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A member registered Dec 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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how can i get in contact with you? your music is amazing

if i had the texts i could do a translation to spanish, i mean is my primary lenguage :P

man this is amazing, i wish the conversation continued in the krusty burger, i love the conversation, also i feel like them, man i love it n_n

that was amazing, thanks a lot n_n

i have a question on this topic, i made a font that is 3 pixels wide and 4 pixels tall, and for the love of god i cannot make it have a space between letters of 2 pixels, is there a way to make this?

thanks a lot n_n

thakyou so much n_n

it has to be totally original art, i get that, but if i'm making a gb game, can i use a screen from the game? or they have to be moc up style pictures?

downloaded and enjoyed, keep on the good work man ^^

there is a big bug at the start, when you finish falling, if you go full left, grab the wall ah press jump a few times the character clips into the wall and falls from the screen

nice little game, no one told you that trick looks like bart simpson?

really nice game, there ir a bug on the continue screen where you choose continue and it transports you to the same screen but in rpg style and you controll the arrow character

I mean you didn't expecify the game theme or type, are you gonna tell us the same day it starts? If not what stop us from starting right now our mockup? 

Don't worry is not much, it's not like it's gonna be gigas, don't worry about it n.n

Acabo de ver que también tenés una cuenta de itch de bitbros.... Revisalo

gracias n.n

also when you enter you can see some graphical errors, also entering the pause menu shows them

really cool game but the running speed is too fast and kinda incontrolble

amazingly great crafted, i wish i had this skills, graphically impresive and great stuff, i found the little treasure room at the start wih all the items, really amazing trick!

if you jump to the wall next to the stairs and dig, you keep diggin in the same direction and never stop

wow thanks a lot for answering, one big question, how do you fake gravity for the heart/knife/potion items?

Man this is amazing, i was trying to do something like this, will you share the files to teach or they're just yours?

sorry por el ingles era en broma xD pero si, las facturas xD

what? where are my facturas???? i want my bolas de fraile and my vigilantes XD

tenes que encontrar la llabe y usarla en la puerta

queriamos que fuera asi, pero nosotros si cumplimos el tiempo limite, y cuando nos enteramos que teniamos hasta hoy para hacerlo y no hasta el lunes pasado ya era demaciado tarde


muchas gracias ^^

muchas gracias era lo planeado ^^

muchisimas gracias ^^

la verdad es que queriamos hacer mas cosas pero el tiempo no nos dejo, igual una historia es algo que pensamos que era un poco necesaria e innecesaria a la ves XD

super awesome chuchi maximus

thankyou so much *A*