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A member registered Oct 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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I wish i could say i did, but no, i licensed the music from - i have played around with making synthwave stuff before, but im still very much learning and didnt have time to make a full track for the jam.

I did the sfx, which are pretty basic, with famistudio.

Nice game, i didnt make it to 12, but had fun playing it. The graphics were cool, and the controls simple and responsive, I also liked how my speed strat was great for a while and then i got wrecked when there were more monsters than seats.

We both came up with a similar theme interpretation! I really like your execution and presentation, it's a beautiful looking game and the simplicity of the controls is clever. The puzzles were pretty tricky! My favorite design element was how you showed the new colors to cover without changing the control dots until the player moved them, it was a nice way to delight the player with their own action.

Yeah the current design is using floats (decimals) for lots of things and that means it is very sensitive to particular positions etc. which means as a player after you solve the puzzle conceptually (ie. you work out what you need to do), you still have to experiment with the meticulous positioning of things to get the particular area that works out. So it favors a playstyle of lots of retries and experimentation, but i think with more dev time i could find a way to quantize the solution space better so it's not so finicky.

If you really get stuck and you're positive you have the right solution, but its frustrating to find the "right" position, you can use the menu to go into edit mode and just remove some elements so you trivially solve it to see the next puzzles.

(1 edit)

the action felt close because of the zoom level, i think this is a lean-in or lean-out kind of choice for the game design, lean-in might mean designing more surprise/horror mechanics with enemies jumping or lurking out of darker shadows, lean-out might mean designing a zoomed out survivors/shooter style gameplay. i think adding more strategically diverse or flavored upgrade options early on would be good too, it gives more player agency and makes players want to see how their strategy works out.

EDIT: i forgot to mention the psych horror vibe was cool and i think the idea of a last ditch high risk treatment as gameplay could give a lot of room for surprising mechanics

i got stuck on the first crafting screen (mac/firefox), i could select things and make a new combo, but i couldnt get out of the crafting screen, i tried every keypress and clicked everywhere. i like the art and only really just got a tiny taste of the gameplay - but i wanted to try more :)

wow, the art was incredible, and with the intro/chase kinda vibe it felt a little like "another world", but much faster.

very simple and super cute, beautiful looking game, well done

simple concept and well executed, the diversity of paths offered a bunch of different strategies which is pretty cool. graphics were good too.

at first i thought my attacks didnt work, but they were disabled until the battle mode started. the world is pretty cool and i like the island layout. when the battle started, i couldnt tell if my sword was hitting, so i just spammed wand, not sure if that was smart, but i died soon after hehe

i like the music and art, was really charming. im terrible at fighting and didnt get very far.

i like the concept, it's a cool blend. im playing on trackpad and i very very quickly started to get rsi, so not sure if i was doing it wrong, but being able to hold LMB to auto attack wouldve worked for me.

impressive achievement, that's a playable mmo, i even saw another real player!!

was playing on a trackpad so had trouble with scrolling items, but otherwise a cool idea of having a "homebase" to go back and craft things (rather than a menu system). combat was tricky, but im guessing better items make it easier. looked good too. really liked that enemies keep attacking your corpse after death, so brutal lol

cool graphics and sound, the softlock got me a few times and made me nervous, i also found the animation after collecting from a dumpster was unclear when it finished and i could move again, but that also made everything feel a bit more panicky so flavor win! the gameplay was clear and working out the level felt like good progression.

thanks for giving it a run!


one step forward... two steps back - it's a cryptic clue to use flag 1 to go forward and flag 2 to go backward

Clever idea, great sounds and nice visuals, puzzles were tricky but not punishing - a nice balance.

the game has a really nice message, the gameplay was super simple and i want to say the issues i had with feedback and controls were consistent with that game's message, because despite not really knowing if i was winning or doing the right thing and despite being hammered by the enemy, i persisted and was able to make it through.

really nice visuals and sound, i can see how it could get very strategic, i had a lot of trouble getting to grips with the combat, i think the bug with unfinished potions between turns breaking extract was confusing me a lot.

cool puzzler idea, gets tricky very quickly. i think having a visual of each recipe would help, i often had to do semi-random movement to iterate through the options i had when considering each step.

beautiful game, really nice progression and difficulty ramp for the jam, really well done :)