you how to play without giving a text box but letting the player experiment with the controls in a somewhat safe environment; letting the player figure out things for themselves, though I admit I got this example from Ego Ratpor's Sequelitis before his chin consumed him to keep playing Game Grumps for eternity.
Video that won't play in forums outside of youtube because youtube is a jerk; there is raunchy language, but the arguments are justified.
Then there's games like Megaman Legends which is legendary in of itself as the stuff you found helped you explore and interact with the world further, like helping the police find the Servbots after the attempted pirate invasion or going to the TV studio and partaking in game shows for some quick cash and so on where players can interact and kick empty soda cans and kicking them into recycle bins give's you some free cash or inspecting garbage bins and finding broken a vacuum cleaner and giving it to your girlfr- I mean mechanical partner in tomb raiding an ancient civilization for technology, Roll who repairs it and modifies it into a weapon which can be grafted onto your arm.
I guess what I'm getting at after all of this and comparing it to something brand new doesn't explore or challenge the players ability to think as they think gamers are braindead thus they don't put any effort into exploring this in game design. Some folks of the indie community from their games don't explore it as much or they do without realizing it in a sense. It feels like an abandoned art to game design that was thrown out the window because the content needs to get out 'right-the-F#(!<-now.'
On the otherhand, games that do encourage this whole heart in a sense are tabletop RPG's where the players have to interact with the game master and see where it will lead them and depending on the GM or DM, rewards the player or tips their hand a little forward based on what thinking differently than the GM or DM leads.... Providing the GM or DM isn't a jerk, but potato-tomato.
Though that's just me asking out about this, if any of the other games you played while working on your titles have felt like this and let you rethink a little on certain quests or aspects of the design in your game?
Or post an argument where this isn't the case, which I'm open hearing that as well so long as you don't use Cuphead and the journalists trying to clear the tutorial without realizing they need to dash and not jump.
Tried it;
Better Menu Options, Practice is a bit more colorful though I think I was also talking about levels like Junker where they used the same Platformer box though I won't argue.
Practice included a new power-up, a sword, spiffy though we can't use the vines.
• While I see you didn't take the colored vine change into account, I was able to see the Hub better and understand a little about how the game works with the vine a little, not exactly as I stated but fair enough.
•Have better control in physics, also helpful
Just polish it, maybe add some multiplayer if it takes off well and your good to go.