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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great game! super fun and silly. Reminded me in regards to style of the muppets!

Preeettyyy scary stuff. I jumped and scared my roomates, great game!

I think a touchscreen would def work better, who knows, maybe in the future I will try to get touch screen working, never done that before though.

Thanks for playing! I'm happy that you appreciated the music, not really my strongest suit so I'm glad it was not too bad.

Pokemon Ranger was definitely where I got the idea from, glad that you liked it!

Thank you! :)

Story was well done, dialogue is well written, wish there was more! 

The mechanics felt great to play. The timing was a little hard but it felt satisfying when you nailed it! Great job!

This game made me laugh out loud, I dont know why but I truly did not expect it.

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it!

I am sure how I did it is not the best way, but it was the only way I thought of doing it.
Here is a quick explanation for how I went about doing it:

When you Hit left click it starts collecting the location of the mouse and getting the average value. This average value is essentially the middle of the circle, as the average of points on the edge of a circle should be the middle of the circle. This list of locations is reset if the player:
a) Lets go of the mouse
b) Goes in the opposite direction
c) A full circle is created
It also keeps track of the direction from the first value(Location of mouse when you hit left click) to the average value calculated earlier. 
Then it checks 4 things
a) Their have been more then 10 locations tracked
b) The current angle of the mouse to the average is near the angle from the first position to the average.
c) Are their 3 points in the circle that differ from the first position by at least 90 degrees

d) Are these 3 points far enough away from the center.

If all of these things are true then it counts it as a circle having been completed and the list is reset.

This is frankly a finicky system but for a game jam it tracked circles well enough.

Glad you liked the idea. I think your right, maybe halve the enemies on the first level...or remove that level when it is not the tutorial.

Thank you! I don't think its a skill issue, I think the system could use some work. If I had more time, or maybe I will add it after the jam I would prob add some system to 'cheat' aiming a bit, where if you are close, you instead just hit.

Thanks for playing! Yeah its kinda a finicky system, I thought that process was gonna be a lot easier! Essentially. to charge you have to hold left click and spin somewhat tightly and quickly then when you are charged enough you release while moving in the direction you want to throw your lightning.

This game has a sick concept! Really enjoyed it! 

Thank you!

Thank you! Yeah, I think In the future if I keep working on it, I would improve the viewing map system. Maybe make it a checklist like a real digital map? Thanks for playing!

This games pretty fun, though I am a lot worse at asteroids then I thought I was!

Im going to be honest, when the I left the town I got jump scared so badly by the little creepy critters! I really really like this game! I found the movement good and art style was perfect! I also could not figure out how to get past the weird area but enjoyed it a lot!

Super cute  game! I love this kind of art style! I found it a little hard to find some of the characters cause they blended into the background a bit, but it did add  to the need to rush to find them before the end of the loop.

Beautiful game! It crashed on me a couple times but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! I liked your game too!

This was a fun and cute game! Great job using all diversifiers too!

Game looks great! One thing that I think that would fix some problems I had is to have a delay when you drop something before you can pick something up. Even like 0.5 seconds would make it easier. Because sometimes if you drop the block you also pick up the next one

I liked this game quite a lot! Its a genius combo that I think could honestly be further developed into a full tetris-like. Great job!

This game looks great! Plays well and is pretty fun! I found the sfx a little much and for some reason I could not mute them but that could be a weird bug on my end.

The gameplay and scaling are so smooth and really nice! I love the boost up mechanic I found the timing sometimes a little tricky but I enjoyed it quite a bit!

Nice game! Played quite well and I liked how the different parts functioned. I could not find a reset button after I died so I just reloaded the game but its possible I missed it

Nice game! I liked how the differently shapes attacked differently and added a bit of a back and forth with different enemies. Well done!

Gotta say, this game looks and feels great! As others have mentioned having to line up a full line across the board is an amazing mechanic and made the project even better!

This was a fun game! I did find the grabbing controls a little clunky when trying to move a block to the other side of me but once I reached a level where the player had two different arm size that began to make sense because being able to move your arms all the way around would defeat the purpose. What I maybe would do is if your arm is perfectly vertical have it pass it to the next arm if that other arm can reach it. Other then that I enjoyed the game!

Fun game! My only real problem was that I started really lagging at the end but, that could very well just be my computer not being the best! I really liked how differently all the weapons acted, in the future I think I'd prefer the bullets you produce to be a different color because I found it hard to dodge when there were so many of my bullets on the screen.

Yeah controls were def too confusing, The circle thing was supposed to be how long you could hang onto the wall for before you began to slide but I think that could have used some explaining for sure.


Great game! Pretty hard but really fun too! Looks great aswell!

This game was really fun! Movement felt great! 10/10

Wow the style in the game is great, I know it wasnt finished but it was honestly still a great project to see and mess with. I enjoyed just clicking on the blocks and seeing if they would happen to slide in the place

Phew this game was hard but it was so good too. It felt so good to line up my hits against the skull to destroy a whole group!

This game looks really nice! Took me a minute to understand it, but once I did I really enjoyed the game play!

Great game! Especially great since its your first proper game jam game. I read the other comments so while the timer going negative makes sense now, since the timer is bonus points I would instead label it as such, because while playing it felt like a glitch, like I was supposed to have lost the game. Also, I think your characters movement is not normalized though I could be wrong but it felt like I was moving faster when moving in the diagonal direction, which not bad is something to look at in the future!

I really really liked this game! I found it super fun and the puzzles really well designed. I was sad when it ended cause I was really enjoying it! Great job!