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A member registered Mar 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Another pop-up will appear asking you to enter your colours in HEX separated by commas, 

Inside that paste the whole slew of HEX data I gave you earlier with the commas, Click OK. 

Now with your palette uploaded, you are pretty much free to draw anything with the palette.

Click on the + button next to the palette name in the preview tab,
After that, 

a pop-up will appear(make sure to enable pop-ups) and enter the name of the palette(Autumn Harvest 37),

 Click OK, 

Then, click this button,

You go to This will show up, 

They will give a tutorial if you are not signed in, 

If you want to use Pixilart but can't find this palette in the palette library, 

You don't pick a palette,

This is the palette for;

 Hex code:  #390c14,#2a3636,#465544,#677a5d,#8a9c73,#babe85,#ebda8d,#fff4b0,#4d2c17,#71441c,#957128,#b8993d,#d8bf63,#bc9e24,#e8c128,#ffdd3d,#5f521a,#817b1a,#a4a51e,#d5c529,#83391d,#b65f21,#db9421,#ffbc30,#d68533,#ebaa46,#facb67,#ffe58c,#ac4427,#d96624,#fc8e26,#c64e2c,#ef6544,#e06d34,#f4893d,#fba74e,#fcba62 

 If you know how to import palettes, skip the tutorial below.


Thanks man.

Theme(s): Dragons,Mathematical,Altitude.

Article: scp-1762(Here were dragons)

Ok so hear me out, last night i got an idea for a web jam.

If they exist tell me about it.

And please fell free to give criticism and feedback.

Mabye we can get Adam to host it.

And it was March 25th.


"a longer answer is "sort of": it's possible to use variables in bitsy dialog to control what room a player goes to when they step through an exit; combine that with a shuffle block and you can randomize the rooms players go to - I've experimented with this as a way to create a random world layout and it's definitely possible, but I never finished the game in question partly because of how labor intensive the process was, so keep that in mind"

This much was what I needed.

Thanks Adam.

(1 edit)

This is a small game I am working on. Maybe finished before 25th;If not have patience. 

Can you randomly generate rooms in bitsy to make it like a mini rogue like.

Hello I am Phi(Not my real name).I ma a small indie/web dev who likes to make small games and websites. I mainly use Vs code and  small game engines. I am new to bitsy and am currently making a game in it.You can see some of my stuff on my page.

Theme: Myth /Fact

// Keeping it simple , so that many ideas can sprout from it.

For the second question:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ohk thanks

Is the level playable or not.

If yes should we make the ablities for going through  the level.

You're welcome

Its the second time the theme is used.

Umm i may have switched the game files so mistakly submitted the wrong game For the browser version So ANYONE WHO HAD PLAYED THIS REPLAY IT and leave a rating

So Please play it again

Umm i may have switched the game files so mistakly submitted the wrong game For the browser version

(1 edit)

Umm i may have switched the game files so mistakly submitted the wrong game For the browser version

I am Indian Actually

Had difficulties uploading

Level 733333148 is so good just spam w/up the whole tim

Let me check it.

Ohk i understand

like add a backstory to the game.

Reload the page to restart

And shooting lowers the boss health

Thanks i had only 12 hours to make it

THis was my first game jam actuall



Thanks i removed the last submission as I found Out Today Morning

I mistakly submited the wrong one so deleted it i just need permision to submit the correct one by the HOSTs

This one

I mistakly submitted the wrong game

This is the one i was suposed to submit

yes i mistyped it sry


So there is no page found with the people joined